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So this week, even though work and other real life things have been hogging all of my time, I got a lot done.

Finished the patreon interactive the day I started writing, and wrote a lot for The Town.

Though... While writing the patreon interactive, I learned I need to add more polls and have some thing separated. I kept thinking should I be leaving it like this, or should I add this, during the whole thing.

I did get carried away with writing it... And might have not slept for work cause of it, but! I was happy writing it... Just wanted to add so much more to everything... But I had to pull myself away from it, it was already getting huge and if I continued... I would have doubled all the paths...

Next interactive though. We're focusing on 1 main npc. I need to write all the things for that one, and not stop myself because I need to switch to a different person, and then end up with like 20k words written and I want to add like 40k more... I WANA ADD SO MUCH MORE TO THEM ALL SO BADLY!!!! But need to do The Town and do rl stuff... : ( I wish this was my job...

Also, since I want to throw out more polls to make this feel like it's more of your choice, than your suggestion. I'll be throwing out multiple polls at once instead waiting day by day. That way I can know everything I need to, to start up in a week or less.

For the chooser of walkthroughs. You guys get to choose a story I make one on... I already know which one is going to be chosen. I normally have to ask the commissioner if it's ok to make one if it's a commission, so I did in advance. More details later once you chosen it.

As for SbA news, it's still being worked. The coder is hard at work putting everything in, and making sense of whatever it was I was doing. All of day 1 and 2 should be out next update. Then we get to do day 3 based on what everyone wants, and the guides and walkthroughs will be released later.

Speaking of guides. For those who have access to the how to meet everyone and their descriptions, no matter how you got it, don't bother with asking for access for dating guides. Nothing is in them. Patreons will be deciding later which one I make first, will be on how to get their perfect path maybe something else down the line, and then released to the public later.

I also need to update the descriptions more like I did for Trald... Oh well.



I'll always be impressed by just how quickly and how much you can write. I wish I had the attention span and speed to do the same with my stuff.


I just have an overactive imagination, and keep going till I write everything that's in my head. I have to stop myself alot of the times. xD Also you write?