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Throne of Ashes contains violence, strong language, sexual content, and sensitive topics such as trauma, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, suicide, depression, etc. that may be disturbing to some readers. This story is intended for mature audiences only.


You are a child of the illustrious House Phoenix. A beacon and a reminder of all the strength and pride that your house possesses. But running through your blood is a vile curse, one that will not only see the end of you but spell the end of your family and line. Ripped from the life you knew and with an uncertain future looming ahead, you must decide for yourself how strong you are and who truly steers your destiny. Save yourself and help change the fates of those you find yourself holding close to your heart as you fight to break a curse and uncover your fire.

Timeline and Background

This story falls in an early era of Jiwenia known as the Era of Divide. This era is defined as the time where species were just beginning to intermingle and separate. You, Phoenix, are a  Phaizarn, a bipedal creature with the ability to shapeshift into an animal. And as you can guess, that creature is a phoenix.

It takes place on the largest continent known as Treces aka Forbidden Lands. A land known for its danger and mystery.

Romance Routes

There are three routes in all and each route takes the reader through not only a different character but different antagonists, locations, themes, and stories. You learn different things about not only your companions but also yourself in each one with changing personality traits that have a direct effect on how the LI behaves towards you. There is no punishment! You can behave as you wish and do not have to worry about the LI wishing to break up with you, the only thing that changes is their disposition.

Choose 1 of 3 romances ...

  • Ruben Draco: The dragon chieftain with an attitude as fiery as his dragon form and a heart that appears as cold as the lands you traverse.
  • Ozara Kallippos: The pegasus princess who seems to be strictly business and who keeps her thoughts and feelings behind lock and key.
  • Nouritis "Nour" Gryps: The heartbroken Crown Heir griffin who was forced to watch as one by one, all that they loved was taken away.

Stay tuned for their bios and portraits!

Added to this is the idea that other routes will also become available once the main three are done. Keep an idea of those that you meet as I will be taking popular requests for future LI's in the future.


Seeing that this is a romance game (I actually thought Molino would be my first but would you look at what fate decided) there is no route where you can choose to be single and not romance someone. With that said, each LI has two possible routes that you can take them in.

At the moment, there is only happy endings. What, Tierra can write those?! Who knew! -_-

Warnings and Triggers

Let me first say that the warnings you see up at the top aren't just for show. The themes of this story are darker than that of Superstition as I'm actually just writing it the way I want to in terms of dark themes. Of course the book will have trigger warnings and certain things won't show at all if you decide not for it too (mainly the sexual abuse). But if any of this is an issue don't read it. I don't need anyone having a panic attack or being triggered. You don't want that, I don't want that.

I do dark themes because I like bringing awareness and showing the different avenues that people can take in coping with things as well as to getting help. Also the idea that you're not alone and that light can thrive, it's there. But I fully understand that this isn't everyone's cup of tea. We're adults and I believe we can all respect that.

Also with all that said, if you see something and you're like "huh, I wonder if T could add this option in or do something like this," or "T ... I think you should reword this or take a second look at this," tell me. Don't sit there and be shy or think you're going to hurt my feelings. I'd rather that than find out I offended someone due to an ignorance on my part. But that means also respect if I do put something in that you don't agree with but is there for a reason. I can't add every single feeling and emotion towards something in but I can damn well sit here and listen to people's outlooks and understand.

CG Goals

I'm still thinking this through but I'm hoping to include CG's in the game, at the minimum three for each route. Of course this decision won't be made until the game is done and a estimated price from artists decided on. But, something fun to think about.



I'm so excited AHHHH 😭😭😭😭


So exciting !!! Can't wait 😁


I can't wait for this to come out! <3


Could you please elaborate more on behavior towards the LI, so if you are the worst and have the lowest score with them, do they still will fall for you or will they hate you and just be married off to you without any feelings? And the stats under the LI are more how you are towards them or them changing because of your actions? And thank you for the absolute best novels I ever stumbled upon! They are a treasure!


Sure, and thank you for the compliment I'm so glad you enjoy them! So, when you view the bar with the LI don't view it as a 'standard relationship bar' it is honestly a personality bar. The bar just basically changes certain traits (not all) and how the LI acts. I'll use Ruben as an example. Ruben is hotheaded, possessive, cocky, etc. and this won't ever change regardless. What traits will change is his impatience (fiery) vs. patience (mindful), argumentative (fiery) vs forgiving (mindful). The stats under the LI are you and how your relationship and experience shapes you. So it's possible (though I believe a tad bit harder) to be combative and still get a mindful Ruben who pauses to consider what Phoenix and others have to say instead of being gung ho at the start. Regardless of where you end up, the LI will fall in love with you because it's not a question of how much they love you just how your relationship influences their behavior and some actions in the future. Ruben will fall in love with you regardless, what changes and what that bar represents is how. Does he fall in love with your quick temper and how you challenge him or because of your patience and kindness even in the face of those who don't deserve it? I hope this clears it up more. And if it doesn't then don't hesitate to tell me so I can try and explain it better. I gotchu!