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Would people like me to include an option to be female in gameover?

What would change if so?
- Player would mostly be referred as gender neutral as to not change too much on the backend
- We might have cgs where the player has a dick or not, or not include it if it's or needed. Many scenes already don't include the player in it or having a dick anyway.
- There will have female characters appear later either way, but it's still a male bara focused game. Characters you have sexual relationships will always be male.
- It would be a potion you'd buy from Azlos, like how you turn off and on kinks with him now.

As some of you know, I do write m/f and f/f on a different account, and I wrote some m/f in the past as well. Just wondering if people would like it or not. Pictures wouldn't include breast in any of it unless needed like with Rigur's. 

Whether people want it or not, as you know I'm using characters of others, so if they're not ok with the idea it might not happen either way. If they are, it'd probably be a gender neutral thing if you are male or female.

Scenes are mainly about the character you're interacting with than the player after all.


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