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Thar be a healer in town! And he's under strict orders to help with the investigation up north. How he's going to do that you ask? Why not ask him yourself? Get started on your quest to meet the healer with Azlos. Just make sure you've played around with enough people first. Got to give them time to finish setting up shop of course.

While we wanted a bigger update than this, the holidays really took up a lot of our time so we did what we can. There'll be a much bigger update coming up next month! 

If you haven't heard the news, CursedMarked will now the artist for the game, so make sure to give him some love! You'll be see characters and other stuff remade in his style next month! We'll start off with a new character, then update each area one by one. Patreons can see work for him done now over at the new Healer's Office!

What's New?!


- Reynard's been thinking about trying out more of the locally grown vegetation and other foods to expand his recipe list, and luckily for him, there's always an adventurer around the corner.
- Reynard will also open up shop for those who go out help him think up these recipes.
- To show off this new shop, Reynard's been hitting the gym to get his body in shape!
- You can now hire other adventurers to protect you while you're out forging. Need to go out and ask them first however. Hint! If you're far along with Vince and Vandeel, there might be someone else you'll get to meet.
- After playing around with Boris too much, you can convince him to be a bit more friendly inside of the walls as well.
- After showing Azkim you're very much into what he is, he'll keep you around to help make sure he's always ready for his missions.
- In preparation of getting a new aid around the offices, Sep has been grooming himself even more of late.
- Azlos has fully tested and is now selling two new potions in shop. Wonder what they do?


- Azlos has some new deliveries for people to make as the town continues to progress. How do you know when this is? Just make sure you're up to date with your local drunk bear friend and everything he has to offer.
- A new location will open up shortly afterwards! Make sure you're ready to listen to doctor's orders!
- Along with this Nel will be found in a new location, so make sure you did everything you wanted to do with him in his old.
- To help with this, we've also fixed some bugs that was with doing Azlos' deliveries.
- You can now invite people over for some food from your room! Just be sure to know them well enough and have some food for them.

Don't want to pay a monthly sub on patreon? Get it over on my shop as well!

Get the downloads over on Itch!

As always, patreons! Check your folders~ If you're having any trouble accessing itch, don't be afraid to pm!

Check out the current scene count as the game gets updated, public and patreon versions!




Is it intended that all dialogue gets marked as dialogue that hasn't been read before when a new version of the game is used? This started happening quite some time ago, not sure if it's exclusively on linux.


some more odd things I've noticed: 1. Reynard has never accepted ingredients from me. he always say there's nothing new. 2. Every time I ask if he's Thought Of Anything, a new Banana Pork Pottater Stew gets added to the Order Meal list. There's currently 9 copies of it in my list. 3. While at the bar, once unlocked Drum Beats and Boris, there's more options than there's space for and the options spill out both over and below the panel. 4. After foraging no items appear in my inventory. is this how it's supposed to work? Bonus question, is there supposed to be more adventurers available for foraging than Azkim and Boris? if so, which ones?


I notice this as well, unsure if this is an issue with using old saves, or if there is flat out a bug with it. I had the banana pork pottater issue last patreon update too.