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New month and new rewards. Since I've been getting a bit more free time, I'm going to start writing random stories that's been bouncing around in my head. Not all that often since I do have other stuff to write and I'm opening up commissions next month again, but you know, least once a month. Sooooooooooo, you early viewers get something extra... I need to put in the proper lines of coding it in when I add cheats later. Don't worry thought! It'll be viewable in public once I make like 2 or 3 of them. No want to throw out too short of a story. I'll probably just combine them, and add in like a des of each one so you know what you're getting into. Gotta admit doe, it is nice just writing what I want to write without checking a check list of everything that's got to be included in it.

But! For SbA! I'm starting on dat main story quest. Got all the lv events done and I'm turning them into wwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much story. They were suppose to be a short snip of them helping you out but nuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I had to throw in a storyline to all of them. I swear it's like a fetish of mine of something. Bright side is it's a lot of fun writing it. Down side is I still don't have a bunch of time throughout the day to write it all.


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