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For this month I will focus on the next story for Mercy and I wanted to give you a little preview ^^

It's a model I've been wanting to use for a while, although the outfit may change (I originally wanted her to wear her doctor's gown as well, but I think she looks great this way too.... I still have to think about it 🤔)

I would also like to do something with another character, but I'm not sure if I can, because I want to get as much work done as possible before the end of the month to have everything ready and take a few days of "vacation/rest". 

It would not be a vacation as such, just a few days of disconnection to take care of personal matters and come back with more encouragement to create content.

Anyway don't worry, I will do everything necessary and you shouldn't notice my absence since the content will continue to be published without interruptions, but I apologize in advance if at some point of the month I'm late in answering direct messages ^^"

For the moment this would be all
I hope you enjoy your weekend and you can start your monday with a great start 🥰




Very much looking forward to it


She looks absolutely amazing i can't wait!