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This week's episode will be the long awaited Enty episode! I'm putting together a doc this week of kind of a timeline of my experience with blind items, when I first "met" Enty, the work we did together, who I thought Enty was (and my theory on who does and doesn't write the blind items on CDAN), and the big drama bomb/reveal of his identity that ended up happening.

I wanted to throw a section up early for any questions that you guys might have or want answered in this episode so I can make sure to include them.



This isn’t an enty question i am just curious and maybe missed why you don’t do anymore collabs with Christy?


Just financial reasons! The main podcast downloads go down in the summer so I couldn’t afford a regular cohost for now - hopefully I can in the future

Kylee P

Flop era where your episodes have been hitting lately