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Hello everyone, I hope you are well ^^ 💜

I come here to tell you about two news about the content that will be published soon.

- Next Story -

I'm making this post to let you know that this week you will have news about the next story to be published along with its prologue.

The chosen character was Mercy, so expect it very soon 💛

I really apologize for taking longer than I wanted to start posting this story, I've been a bit busy with personal projects IRL that I've started in the last time and also I've been doing several tests with models and the ways to work with them as well as exploring other alternatives to bring you the content I make (Among them, something I want to do more often is the content with dialog included).

I really appreciate your patience and support, I really feel that I don't give them the content they deserve and I want to change this as soon as possible >.<”

- Model preview -

Another thing I'd like to show you as a preview is a model I've been working on lately and if everything works well it will be used for a special content next week ^^

Here is a preview of Wanda Wilson or also known as “Lady Deadpool❤️

I loved the character but there was no public model of this character, so I wanted to try to create it combining different models/resources from other places and this is the almost final result
(The model may suffer some last minute changes/modifications, but I think it's ready to be shown)

I plan to make only 1 work with this model, but in case of noticing support on it maybe I will publish something else in the future, that will depend on you ^^


For the moment that's all I want to tell you, and I want to take this date to remind you that soon the access link to the archives will expire and it will be sent again to the corresponding patrons on the 5th of next month.

To those patrons who decide to keep their tier active let me thank you in advance for trusting me for another month and to those who for one reason or another do not decide to keep their tier active, also let me thank you for the support you already gave me this month 💜

I send you all a virtual hug and my best wishes for all of you to end your month in the best way! ^^ ❤️




no te preocupes tarda el tiempo que necesites, pero una sugerencia en vez que las historias no puedan repetir el personaje de la historia anterior tendría que ser que no se pudieran repetir los personajes de las ultimas 2 historias porque mercy ha salido hace bien poco en la penúltima historia y se hace muy repetitivo lo digo para que halla más variedad de personajes en historias porque por ejemplo mercy tiene varias historias y sombra solo tiene 1 aparte de las comisiones. Lo siento por escribir tanto


Soy consciente que debo realizar algunos cambios respecto a esto para evitar que se repitan tanto los personajes para así traer más variedad y también buscar una forma de sacar historias con más frecuencia. Lo que mencionas es algo he tenido en mente implementar junto con otros cambios para las historias, solamente necesito organizar estos cambios para que se adapten bien a mi ritmo de trabajo actual.