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Been having to write so much this week. Not just for my stuff but for stuff for others, but you guys probably want to know what's the stuff that affect you more.

Well, quite a few of you noticed someone messaged me about that VN, and have been asking me about it. I can't say about the future, but maybe, I'm hoping. Nothing is going to come up about it anytime soon though, so don't get too excited.

Other stuff, I've been putting in the 100's of k's of words in The Town this week. It's dumb how long it takes... Who's great idea was it to give me free reign to write a lot... Putting it in on my free time is going to take forever...

Also been doing some stuff for SbA... I'm getting to antsy to get to work on it again. Been thinking of so many things to write for it. I can't wait forever. Something is going to come out eventually for it...

Pretty much it. Hopefully next week will be less busy. Work wise, and I can put in a lot more stuff for The Town. Rest of the days won't be nearly as big, and after 4, the last few will come out a lot sooner.


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