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The end of the year is upon us. I want to first thank all of you for your patronage. And like the biggest shout out to all of you who have been with me for months. You guys are the real MVP's and remind me on the most stressful of occasions why I'm doing this. I hope your holidays are great and that December brings you cheer.

Dragon Warrior

Some of you know that my goal for Dragon Warrior was not met (if you didn't know, here you go). Honestly, I had zero motivation and was burning myself out trying to find said motivation. And so I devoted my time to other projects (and actually did a great job at those). I'm going to stop coming up with excuses for Dragon Warrior. There will be a story, don't doubt that, but I don't want to just chuck some half-ass story at you guys. I'm sorry.

Shader's Romance Game

The plot is there, the work is getting done. I'm waiting to hear back from the artists so I'm hoping this will all be done soon and I can give you the story soon. This story won't be tremendously long. Think Wayward Road (one of the routes).

Hmm ... Anything Else

Other than that, I'll be trying to get the Beyond the Demo of Insight out since that is nearing completion. As well as some more sneak peeks to Superstition (and hopefully DW). I might even work on Villains. This month is really one of those, work on everything but nothing. Holidays will probably bog me down with family obligations. But I'll still be posting the usual things here for you guys.


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