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Been trying to get a bunch of systems inside of sba before next release and write the stuff for it. Sure do wish I had a coder to do this. Been annoying since the 24th, but hopefully I'll have everything done and somewhat tested enough by the 1st. Doesn't help with the fact I need to make 3 versions of sba. Since the wiki is basically a free guide, it's really not fair to those of 5+. So! To make up for it! I've told others on it we're going to move the guide to 3 and have extra content in 5.

Not what I was originally planning, but got to make sure people are getting their money's worth. Making a more in depth post about it on sba on the 30th. Gotta make sure that bonus stuff isn't cannon. Just rando stuff. I was actually thinking on making it interactive dreams the player would have unlocked based on the scenes they saw.

That actually sounds really fun to write, but, got to get through all this coding I'm not done with yet. Amazingly, I'm actually doing it right. Just in Jan I thought doing these type of things would be impossible for me! I'm not really excited that, that skill is increasing. Rather be a better writer, but eh. If I can rely on myself for more things, I know it will be done instead of hoping others will come through.

Wow that sounded depressing.#ihatecoding



No, not depressing. Relax and keep up your work, which I am sure is doing well. Everything will work out!