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Life reared it's ugly head again...

I planned to have Jake's day 4 dun and did before the 20th, and I'm just getting to it after the last time I posted cause something popped up and now my sleep schedule is ruined! 

I doubt I'll be able to get Jake's day 4 done this month at this rate... I'll probably just extend the gameover I was going to do near the start of his day 4. Write some nice BDSM for people who have the mental changes major. I feel bad about not being able to get er dun like I was planning, so maybe I'll throw in something else as well.

Won't be throwing out a public build this month it seems but patreons will 100% get the update along with something else if I feel like I didn't give enough. Now if you excuse me, I need to sleep off 2 days of existence. 

Early Viewers be sure to check out the dropbox!


Velgaia Dobie

No worries! Stuff happens, hope you get lots of rest!


Same as Patrick. Don’t worry too much about things. Hope you’re doing better after some rest and refresh.