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Let me first start off by saying that I hope everyone is healthy and doing well. I know you guys are sick of hearing it but social distance yourself wash those hands! You’re too beautiful to be sick! 

It’s always weird to do these forecasts because even though it’s a month thing, I still hate looking to far into the future. I’m a house soul anyway but dangit if this spring weather ain’t making me want to go outside and soak it in. Also because I just don’t like being told what to do …


Of course I’m continuing with Superstition. Along with that, a Sydero short story that is yet to be named will be coming due to tons of people asking and being interested in what’s going on with our little cambion. You’ll get to see more of the Princes in that as well. Whether the art I give you guys is commissioned or done by me, I’m planning on giving you some art of our lovely. Also not saying that will be out this month but I will start on it.

Also, voting for the Superstition DLC (should I call it DLC? Whatever) will be starting this month. I’ll be taking that in strides, and it will be done in fragments, ex. Overall setup, secondary genre, theme, and basic summary. Pretty much like what was done with Wayward Road.


I’m not really planning on doing anything to do with the other stories just yet but don’t hold me to that. My biggest problem right now is staying focused as ideas for other things begin to pummel me. So, if something more comes out then ta-da.

Also, I’m hoping to put a vote out for the top three sticker designs. This month so keep your eye out for that vote. Once I get used to how this goes then I’ll start adding more.

Monthly Romance Poll

Let’s do something that’s not Superstition! Vote below for who you would like to see. for romance.


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