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Zillah lets out a chortle as he dives beneath the dark surface and rises a few seconds later. I surmise that the lake wasn’t too deep since he looked to be standing without issue. 

“Are you going to join me, or are you going to stay over there?”

“We were just chased by some unknown spirit, and you’re playing in a lake.”

“I call it living my life and not letting some supernatural freak ruin it.”

“And if it comes back?”

“It’s attracted to nightmares, $name. Unless you know something and didn’t share it with the class.”

Choice: Stay where I am.

I continue looking at him for a few seconds more before placing my attention back on the blanket I had spread out. I idly fiddle with a loose thread, attempting to center both my thoughts and my mind. To focus.

What happens next shocks me as one minute I’m sitting, hardly paying attention to Zillah splashing in the lake, and the next, I find myself in Zillah’s arms.

“Put me down!” I screech, slapping his back, but he does nothing of the sort, chuckling as he walks towards the lake.

“Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare!” I repeat, squirming in an attempt to get loose, but his grip is solid.

He rearranges me so that he is now carrying me bridal style and wears a faux pout, “what’s the magic word?”

[[“Please. Zillah, I beg you.”]]

[[“Fucker I swear!”]]

[[Distraction! Kiss him.]]



I live for this


I'm screaming!!


YES! Zillah! I can't wait for this!