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"So, tonight, you will make yet another foolish attempt then?"

"A blizzard is coming."

"Which is why this plan is so idiotic."

"If I can beat out the blizzard and make it to the village before it can hit, I will be safe. They will lose my path, and I will have already moved on by the time they pick it up." You roll up the map with a nod of your head; freedom will be within your grasp. Gathering everything you need, you lay out your clothes and head towards the bed. A simple nap, you repeat, lying down, and your eyes do not take long to close.

You awake with a start, your mind catching up to a body now on alert. The world outside the lone window in your room is dark; incandescent stars glimmer clearly against a never-ending canvas. You can hear the usual whirring of the wind, warning you that you are wasting time.

You stand, stretching out tired bones and awakening a body that will need all of the energy it can muster.

"Stop speaking as if you will not be caught like every other time," the Voice reminds, no trace of sleep in its tone. "Years of failed attempts and you believe this one will succeed."

Before you can choose whether to deign the voice with a reply, you hear a loud thud. Originating from the other side of your door, you listen to it again. You wait and instead of another thud, you hear a low muffle.

Something shifts and folds in your stomach. A familiar voice that has warned you numerous times in the past to be careful and brace yourself. You usually hear it when others are closing in, yet another escape looking to fail.

"What was that?"

"Who is that question directed to, the wind?" the Voice questions.



👀 I’m really excited to see what this phoenix will be like from this snippet. I’m also curious about the voice - whether or not it’s a personification of anxiety/doubt, or if it’s actually something or someone else. I’m super excited to see how Makaio’s prologue is going to play out from this!