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Work has been hogging all of my time. I wrote a bunch of stuff! But you know, what good is that when I don't have the time to put it in. And then I'll have to convert it over to tweego... Le sigh~

Other news, good news, Rackun said he could do all the pics for SbA. Soooooooooooooooo, no sudden changes in art from other artist! Unless people ask me to. Maybe a fan draws something and gives me permission to put it in like Min did. Idk.

Other than not. Not much going on. Wasn't able to do much cause of work... Oh! I decided for SbA to make people's day 1 paths longer. I mean day 1 for anyone in already is decently long cause you got to include everything before you choose, but I mean longer for when you choose them. I did Kevin's and Chase's path, but only put in Kevin... And his fight... And 2 other arena fights. Guessing I can release it when I'm only pumping out 1 interactive or something for the month. Keeping with pumping out 2 things a month. Seems like a good pace at which to release things.


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