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“Averill,” the Kren witch calls, coming forward with the Phaizarn tracker, “we believe they may be traveling along the eastern road.” Averill digests this news, attempting to figure out what they were doing. If $name and company were trying to escape Nidinia then they were going the wrong way, as inland would do nothing for them.

“For what purpose?” Averill says aloud.

“Map,” Ansellus shouts, snapping his fingers. One of the guards rolls their eyes but retrieves the map and hands it over. Opening it, Ansellus hums in thought as he examines the drawing, saying nothing to the waiting figures before him.

“Ansellus!” Averill growls, “today, please.”

“The best I can think is that they have contacts to the east.” Averill snatches the map and looks it over. Pausing as $his wandering eyes land on one place in particular. $His heart thumps wildly, again $his mind chuckling as it chastises $him for $his foolery. When will the gods deem ?him worthy again?

“The rebellion,” Averill states, $his voice far too emotionless for $his own liking.

“What?” Ansellus asks, understanding a second later as he takes a second look at the map, “I doubt we’ll be welcomed.”

“Yes, but I am more than sure the murderer of the crowned prince will be. Do you know if $name was in contact with anyone from there?”

Ansellus shakes his head, “but ?he’s a witch, magic opens up a door of great possibilities.”

“Indeed,” Averill growls. $He would have to think this over. They could attempt to catch up to $name but if they made it into rebel territory then the tables would turn and it would be Averill and $his group who would be hunted. That was if they even headed straight to the north. $He was beginning to feel outmaneuvered.

“Let’s go,” $he orders, “there’s nothing more here for us.”


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