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“But Tierra, it’s not May.” Yea, well, I’m an impatient person and this kind of needs to come out now because I have important news. Also, there’s a lot that I need to cover!


I’m burnt out, but not a bad burnt out. Not the burnt out where I’m just flipping the story off and saying that it’s going on hiatus. This is an actually good burnt out, I’ve just been working on it and nothing else and my creative juices just got tired of it. Hence why I added an additional week to the break. Already I can see an improvement as working on other things has got me closer to being able to write Superstition, but I’m not there yet. So, for right now, Superstition is on mid-season break (because we are halfway there). I can’t give a specific date yet because I really don’t want to rush back into it and then burn out again. But I will give a date as soon as Episode 7 is fully written and tested by my beta team. If this pisses some of you off, I’m sorry but I’d rather give you guys and that story 100% and not 65% or some other random number.

For the Crown

My break with Superstition does not mean that I’m just going on mini vacay. I’ve been working to get FtC moved over and coded in Twine’s language and so far, it’s going well and I’m excited to share the rework with you. That story has been around since 2013 so it deserves my love. So, for any of you thinking that it’s an additional project to the workload it’s not, not really anyway. It’s been around for a while. So, ears out on that.

If you’re part of the First Mate tier and would like to receive the beta link for the game, then please message me or email me.

Dragon Warrior

I’m hoping to give Dragon Warrior some love this month but I’m making no promises since Superstition and FtC are still my big projects. But if I add anything to the demo then I will be sure to tell you guys to recheck it out because I do want to rewrite it.

Stickers, Polls, and Buffalos

I … I don’t know, it rhymed and so I went for it. First off, I have ordered the stickers and will post pictures of them when they get here. I’m so excited. 

Poll wise, because there were tons of them, here are the results for each one:

Goal Romance Game: The Winner was Chris, so you guys get prepared for that. I think I’m going to just brainstorm ideas and pick the one I can do the most with. This game might not be out this month but who knows.

Superstition DLC: The next DLC story will be a Renaissance Fair Canon story so be prepared for the gang to embrace their sexy medieval sides.

Due to the goal game that I’ll begin writing, I won’t do a romance story this month. But I am planning on updating some codex pages and maybe some other stuff. 


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