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First of all I want to apologize for the delay regarding the delay in posting the following story.

I had some problems setting up the details of the story with Chun Li's character (who was the most voted in the last poll)

Basically I had thought of an idea for this character and I started preparing/searching for costumes and scenarios thinking of making it but difficulties and issues arose that didn't convince me during the preparation of it.

At the end I had to discard the idea and start thinking about a new one but that saturated my head a bit because it happened in a week full of other work so I decided to take some time to refresh my ideas and think about it more calmly.

Anyway, this extra time was useful for me as I was able to plan a few jobs with various ideas that I had for a while (I'm glad those posts were well received both here and on Twitter ๐Ÿ’œ)

Although publishing these works helped me to maintain the constancy of content during the last weeks I also feel that I failed to bring you the next story in the time that was usual and I apologize for that ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

With this post apart from showing you a little bit of Chun Li's outfit I wanted to explain you what was the situation during the last weeks as well as to let you know that her story has not been cancelled and it will start to be published very soon ^^

Thanks to all of you for your support and patience with me โค๏ธ

I wish you a nice week! ^^



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