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I've decided that to get a better number of responses I'm going to open this one up to the Hypno Connoisseur tier as well. This is subject to change.

I have already been compiling assets for each of these, and you should expect a video release in around two weeks at the Connoisseur tier level. I may eventually also release an abridged version across all tiers. I'm still trying to find a good balance of content across Patreon, so if any of you feel strongly about how the tier reward system operates, please please let me know.

With that said, options are;



I am...honestly okay with any of these. I am still voting for one of the first two because i have seen many furry cock hypnosis, however i would be okay with it because it is not like i have seen a "good" one before. but still hoping we get to either (or hopefully both) of the first two eventually. because bovine hypno is always fun, and i have yet to see a furry bunny hypno. just bunny-girl (tail and ears) or bunny (feral)


I'd prefer the bunnies, a little bias there but any is fine ;P


Your slutty bunnies are waiting, patiently <3