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*Trigger Warnings*

  • Sexual Harassment/Abuse
  • Rape Tones (there is no rape and the sexual abuse stops at kissing but I do feel the need to include this because Laurens has thoughts and ... yea ... Laurens)
  • Manipulative Behavior
  • Laurens

This took longer because I literally had to stop at least three times and wash my hands. On one hand, I made the disgusting character. But on the other, you guys voted for him. So which of us is really to blame here?



Honestly I’ve got to applaud you for how much this made my skin crawl. I went into this knowing Laurens is a despicable person, and still somehow managed to be surprised by the extent. The way he perceives things and his general thought process makes me shiver. And I feel so much for Tahani. I hope she can rest peacefully, she didn’t deserve that 😭 Ignoring that, I do have to mention that I very specifically loved the imagery towards the start of the chapter. And the little peek into the wetlands was interesting to me. I dunno, I think I just really love reading about scenery. It’s the one thing I’m always drawn to in writing - I like reading about areas and how a writer can make them feel alive. I’m also interested in the different types of basilisk - I don’t know why I never really considered there were different kinds. I guess it never really crossed my mind. Either way, it was cool to learn. Anyway, I feel like I need to go take a shower. Maybe two. Listen to happy music.


I was really surprised the vote leaned that heavily towards him and even more so that I didn't vote for it as well. 🤣

Carpe V

Oh, wow. Thank you for writing this. I imagined this a bit too vividly 🤣 It is disturbing, but inside I will surely remember next time I read Lauren’s name in the text. To me, it gives his name a certain “feel” now.