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I should actually type some stuff and then in like two weeks be like April Fool's. Ahh, I crack myself up.

Let's see. Let's see.

Throne of Ashes

Obviously the biggest news is ToA at the moment and the fact that Ruben is literally one chapter away from being done and that chapter has already been started. At the time of writing this I'm at 6k words. I know ToA is an entire game but these routes feel like they could hold their own separately and so it really feels like I've managed to finally complete a game. Which is like wow.

April 8th, Deckhand tier and up will have access to chapters 8 & 9. I don't have any date for when 10 will be done but I can successfully say it will be this month.

I'll post a reminder and more in depth conversation about how the full route will be released in a more official post. With that said. I do have a CG artist. Give that loud ass cheer for our very own Meira, who has already done a fucking fantastic job on the portraits and is now taking on the CG's. You love to see it happen folks, the MVP's be real. 

There will be three CG's per route, one being exclusively patreon only. This CG will follow any other CG that I release exclusively here. But more on that like I said. I really want to thank you guys because it's thanks to you that I can actually give them to you guys. So round of applause to all of you as well.

Other Things

  • Amari's Milestone: Still coming out but I promised myself not to just do my precious vaewolf wrong and write it right. Meaning not to just write it simply because it's something already expected.
  • Superstition Updates: Will get back on that after this fantasy surge dies down of course. S1 is actually almost done but there are a few things that I need to add to it now due to feedback.

Monthly Requests

So I wanted to try this because I do already have two requests. This will not replace the monthly stories but sometimes my brain can't come up with things to write and I end up sitting here like *blank face* So let's try this out.

If you have an idea or something you wish to see me write, whether it be romance, lore, or origin based comment or message me. This almost works like commissions but less personal for obvious reasons and also with no predetermined word count. If this works out well then I'll also flip flop between this and monthly stories. If not then I'll simply stick to monthly stories.



Oh wow. The fact you're so close to finishing Ruben's route is absolutely insane, like holy hell, can you be even more amazing? Me lying in bed at night and crying like a baby after reading the prologue and first chapter feels like yesterday, honestly. Oh and you can bet I'm gonna scream at the top of my lungs for Meira, because her art IS ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!


It’s amazing the amount of writing you’re able to do so regularly!


I'm so incredibly impressed at how swiftly you made it through three chapters - and how good all of them were at the same time! Your writing always makes me smile and I've found myself rereading your series from the beginning over and over again. Sometimes when I'm ready to go to sleep I can't help myself, and spend an hour rereading Superstition or what's been written for TOA. I'm so happy to have discovered your writing and Patreon when I did. I'm also excited to see more of Meira's art to go with the characters. It's always a blessing to see Meira art. Wishing you all the motivation and luck this month! Don't forget to take breaks when you need them <3


Hey - I am new, played the demo on itch.io and immediately rushed here to play the extended demo. I found an issue with one of the options in it ("Do as he says. Shift" where it acts like a hyperlink, and opens a new window, rather than progressing the story. Would you already know of this and have it fixed elsewhere? Can send more details if it would help?