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I feel like I should put some mini story here about some life altering thing but that would require a working brain cell and I have not that ...

Thank you to everyone whose here and still holds patience with me! Love you guys!

Throne of Ashes

May 5th, the demo will be out and available for tiers Sailing master and First Mates with early access, and then Deckhand and Boatswain after a week. Again, remember this story is not for everyone so if you don't like trigger filled dark stories then this might not be for you.

Below is the trigger warning page from the game. When triggering things do appear, there will be a warning.

The work currently goes up to chapter two in all routes and 125k+ W/C.

  • First Mates: If you would like beta access then please send me a message either here, Discord, or email so I can send you the link. Also, if you want a character or a location then please get that in so I can actually plot them into the story and not have to do it last minute.
  • Sailing Master: The Beyond the Demo will NOT be for this story because of how I am going to be doing the schedule, drop down a bullet.
  • Schedule: The schedule for this is new as well. As I go through the story, it will be updated here first. So, First Mates and Sailing Masters will get early access of a week. And then Boatswain and Deckhands will get it as soon as it comes off of EA. This will repeat until the book is done and then the book is given to the public in full.


Just in case anyone cared, Insight is nearing 50% of the way done which is actually crazy because, it's Insight. I will be focusing on fixing the numerous bugs before uploading anything else because the last two chapters really punched me with them.

I don't know whose going to be done first, Insight or ToA ... both ... wishful thinking.

For the Crown

Has reached 50% but unlike Insight, I reached such a snag in one of the chapters and it has yet to clear up. The options there is to continue working on other stuff in hopes that when I come back to this, I can successfully write it, or redo the entire chapter which isn't bad but puts me back to the brainstorming board. Also, unlike Insight, who is still following decent linear storyline, FtC goes on totally separate branches. 

So, if anyone was wondering if anything died. No, everything is very much still alive. The only thing dead is Dragon Racer, too soon? 

Also, yes, this helps me. Balancing two or three stories is what I'm used to (balancing one *stares at Superstition* is what starts to do my head in). So, no worries. I actually haven't had writer's block in the longest and I'm so geared up for all three stories ... watch me in two days start whining saying I have no motivation or inspiration ...

I don't know whose going to be done first, Insight or ToA or FtC ... all three ... none ... wishful thinking.

I really have to stop using ellipsis ...

College AU

I will be looking over it to figure out where I'm going to go. Do you guys want a development thing for this or do you not care? Do you want me to pop into Discord and bother you all with ideas and discussion or do you not care again? I feel like I just rant and say stupid shit in them anyway. But that could be entertaining maybe.

Commissions :: CLOSED

Continuing to keep it to two for the moment. Link to Doc explaining commissions and what I need here. I'll message you when I'm ready for the info.

1. Lys

2. Gerry

Monthly Story: Romance | Origins | Lore



This is all so exciting yay! For the College AU, I like it when you share stuff about the development of your game (i'm a bit lurker on discord so i might not respond but i will read it!) so.. theres me at least


Yes, hello! I would appreciate an early access link when it's available <3. Please and thank you in advance heheh


I'd like an early access link, too. As for the development thing, I don't really use discord anymore (too many channels and not enough time, so it started stressing me out to get on there, lol), but if you want to throw polls up here or bounce ideas off of us, that would be fun!