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Soooooooooooooooooo, everything for the evening is done, and I'm getting halfway done for the night events as well for The Town... Just none of it is in the game.

I only can and have the time to put it in the game while I'm at home, and I'm usually busy doing home stuff and no wanna go to work stuff. You know like. Working out, cleaning, eating, sleeping for I wish 12 hours. xD

I use to have some time to kill my will to live to put in it there, but dragon quest 11 came out, and I've been all about that before getting to sleepy to stay awake.

I can't help it. I love the main series, not so much the off series, of dragon quest. It's hogging the little time I have to put all my writing in the game... I blame work. It's taking up most of the time I have in a day. DQ11 is just the innocent bystander. I can't stop playing it. : (

Also... While I can have time to write during work since me no need to be home to do that... It's making really want to create a visual novel... I think I'm going to look for a group that wants a writer, or when I get the money (and a different job), pay people to draw and maybe code it... Idk about the code it part yet... But I really want to make a vn... All I can think about when I'm writing.

I'm rethinking about what I want it to be about though... Less about fetishes like the town, and more about the story... With lots o smexy scenes. I no like it going too slow.


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