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People fear Ai....

Ai does not pose the threat you think it does....yet.

Here are some typical results from basic Ai images. If Ai really was so great, it would know human anatomy and how it differs from objects around it, or even basic clothing on people...

I spend a ridiculous amount of time editing this stuff, and it is as time consuming as fixing bad 3D or CGI renders.

To get most of my "Good Ai" images I wind up kit bashing several of my Ai images in photoshop, to produce the one good image. I spend a lot of time putting arms from one image on a character in another image, or breasts, or fingers, lots of hands...Ai sucks at hands... if the legs are really bad, I just give up...

At the same time...some elements come out great...but you have to know what you are looking at, to see the image that could be there.

So what is art really, is it the image, or what you feel from the image?

When I do 3D people say that's cheating...I didn't make the chair,  or the table, or the sky dome...blah blah blah. The same argument can be made with my photography. I didn't create the earth or the people in it.

It's not art, until some third party shmuck says it is.

I do know this...If I turn off my PC...none of what you see here...would ever exist. Not the way YOU are seeing it. There may be other stuff that is similar, but it would not be this. So am I an artists, or an Ai photo editor?  Who cares?

If you like it great, if not, there is so much free stuff out there on the internet, you don't need THIS. Go get your free art! It's all free! Go get it!

I'm not here to make everyone happy. That's impossible. I'm just doing what I do. If you like what I do WOOHOO!




Chris A. Meeks

Well, you make me happy. You make stellar AI art of some of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. That is what I get out of it - unbelievably beautiful and perfect women that I don't get to see any where else. I love you, and I love your stuff. Keep up the good work! - SuperDittoHead from DA :)


Wow. I really appreciate that. I don't get a lot of feed back on my site, and when I do it's usually when people leave. So, thank you.