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It's a story about you and a imp finding each other, and he wants to use you for his personal pleasure.

I tried making this less choice dependent like requested by some people. I thought why not since it was for Patreon. Uhhh... Yea... Didn't like it so much.

100% I need story and more meaningful player choice. It's what makes it more fun for me. And! Once I properly learn the new engine, it's going o be even better. More... Choice...e...er.... ALL OF THE HIDDEN VALUES!!!!



As long as you give us some sort of walkthrough or something for them. :P


xD Well patreon's get the patreon version, soooooooo you have nothing to worry about there... Ish... You still miss story. The walkthrough deciders can make me do a walkthrough on it to make sure everyone can see everything.