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I feel so helpless... All the bugs going on in SBA and I can't do anything about them. Just give all the reports to the coder. Feel so helpless and just a passenger.

Other than having to spend a couple of more days doing sba stuff, I AM HYPED!!! To continue with the new TEH TONW!!! I've even got an IMPROVED compiler to handle all of Goro's, MEATY, pics. Then when the pics get too much, quickly end it!!!! And start on anew, which I already have something planned out. If that makes you wonder if I already have the whole thing of the new story planned out, yes, why yes I do. I was too hyped for it. While yes, I was 100% focusing on sba, but I was still working on this. 

I'm ready to start writing again soon. I will again on the 15th, and it's gonna be big. I'm thinking of having the public version be the 1st day, and the patreon version just goes onto the 2nd day. I think that would be smart. 1st and 2nd day is a lot of intros with minimum splits depending on what you did on the 1st day. BUT THE 3RD DAY!!! That's when it gets spicy! I think Ima do like a week? Then throw in some patreon bonus 8th day for everyone you can end up with, then get started on the next thing! And it's something you guys seen before, spoiler on it on me fur page!


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