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Hello, all you beautiful souls! Firstly, I hope all of you had a great summer. I just wanted to kinda go ahead and put this post out of what you all can expect to come. In spring, there is a good chance that I will be headed back to school to get my master's, if so then I will be rearranging Patreon a bit.

I also want to put this out there, so there's no miscommunication. When I do monthly stories and other monthly things, it's open for anyone who fits the tier qualifications. Meaning if I do a monthly story in February and you pledge in July, you can still go back and read it. That also means that not everything will be delivered on the first or last of every month. I actually don't like doing that because it feels like nothing comes out later. But it WILL come out. Now onto the exciting things ...

Dragon Warrior

In the works, thank you so much for being patient with me, you guys. Currently only the prologue and Chapter One is out but Chapter Two is near completion (though I swear it feels like I'm writing two different stories within one chapter). The way I'm going to do this is that every time a new chapter is ready, then I'm going to release it through here first and then later for the public. I'll be posting a new link that will also act as the extended demo link.

New Story??!!

This has actually been in the works for a while now. I started on it before even Superstition actually became a real thing, but it kinda got pushed to the side. I do think it's now time to unveil it though and so I'll be posting it on the 1st! It's an epic fantasy adventure from the same world as For the Crown. And yes, there will be romance.


Seeing that Season One just kinda concluded and I'm focused on two other stories, I don't know when Season Two's predicted date would be. But you guys will be getting any sneak peeks, art, and links when they become available. My fingers hate me, but the bonus content, as well as Sydero's Origin and Romance story, will be out, just have to figure out how I release to them on the calendar.

Hiatus Alert

Villains and For the Crown is currently on hiatus. If everything goes as I think it will, then I will be rotating stories so that I can keep out of writer's block and Villains will be rotated in with Superstition since they're both more modern (and both in Twine). Neither of these stories are dead though, far from it.

But that's all I can think of! If you're in the Legendary Dragon Rider tier and would like to make an NPC for any story, please tell me. And if you have feedback, questions, or anything else, then please ask. It might be easier to contact me through Discord or through email.


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