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I will start this out by admitting my own faults. I went into this second part of my studies, believing that the basilisk would not differ much. It is widely known that basilisk and dragon are very distant cousins. Basilisks, bridging the gap between dragon and reptile. With that said, I made far too many preconceptions of what I would find and inevitably found myself disappointed at how wrong I was. Whereas I thought there would perhaps be two things that differ. I have instead learned that there are only two similar things. I suppose every scholar has felt this before, and it is simply my time to be hazed.

And with that now said, here are my findings.

The biggest is that the basilisk penis is divided into three stages: aroused, erect, and pre-ejaculation or climax. Whereas commonly, these flow into the next one without any visual difference, with basilisks (I have realized that I repeatedly say basilisk in this study, but this is for any Phaizarn reptile from what I have discovered.) it takes on different looks as the stages progress. Basilisks possess a crevice opening that is thinner in appearance than a dragon's and does not have scales decorate the area. The area is far more sensitive, and it is not hard to raise an arousal.
The penis is not at full length in the arousal stage and is still soft enough to be pulled back in. None of the etchings are there and, though funny, many call this the sprout. Fitting.
The second stage is the erect one. This is when the genital has reached its full length and size. One will see a delicate pattern appearing on the shaft during this stage. The design will become more fleshed out in time, proving not to be a pattern at all but an actual kind of appendage named hooks. As the penis nears its arousal stage, the hooks begin to harden more. They will start to cling to the individual's insides, making it harder to pull out during ejaculation. 
Interestingly, I have learned that these hooks are relatively sensitive in a way that almost warns the person when hooking is going to happen. There is a particular time when the hooks will separate completely to fulfill their purpose. During this separation, quick bolts are sent through both the body to further excite the member and warn the individual.
The last stage is arousal when the hooks can truly be seen. For me to actually observe and inspect this stage, it took many failed attempts. Exciting a basilisk member and trying to not get one's fingers cut is actually a difficult task. This lends credence to reptiles' mouths and genital areas being notably tougher than most to avoid injury. But like any worthy scholar, I persevered.
The hooks, at this moment, have hardened and will branch out enough to cling to the walls of the area. This limits the movement of the penis, but then brings up a secondary hook set known as the underside hooks. These specific hooks are extremely sensitive and even the most basic friction will aggravate them. This allows for the final stage to be done with no problem. The hooks will remain in such a way to make sure that the semen is spread within. The two are stuck in this position for at least half a minute before the hooks unfasten and allow the individual to pull out.

Art by Meira




It’s strange to have this kind of conversation about a fiction, but, will this penis be compatible (I mean, painlessly) with a phoenix vagina ? Or a phœnix mouth ? Or even a phoenix anus for those interested?


Yep. There's added friction but there's also contraceptives and potions that allow for different things. Basilisk culture is probably the most advanced with safe sex lmfao.


Very nice! I love my Ruben route, but I really look forward to the Basilisk one ! In due time obviously 🤗




Art. Nice.

Carpe V

Wow! That’s actually super detailed and cool 🤩 Zarik’s route is my favourite, can’t wait to see where it goes. Super interested in Basilisk culture…some elements of Basilisk House remind me of the Middle East countries, especially Ottoman/Turkish Empire (?)🤔


I will say, I have come back to look at/read this more times than I'd like to admit. Maybe I am a little bit thirsty.