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First sneak peek at Superstition Season 2 ...

We all wander deeper inside, not finding anything that would tell us who the house belonged to. I hear something shift and hear Bradley yelp. Standing behind him is a tall lean man with an almost medium beige skin tone. His silky black hair was currently pushed out of his face, and he had a mustache and stubble that matched in color. He was dressed in casual clothing, joggers along with what I guessed was a white t-shirt and an open jacket.

His narrowed eyes land on me before peering over at Chris, his grip on Bradley tightening as he inches the knife closer to his neck. Bradley stands perfectly still, wide eyed and shaking profusely as the symptoms of a panic attack seem to set in.

“Hey, do whatever you want but please, just let him go,” I tell the man.

“You come into a stranger’s house, uninvited, and you think you can tell them what to do?” he questions, raising an interested brow, but I let go of a relieved breath when he releases Bradley. Chris inches forward and grabs the frozen boy’s hand, guiding him back to us.

“Don’t move an inch, or I will kill each and every one of you,” he warns, “explain who you are and what you’re doing here. Go.”

“I’m $name,” I begin, my hands still raised as I glance at the blade in his hands, “this is Chris and the freaked-out kid is Bradley.” His eyes flicker to them for a half a second before coming back to me. “Faye sent us, she said you could help us with our problem.”

“And pray tell that problem?” he questions, relaxing though his grip doesn’t on his blade.

“Our friend was dragged to hell.” He hums, taking a second look at me.

“Is this friend human or supernatural?”

“Supernatural,” I answer, his eyes still trying to piece me together.

“Tell me, $name, right? What are you doing traveling with two humans? And exactly, what are you?”

My gaze lowers as I clear my throat, “no one has been able to tell me that. Guess, you won’t be able to either, huh?” This seems to interest him more than deter him as he approaches. I find myself gazing into pale arctic blue eyes. A stark difference up against his skin tone and hair. 


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