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Goodbye, beautiful October, and hello the month of NaNoWriMo. Wayward Road is out, and I do hope you guys enjoy that. If you guys spot any bugs, then email me or contact me through Discord. I tried to get them all but probably failed.

Goal Reached

So the first goal I've ever set has been reached, wow! Firstly, I would like to thank every patron for their continued support. I can't thank you guys enough. I really can't. The reward for the goal being met is a special romance story for a character and commissioned art to go along with it. (If I ever start drawing again, I could do the artwork myself, but ha!) Because of this, I'm not going to do a monthly story this month so that I can try and get the story out to you guys as fast as possible. The monthly story will come back in December. 

I'll put a poll out so that you can vote on which character gets the story. And I'll have more information after that's all taken care of. This reward is for every tier.

Dragon Warrior

For NaNoWriMo, I'm going to be doing as much work on Dragon Warrior as I possibly can. I have the chapters outlined, and I'll be starting from the beginning, so new stuff may be added. Of course, you guys will get the first peek of the demo and beyond as I go. I'm excited to see how far I can get with it.

Superstition Season 2

I did say that I'll give you guys a heads up when Superstition might be rearing its head, and so far, I'm projecting it to come back in February. This might also be when I start college again, so this is more of a guess than an actual, yes this is when you'll see it. I don't want to swamp myself down here since my fingers will feel it more than me.


You might have noticed that I didn't release any prompts, that's because the way I envisioned myself doing it, didn't work out ... at all. I have another idea of how I'm going to release them, which is different than the concise collections I was going to do before. I'm going to find prompts/sentence starters that I like and post them separately throughout the month. Hopefully, that'll work out better.


You guys voted for it, and the links will be out this month. Note that not everything is up. I add stuff, change stuff as I go. So you'll be seeing things added over time. I'll also post random links to major lore links.


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