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“Now, be careful,” he warns, “these are real blades. We’re going to teach you –” He’s unable to finish his sentence as Sydero glances over at the target and with hardly any work on her part, throws the knife. The crowd lets out an audible gasp as the tip sticks itself right into the bullseye.

“Sorry, friend,” she laughs in a menacing way, “but I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing.”

“We’re going to get kicked out,” Rahim grumbles from beside me, burying his face into his hands.

“Oh, do you now?” the performer laughs, “then how would you like to give these people a little show? A competition, whoever can get the most points in thirty seconds.” I take note of the way his voice seems to raise in pitch. He was attempting to stay in control, but he didn’t like being upstaged.

“You’ll lose,” Syd sings, glancing over at us. Rahim shakes his head, motioning for her to decline but she does nothing of the sort.

“We’ll see about that.” The other performers leave, only to return a moment later with another target, bringing out a few more knives as well.

“You heard the rules, folks,” another performer says, a large smile on her face, “the person with the most points after thirty seconds will be deemed the winner. Let’s clap it up for them.” I suppose that even though this was an unplanned hinderance, it didn’t change the fact that they needed to put on a show for everyone in attendance. I at least had to give them credit there, they were fast on their feet.


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