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And he's demanding your attention, but, will you give it to him?

The final gate guard has arrived on the scene, and with that, the town can feel a little more protected. How protected? Why not go visit him and see what a good job he can do when given a task.

With him, only 2 more main characters are left to be added in, doesn't mean that won't be any new characters, just not nearly as much content as everyone else. He was pretty fun to write, can't write to update him later on in the year. Might do a poll to see who people want more as I write in the story progression elements

Currently though, if you want to see this good boy, Early Viewers can go say hi. Just be careful, he gets attached easily. He might know his own strength but that won't stop him from getting too excited when given the opportunity.

Check out the current scene count as the game gets updated, public and patreon versions!  

Added a new tier to le patreon, with how easy it is for me to throw in content, outside of the coder coding and the artist... Artisting, I decided to have people commission in characters and such. Pm me for more details either on patreon or discord if you ever want to see someone, or something, in the game!



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