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I'm not allowed to enjoy my xmas holiday in bed where I want to be. Forced to do things other people want. So much for the days off of work to rest~

Other than being driven and pulled to places to make other people happy between work, not much been done for me. I did put all the folders in gdrive! Some people been having trouble with dropbox, so there's another way to dl it all. Next month I'll have to zip all the files. Uploading them like in dropbox takes wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long. Gdrive... Why do you take 10 years to let me upload.

Other than that. Enthusiast! Check the early viewing folder sometime on xmas. Pretty late, but hey! Something is better than nothing. Gonna be bum rushing the writing. Got all the back end stuff up and ready for all the juicy bits to be put in. Just... You know... I need some time away from people to write. Really hyped to write both sides of the story. Got to make sure I don't describe who you're playing as too much when you play them. Already got some ideas to put in. Doubt I will be able to put them all in nor write it the way I want to on the corresponding sides.

Then again, when do I ever get to write everything I want to.



I hope you will be able to realize all the ideas that you have conceived, and concerning the time - you will find it...