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Now that we are in the middle of the month it seems right to make this publication to inform you of changes that will take place next month with the content.

As you know I have been trying to keep a constant work rhythm in the last months to be able to provide you with new content every week and so far I haven't had any problem with it, but starting next month the time I will have to dedicate to this hobby that I enjoy doing will be less (due to several obligations in my real life) so surely the amount of content published will be less than usual.

I apologize for not being able to be much clearer about it.
As I say this is something I enjoy doing and I don't want it to become a burden and end up getting tired, but it seems right to inform you about it.

Anyway I also clarify that I will not stop thinking about stories for the sets, the monthly polls will continue so you can decide on the characters/themes of these stories and if at some point I can not upload the usual content, rest assured that I will find a way to continue generating more content to compensate ^^

I really appreciate all the support you have given me and I hope I can keep on creating more content for you to enjoy


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