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I can't wait till feb... I did barely any writing for anything else this week... Le sigh. Not only that, but I'm learning the hard limits of twine 1. It's taking its toll on The Town. Had a scare that I couldn't get into it anymore, and there's a work around, but it takes some more time. I probably won't be able to do much for till next month. I just need more time than I'm getting in between work right now.

Also, the reason why there wasn't another pic for this month is because Rackun didn't make it. He went silent on me last month, which is expected since it's the busiest month, but sent me a pm saying why. Got sick and was busy with rl. Hopefully he'll have something made this month since he said he's getting on the ball again. As for when the next release will be, later this month. I need some more time to do some background stuff. Nothing I can do about the way it looks till backgrounds get made though, but hey! You know... It'll be easier for me when the bgs and character art gets made to just put it all in and insert it.

Huff. I really wanted to do more, but this and next week will be dead for me. Too busy with work since they're trying to give us as little time off as legally possible. Just too much work and heavily understaffed. Sooo many no calls no shows after they come for the first day. bright side though! Next month I'll have more time... To sleep like crazy. All the rest for my body.



Just don't let them overwork you too much. You don't want it to damage your health.


Yea. It'll be over next month and I won't have to worry about doing this again till the next holiday season.