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I just wanted to let you know that the content this week may be delayed a bit.

I just had an inconvenience with my Internet company that decided to leave me without service but I am already seeing what I can do to fix it as soon as possible.

I was already having problems with this company but unfortunately I don't have many options to hire a new one so I was resigned to it but now it seems that due to a misunderstanding they have decided to cut my service and I am making a claim to be able to recover it. 😮‍💨

Hopefully I will be able to solve everything in the next hours or until Thursday, but I wanted to let you know about this situation.

Sorry for the inconvenience 😖



Just don't worry too much. ​The results of handling some unexpected situations in reality are often beyond our control. ​We love the work you produce, and production takes time. So, don’t worry too much about dates online. Deal with offline issues first and don’t be impatient. ​