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Eya. Been a while since the last info post. Hope you're all doing okay :).

First of all, the Azarinth book 3 edits are off to the copy editor, which means my part and my main editor's part is mostly done. Cut down and rewrote the original section of chapters 152-324 a lot and hopefully made it better. At least there's some semblance of pacing now. More info when we get close to release - still a while off due to various externals. Here in this post you can download the files to the original book 3 section of the story, if you want to have it as a pdf or epub. I'll likely take it down sometime early November.

Next, I've been working on Infrasound with full focus for a few weeks now and plan for it to be my main project for the time being. Due to that, I plan to change the main advance chapter tier for Infrasound back to the 5$ one starting 30th of September.

Still no schedule or wordcount goals so I can stay sane and so that I can keep the quality on a level that I'm happy with. I'll post 5 chapters in addition to any posts I'll do anyway in the first week of October to offset this change a little bit.

I've mostly set these prices based on how I feel about the value of what I make/how split my focus is, and currently I feel like it's back at 5$. Azarinth advance will remain in the Sentinel (2.50$) tier. Of course if you don't feel like the provided value is a fair exchange, then you are free to cancel the subscription at any point in time. That is allowed 8).

For now, I'm excited that the book 3 edits are mostly done and that I can focus on writing new stuff again. I'm also aware that the tone and characterization in Infrasound is a pretty big change from Azarinth and I understand that many of you may not find it as engaging. To those who've checked it out, I'd be happy to hear your overall thoughts so far, good and bad. I've certainly learned a lot from the process of writing it :).

This year has not been super easy. Thank you for hanging around, and for reading what I write. It really does mean a lot.




I probably won't reread AH before it's full edited and published. I liked it a lot but if I'm not gonna binge the whole thing I'm more comfortable waiting. As for Infrasound I'm excited. I like the difference in scale and system balance. I like that the characters don't feel like they're massively outpaced by Kate. I like the cast being a lot more involved in the story. I'm excited to read more!

David Oldfield

No offense, but the first ten or so chapters have a massive number of problems. I kind of feel like I wish there was an option to send you screen shots of each page to help with the editing process, since there is no other real way to notify you of them. Some are spelling errors, and others appear that software replaced the word you were attempting to supply with another, which did not fit the context of the sentence.


Whoa that's way farther than I thought book 3 would be I thought it'd end with Ilea training for her trip north. Not having freed Maro. How much is getting cut?!


Any Ideas of when edited book 3 will be out?