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Hello everyone (TLDR at the bottom).

I've been thinking about how to tackle all this but I suppose I'll just go with it.

You may or may not remember me testing the waters with Leaves of Terranthir, trying to produce a story beside Azarinth Healer to clear my head. I talked about various considerations like Ilea being insanely powerful, being a little burned with the constant updates and working on the same story.

Now I'm working on Infrasound, another side project to develop, to learn and understand more about the process of writing and storytelling. To set up a new world and see where it leads. The process has been fun and super rewarding, with both stories.

Beside the reasons I stated for starting these projects, one of the major ones was one question.

When does Azarinth Healer end?

And what would it mean for me? Was it all a fluke? Was I just lucky? Can I even write anything worth reading? Oh my god nobody will give a shit. I have to keep going, forever and ever.

Well, since I first asked myself those questions, I've learned quite a lot. About writing, about what I want to write, and about what I enjoy writing.

When I used to read more progression fantasy, there was usually a point where things just got a little boring. The main character was fighting gods, or forever stuck building their village, maybe they got bogged down with too many side characters, too many political responsibilities, or they just ended up in an endless constantly escalating slew of tensionless battles.

I think some of that has happened already with Azarinth. I do think I continuously managed to get back to some of the main themes, the slice of life, fun fights, and the adventure. But at the same time I don't want the story to turn into a corpse of endless repetitive cycles.

Which is why, about a year ago, I started to consider and outline potential endings for the series. I'm not exactly a planner, and enjoy more to mostly just go with the flow, which meant this wasn't the simplest process and more detailed planning is still ongoing.

We're at a point now in Azarinth Healer where the current arc will be the final one of Ilea's story.

After nearly two and a half million words, and nearly four years of writing this adventure, I hadn't thought I would ever get here. The consideration of ending the story was strange. Impossible in a way. It was all I had. It's what I did. It had to continue. But I think I've reached a point where I'm confident enough in my skill to try and step into the void. Whatever comes, will come.

This is also one of the reasons why I was getting more stressed with chapter releases. As I come closer to the conclusion of the story, I'll have to take more time with planning and rewriting.

At the same time, I signed the series with Portal Books, a small publisher based in the UK. I'm now working with my editor Brook, to edit (more or less rewrite) the series from the ground up.

It's been fucking painful to read through some sections of my early writing. And at the same time incredibly rewarding, to go back and fix many major issues both with characters, scenes, and certain plotlines. He's fixing up most of the technical issues that the early sections suffered from, adding descriptions, and clarifications, while offering developmental and characterization advice that has already been invaluable.

The first book will come out on Amazon when it's done (and an audiobook as well, hopefully).

If you're thinking of a reread, I wholeheartedly suggest you wait for the edited version. It's not going to be perfect, and it's still the Azarinth you know, but it's already shaping up to be a lot better. I'll be sure to pack in a few easter eggs here and there for those who have been around for a long time, whilst we remove most of the cringe and improve the reading experience overall.

I do have non definitive plans to work on Elos in the future, even after Ilea's story is done, there will be plenty left to discover :). While I considered having Infrasound be set in the same universe, I'm sure by now that it's an entirely new and separate thing. The skill percentages alone would make it a little lame if it were in the same universe as Azarinth.

As to definitive questions like at which chapter the story will end or how the release schedule will look like before and after, what projects I'll be working on, if I'll take a break, I don't know yet. I'll just try to keep you informed as I go and as things come up. I hope I can bring the story to a conclusion in the next 3-9 months, but who knows, it might end earlier or later.

This series has always been an ongoing project for me, one that often meandered, with random adventures here and there, certain plot threads coming and going, and I love it for what it is. It's really quite weird to think about finishing Ilea's storyline, getting a proper edit done (which will take years for the whole series), and having a final and finished version out there.

It's been a ride, it is a ride, and I hope it will continue to be one, until I end it with a bang. One worthy of Lilith, the blue eyed girl who found herself in the lands of Elos.

TLDR: I have now outlined the ending for Azarinth Healer, and it's likely that the current arc we're in, will be the last one for Ilea's story.



Thanks for the update. Glad to see that you want to end this story on a high and not letting it drag on.

Joshua Case

Dude, you're amazing! Much love to you <3 I'm not caught up on infrasound, but I can't wait to binge it! Then binge the edit of AH. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading and subscribing. Thanks for everything you've done so far!


fuckin crying G


Happy to have joined you in the journey. Best of luck


One side story I always wanted for Ilea was to return to Earth for a visit. Any chance of that before you wind up AH?


Thank you for everything, the novel has been by my side for a long time and the idea of it ending has never entered my mind :c


No good story goes on forever! You where the first writer I joined patreon for, so I'm glad I will be able to see you finish it! Thanks for the content :-)


Do what you think is best. An ending is better than a stalled story or plot loop. Hoping for an epilogue where Ilea is several century after AH and/or recounting her legend.


That is kind of sad to hear. I enjoy AH as much as in the beginning and there is so much more to adress. What was that Leviathan in the sea? What is the whole deal with the Dommains of the elves? What will her next evolutions be and will she beat a dragon? I kind of now what you mean with strong protagonists, but Ilea still has some room to grow and there are still mysteries for her to discover. So dunno the 'short' estimate seems a little bit too short. Still looking forward to your other works if more content is available.

Carlo Aquino

Not all good things last but dang I can’t believe AH would end this year. I thought we still had 2-3 years. What a journey it has been and worry for I shall buy those edited versions as well.


I am way too hyped for the audio books!!!!! It's been a great story from beginning to end and I can't wait to see what epic new tale you come up with next! This story has brought me through some real hard times and it was always the highlight of my week whenever you posted a chapter! Have fun with the edits and you can bet im going to try to find all the Easter eggs


I'm sad to hear it'll end soonish, but it's better than carrying on past the point where it starts decaying. It's honestly impressive you kept it fresh this long


I have known this was coming for quite some time, I have stated that I have been seeing the shadows of a curtain call in the wings for a while, with the creation of the Meadow accords, the conquering of the Taleen and the plateau in Ilea's progression. It will be sad to see it end, as it is for anything, but all proper stories have an ending, and I hope you enjoy giving AH the conclusion it deserves.


It's great to hear you've gotten a publishing deal. Sad to hear AH will be coming to an end but I'm enjoying IB quite a bit as well and will look forward to any of your future works. P.s. if Ilea inexplicably dies after being basically unkilleable for the entire series we will be having words. 🤣 Kidding. Ilea dying would hurt me deeply but it would definitely be a twist I'd remember. Cant wait to read the conclusion to this series and any follow up stories you may write in the future.


To my ears that sounds like more Infrasound chapters in the future 😬, which I am quite happy about.


To do list before ending: Visit home. Non-canon crossover with IB. 4th-tier skill/remaining core unlocks. (level 750?) Level 1000 evolution. Finding Adam, and Olivia. (How high is her level after surviving there so long?) Kicking that snooty Life-dragon's ass.

Austin Traugott

I see no cringe in the early chapters, but maybe I'm just used to reading FAR worse translations of certain xianxia. I don't mind the series ending within the next year, long as most of the plot threads get tied up. Side note. Her ice/earth/lava magic is now tier 2 but we STILL haven't got any writings of her actually using them in combat. What's the point of her having access to other elemental magic if it's always 'offscreen' ?

yannick schwende

Thank you for your amazing story. I've started reading it, when Ilea just left the forest and it stuck with me since. Though I am sad to see it ending I'm happy to have been along for the ride. Thank you :-)


Having compiled my wish list, I've been thinking recently that after enjoying following Ilea's mostly-directionless meanderings for so long, the story needed some direction and an ending. Thank you for writing this. It was also my first Patreon subscription.


Sad to hear it, but I’ve seen it coming and it’s much better then seeing it dropped. I’m hoping the arc ends with some kind of resolution with the elven monarchs and ascended, includes a couple of time skips, and has her finally become a ???? Before the end. If you can squeeze in a quick visit back to Earth that would be awesome and pretty much take care of all loose ends except the dragon, and that doesn’t need resolution.


Aww, ending should be good tho. Never read something this long with a proper ending. Usually I just get bored or burnt out with the slog of something that never seems to end. This story had done a great job keeping my attention.


Oh man this makes me feel a little sad. I picked up azarinth healer like a month ago or less and I have loved almost every second of reading it. I only recently started reading stories on sites like royal road and scribble hub etc. I have many stories I'm in the middle of but when I began reading azarinth it struck a cord or something cuz It was all I could read for a while but I never once got bored with it... Few days ago I reached where the story is on royal road and well just had to see even a little more so I came to patreon (money well spent) and while I am sad I understand no story goes on forever. I sincerely hope you will work on elos in the future I think you've made a fantastic world with lots of potential for great stories. Anyways love your story and do give Ilea a great ending I'm excited to see it and cry when it happens.

David Brims

I have to admit if I had a wish list it would likely involve Ilea exploring other worlds, particularly low-magic and high-science ones. Maybe some short stories at some point of Ilea exploring? But this is a fantastic series that well deserves a proper ending, and my support isn't going anywhere. :-)


Wait, so no popping back to Earth for a visit and introducing it to magic? No 4th tier auras and steamrolling the two Elven guys that toyed with her in the past? No lvl1000 evolution, including Astral Magic shenanigans that turn her an unremovable fixture everywhere stars shine? No war with the Ascended, because if the machines are up and about under new management, then they can figure that the Source has been found? Today is a sad day for my addiction, but i understand the pain of keeping overpowered characters interesting

Lowe K. Lyesmith



Nooooo, my Azarinth healer, I feared this was coming, but totally understandable, but there was so much of stuff you never got to, the vampire courts, orc hords, the other continents, the other realms that were mentioned, she hasn't even gotten to punch a dragon or bang an Oracle, I call Injustice !!!


some stories just don't have natural endings. Some stories just go on, and that's fine. Being obsessed with ending a big story has ruined so many good authors. Alas, it's happened again.


Understandable, but i really wish it would not end. Doesnt fit somehow to Illea. I can only imagine an ending where we stop following her on her journey and she continues to strive to become stronger.


I think you’ve been handling the “super OP main character” problem rather well.

David Brims

Personally, I like that she's got a few areas where she can expand her potential further without having to level or use core points. Whether there's room for her to do so in the remaining arc... unlikely.


Ah damn. I was totally sure she was going to end up back on Earth, that is the earth of infrasound beserker.. who knows may still happen.


I really hope for a somewhat hopeful/open ending instead of a "And then she died" or "And then she just suddenly retired". I like the idea of her continuing to adventure after the story ends...


This feels more like an “I’m tired of writing Ilea” type thing rather than a “Ilea’s story is naturally winding down” type thing. Way too much stuff is being left on the table. Disappointing, but you do what you have to I guess.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

As long as there's a real ending/epilogue (which you ideally write way before the last chapter), everything is jolly. Hope you will continue to write things 😍


Honestly it's gone for a long time and Ilea is at a world level of power now. The decision to come to a close soon makes sense. I hope we see more stories from this world though. There's alot of povs that would still be interesting to explore in the future.


Sad to see it end, but i think it's for the best, for all the reasons u mentioned. I'm gonna buy the audiobooks for sure and AH is goind to stay one of my favorite storys of all time. Hope you continue with Infrasound Berserker. So far it has been amazing and i would love for it to become the next big project you do. But i'm sure whatever you write next is going to be good. I only startet AH a few months ago, and i devoured the story. But the beginning of AH is still fresh in my mind and comparing it to the IB one can realy see how much you have grown as a writer.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

And Portal Books is pretty neat. They usually publish great stuff.


If you end this without enhancing harmony of the drowned at least twice I will sue! ;p. Seriously though I will be sad to see AH go and hope for a long arc ascendant, monarch, dragon and undersea leviathan fighting :) Looking forward to what you write next.


Can we at least get a time skip or something at the end that shows she continues training for a few hundred years or something, level 1000+


I really enjoyed the journey through Elos, we haven't explored the elven frontiers, the depths or the stars, but the world is vast and there is more people like the sentinels, and she has left a mark and the people will try to follow,


Damn I was looking forward to her 2000 level evolution at least😀But I totally understand that all good things must come to an end ! Really hope to see how the whole Ascended mystert will end up though, as well as the Elves reaction to Humanity's expansion (and maybe a Dragon fight as well)? No matter how it ends, thanks for this incredible adventure!


I whole heartedly disagree on this, you seem to split being tired of writing the same story and the story naturally winding down. But this story, by essence can go until the end of time, quite literally with Illea's life span. But everything has to come to an end and that's where most stories fail. Knowing when and how to bring a story to an end is the difference between good writing and amateur writing. That Harthane would realize and plan for that, wether he's tired of writing the story or not, makes itlean towards the former


Sad to hear there is an end in sight of this epic story. The most important question is now: will Ilea reach lv1000 and what is there?


The are a few things I want to see resolved. The old shadow guild master, the creature of the deep, the elves, and the ascended. Besides that, I have enjoyed azarinth healer, and I'm sure I'll enjoy infrasound just as much. I already do and wished for more before I found out about this.

Jack Trowell

Thanks for the notice.

White Neko Knight

I hope we get to see some epic fights and at least one more class up by the end of things. But you're right, a story has to end eventually. Thank you so much for writing it and I'll be sure to get the book version.


It does not have to be an everything is resolved ending in can just be an lives goes on but the origin story of the God Ilea and the accords are over.

Michael C

Sad. I had hoped AH would continue for years to come. There are so many other litrpg books out there, but AH is the only one I cared enough to pay monthly for. When AH is done I will move on as well. Sad days ahead...


Kinda hope you have a bit of Slice of Life / Comedy with the ludicrously OP Ilea travelling realms or something before wrapping it up, but I do see where you're coming from. As much as I love AH and enjoy reading it, it has long past the point where the excitement was at the top. Still, I hope that doesn't stop you from going back if you ever have inspiration to write a random bit more about it - Ilea's adventures don't necessarily end, just their telling, right? :)

Max Lopo

Yay for rushed endings! No other words, no exploration of the interesting ideas proposed, no mysteries. The worst kind of "help" is the one that has no stick. It's nothing more than an exercise in masturbation, far more focused on feeling good than actually providing help. So here is a sane dose of stick. You have a talent for writing sagas, whose main appeal are vibrant characters and interesting situations. To be completely sincere, I stopped reading Illea's "status" more than a year ago. It's irrelevant. HAVING SAID THAT, all the talent of the world is worthless without conviction and planning. There is a reason why Mr. Oda has been number one in his genre for more than 15 years, and counting. Skeletal structure of the main story, planned plot points, and planned ending. Then go crazy with the meat to explore "weird ideas" to keep it fresh both for the author and the audience. Feed the irresponsible "artist" if you will. Or, stick to smaller, contained stories where different ideas and approaches can be explored. . Other authors prefer this style, namely on RR "Andur" or "void herald (durand)". Or Stephen King. Or Ludlum. It is that simple. "winging it" and "chasing the new shiny toy" is a terrible, terrible approach. It is a GREAT advice for a child, whose real purpose is to teach not to limit itself in the future, not a blueprint to be effective. Authors can be SUCCESSFUL, artists CAN GET LUCKY. You made a living, breathing universe seen from the eyes of a newcomer. As the protagonist grew, so did her perception of it. And we have explored the equivalent of a stamp. Call it a mistake, introducing such a varied an interesting setting, but ending it abrubtly is the equivalent of putting down a dog because you grew bored of its color and you want a new, shiny puppy. Plan a good ending for it, give it the time and thought it deserves, even if it a dedicated arc, or you will follow a path that has seen many talented people self-immolate instead of succeeding. OR YOU MIGHT GET LUCKY, what do I know.

Hawkan Hawks

I still kind of think there is more potential regarding the elves and acended. Also in the abstract level of world traveling and figure out why there is powers and levels in the first place but I also understand things have to end somewhere. It just reminds me a bit about the Keeper of swords series by nick perumov, in the end the there is concepts like who even rules multiverse, specifically designed worlds by powerful mages and different powers involved from beginning with people living in one world to a a huge scaleand moving between those aspects.


Thanks for the notice and all of your work in general. I will definitely be sad to see AH end, but agree with you and most of the others that commented here, that it has to end eventually. I am however a bit surpirsed about the timeline you outlined. As a couple of others have commented before, there seem to be a couple of narratives left open that, at least in my opinion, deserve to be wrapped up. While it is obviously impossible to continue writing without creating more storylines that could be explored, there are a couple of things I would really like to see an "official" conclusion to: - 4th Tier skills. Ilea has fulfilled all of the requirements we know about (enhance all of your skills and train them back up to 3rd 30) and so far no options have popped up. I would like to see those as I really enjoy all the skill growth stuff. - Another set of evolutions. This is similar to the last entry on "my" list, but could also offer a great way to end things. - Some closure on the war fronts. We know very little about the Dark Protector vs Feynor affair, then there is the budding conflict with the elven domains as well as the Ascended matter to resolve. There might be some connection between those so I just threw them in one point - Getting Cless home. While I would love a short arc about Ilea back on earth (meeting Mark again - the kickboxing trainer), anything related to earth is more about getting Cless back home for me. - Epilogue. This might be a personal preference but I really dislike it when books / series have a very open ending. I want to know how life goes on for the characters. All this to say: Thank you, do what feels right to you and maybe tie some loose ends up, even if it doesn't fit into the mentioned timeline ;)


I will say this is my absolute favorite story. That being said I look forward to your next works. I haven't started reading your new because I want a backlog of chapters but I look forward to it!


... rushed? The announcement says ending in 3-9 months lol.


Yeah, I've been expecting this announcement for a while. Still, I'm pretty impressed by what you have written so far. Here's hoping for a good ending, too!


If i may, the main reason why i'm so addicted to your story is the worldbuilding, you're incredible at that. With the Baralia war chapter, you introduced us to a new world with incredibly powerful beings and the possibility of many others worlds to explore. So when eventually Ilea happens to be too much for that world or you get bored of it, it might be time for you to use that potential, make her explore new worlds, meet incredible creatures, you have free reins on that. You're very good at writing, and that gives the power to create whatever you want. But whatever you decide, i'll be happy with that. Thank you for your work, sincerely.


I never thought I'd see the end of Ilea's story. This has been quite the ride and a great time killer for a while now. I'm honestly hyped to find out how you're going to end the series. I'm glad you're taking your own health into consideration. You're already a god in my eyes for being able to continue this story to 800+ chapters without getting bored and dropping it. I've had that happen so many times on stories with much less chapters, so it's always baffled me how you got this far. Sinxe you're most likely going to be making more stories in the future, have you ever thought of delving into darker tones/themes. Like maybe killing off a main character, to show that anyone can die at any moment? Stuff like that... Thank you again for being the man with a will of iron.


Fuck. Okay now that that is out of the way. It is sort of obvious in retrospect, plot lines have been ending quite a bit recently. This still makes me incredibly sad. I was hoping we’re were approaching another start to an arc similar to when she set off to the north. Minimal contact, just exploring what could be found in Elos and fighting. I think, that is my favorite aspect of this story, Ilea out exploring a new bit of the world. A world I feel is still so, so, under explored. But recently that’s not really what Ilea has been wanting to do. Even when she goes out she always is in contact with everyone and we don’t even really see the grind. I have a lot of thoughts all swirling around so I figure I should just list them out. -Have you considered taking a long break from Azarinth? Aka a year or more? Especially if you’re working on editing. If it’s consuming all your thoughts maybe this could be and ending of ‘part 1’ if that makes sense. Less a concrete end more a I need to not think about this for awhile. -but I understand this might be unreasonable, this is how you’re supporting yourself. And maybe you are just done with Ilea. Which, after so long, I can also understand, even if that makes me sad. -I guess the timeline is what is freaking me out so much, I feel like there’s so much left to explore and Ilea has always been the way that was done, especially as she was/still is kind of, a foreigner to the entire world. I understand that it has to end eventually. I guess I was hoping that that end wasn’t soon. -But from a step away, lots of other books and series have whole aspects that never are touched on, so why should this be different. -Then there is your mental health which if this is effecting negatively then you should thing about stepping away. TLDR: I’m deeply saddened, conflicted, and a bit panicked, but I understand and respect your decisions, This might be new information to us but, it seems like you’ve had time to think on this.


I'll be sad, your story helped me get through alot but if that's where the writing takes you I get it . I've been an avid fan and mostly consistent patreon and just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful adventure in a beautifully written world. Best therapy I've ever had and the cheapest lol. I loved both your other stories too maybe leaves a bit more though.


I’ve been reading this all of the past four years. I picked it up around chapter 18. It’s honestly helped me get through college, my adhd and long hours spent building models meant I needed extra stimulus. So thanks for all your hard work and for helping me get through a tough time in my life. If you need anything feel free to reach out.


They could allow authorized fan fic after this last arc like some authors on Reddit?

Alex Galaitsis

Sounds good. I think you’re right, that there’s only so much tension and growth a character can have before it feels like things are spinning in place. I’ve liked the other two stories you wrote, and I’m sure you will keep the interest of readers going forward.


I'll enjoy reading about Ilea's impact in the other Elos stories you decide to write. Gonna keep supporting as I like IB.


Hey there ! This announcement is a bit of a relief to me, I was even considering dropping the support on Patreon because the story was starting to become 'boring'. Not that it is, but Ilea is now the most powerful being in the civilization, and she's basically almost conquered the world, and I was not expecting anything for the futures story arcs. Knowing that there will be an end makes me believe that the rest of the story will be interesting ! =D Good luck writing the end !


chapter 1000 sounds like a good place to end the story. not that you have to end it exactly at chapter 1000


Sad to see Ilea go but kinda relieved it is not gonna turn into a xianxia like story with more powerful worlds where Ilea is considered weak. I would probably read until end of times Ilea just chilling in whatever awesome worlds you come up with but an ending sounds exiciting too. Just hoping for at least one more power up. Gotta see those numbers rise up. I need my fix of level up. Really hopeful of IB and gonna continue my support as long as you write.


I wish she'd explore another continent on Elos before the end


I hoped we see the return to earth and the closure with her life bevor getting to Elos


One thing I'm not sure every reader is considering is how much time authors spend on their story behind what we see. While readers only see the final draft, the author spent countless hours imagining things and being in their world. So I can scarcely imagine the dedication needed to spend four years working on a story like this. And the bravery needed to decide on an ending to explore new horizons. I'm sure whatever you'll write on the future will still manage to excite countless people. Thank you


Heartbreaking news but all good things must end haha. I respect your decision and slightly agree. It wouldn't be healthy or a good plan to keep pumping out chapters at the cost of your sanity and the quality of the story. Thanks for the heads up, I'm looking forward to a re-release.


"And what would it mean for me? Was it all a fluke? Was I just lucky? Can I even write anything worth reading? Oh my god nobody will give a shit. I have to keep going, forever and ever."


I do not know why you are worrying so much about not succeding with another story. Is writing the only thing you can do? Failure should not mean anything besides maybe less money and luxury. I mean, people not doing what they want is not exactly new, is it? Sometimes less success and more peace is a good deal.


"I do have non definitive plans to work on Elos in the future, even after Ilea's story is done, there will be plenty left to discover :). "


When i woke up to heavy rain and heard there was a paper document of my grandfather that had to be delivered today or else!, i already knew my day was not going to be great, but this brings it to a new low. While i think i share in much of the feelings of loss from old time readers, it is also good to see things going in this direction as most were probably feeling this 'flagging' bringing down the general level of quality of the novel. There is no more poisonous hope towards an infinity of Ilea punching and kicking. Who knows, maybe one day we as readers of G.Hartane will be screaming with our hair on ends because of a 'spiderman no way home' kind of situation?


Yes, but... It will not be Ilea's story anymore. Personally I do not care about the history of some random imaginary planet. I care only about Ilea's story. Generally I do not like stories of different characters in the same universe. But that is just my personal taste.


If I'm honest here, currently I'm more interested in Infrasound than AH. I can completly understand where you come from in saying we slowly reach a spot in the story where Ilea just kind of reaches the Peak. AH was the first ever story I have read on RR and was one of the reasons I started reading novels like this, and I like to think that up until this day, it's my favourite so far. About the self doubts and plans for the future, have them, keep them, but don't let them chain you in place. It just shows that you actually care and everybody deals with them differently.


Other than that thank you so very much vor writing storys and for this post, which showed us a small glimpse of your current mind on it. :)


Hi, uhm, thanks for the story and I hope you find yourself in greener pastures now that Ilea, apparently, have burnt down the local ones. Curse her! Jokes aside, I think it's good with change once in a while so goodluck in your future endeavors! I'll stay lurking and watching from the shadows. Bye.

Chase Clawson

As much as it saddens me to see Ilea's story end, im glad you are doing what you feel needs to be done for the story! I am confident you will bring the story to a satisfying ending, and i cant wait to read the books when they come out! This is one of my top pieces of fiction, and thank you for being the person who makes it happen!


"When I used to read more progression fantasy, there was usually a point where things just got a little boring. The main character was fighting gods, or forever stuck building their village, maybe they got bogged down with too many side characters, too many political responsibilities, or they just ended up in an endless constantly escalating slew of tensionless battles."


Honest it hurts quite a bit that AH will end in near future, it is my most favorite progression story. It has everything I love, but its of course your decision. I was so looking forward to her 1k evolution and t4 skills :(


I guess I respect the decision, and while I agree completely with Kachlicka, and was looking forward to eventually what would happen when a human reached lv 1000 and even lv 2000, what’s up with the elves and monarchs, seeing Ilea get strong enough to match the tree, and have slice of life chapters exploring different realms, I do respect the decision. Personally I don’t mind the repetition when story’s do it, as your repeating the stuff that drew us into the book in the first place! The problem I think is that the story’s that usually do that (cough cultivation novels) have paper thin characters and MC’s who barely care about anything but power and anyone but the girl of the arc, it’s not repetition that’s bad, it’s what is repeated in my eyes, plus it could help show how your character has grown based on how they act now vs how they acted way back when. But all this is just me making excuses cause I want to see the number I’ve been watching for years keep going up, and all the cool new system developments, and I will be real sad seeing it go, but ultimately I’m glad you made this story in the first place, and I guess I will just trust you to end it on a high note.


I get it.. but was hoping to see another arc where Ilea goes far away and explore like the northen arc. Def my favourite part of the story. The portals and mindmagic communication sadly made the world feel less special though. Was hoping you would go the route with "the distance for this new continent + random magical effects make it so that portals don't work, and is also the reason everything there is so much stronger". But I totally understand that after 4 years you need to do something new. Even If you feel like Ileas part of the story is over I'm hoping you continue exploring the world. Feel like there still is so much to be explored.


I hope we get to see ileas lvl 1000 before everything ends, I mean that’s what I’ve been waiting for idk about everyone else.


I hope Azarinth Healer will be replaced by something rather than just Infrasound. I really wish to keep reading your content, as you are an amazing writer, but I just can't get into Infrasound. I don't like the setting or the style of the book. I'm fine with Azarinth ending, but I really don't want to have to quit reading your stuff entirely.


I am beyond bummed about this but at thr same time I actually agree. All stories must end at some point and while I would probably keep reading until Ilea hit level 10000 I can see how that wouldn't be very rewarding for the author. I do hope that future works in the same universe happen- would love to see an Ilea from the future pop in now and again.

Terry Stevens

I vote to never end Azarinth. More dragons, more elves, more everything. Ilea hasn’t even reached lvl 1000, let alone the more interesting possibilities, like returning home for a chapter or two. So no mate, your not allowed, never ever ever stop writing Azarinth. So there!


As sad as I am that Azarinth Healer is ending, I'm extremely happy that you're actually planning for it to end. Far too many authors end with a random cutoff that's wholly unsatisfying for the readers, or just drop off the face of the earth. It's also good that you're ending it when you think is best, and not just dragging it on. I look forward to reading your future works.


All good things must come to an end. I don’t think you’ve let us down with Ilea’s story, but I’m I can’t help but be worried. Level 1000, The elven domains, The feynor, and the ascended are the biggest points for me. I have faith though, you’re gonna kill it like always. Also I must see Ilea punch Audur in the face!


I know how it will end! Ilea will wake up in a hospital bed as mundane human being. She looks to the side where her badge, uniform and weapon are neatly placed on a chair. Then she hears growls of people walking arounf outside the window, dead people.


All good have an end. But please don't kill the story short with only like a 3 or 4 months (20 or 30 chap) that's too short to clean the board and let ilia get the stability she need!!! Imagine if this story is a real dimension somewhere! Add some backups for the IFs and WHAT IF?! And please give ilea the peace of mind that earth its only a low mana world without horrors wandering everywhere!

Enzo Elacqua

Thank you for everything, look forward to seeing just what you will drag out of the void


I'm sad to think the series will end but I'm hoping it's not a hollow ending.


Pity it will end, I've always seen it as a One Piece style exploration story and the recent events were pointing to Ilea going to visit other realms.




She wakes up from a coma from getting her head hit in the ring like in million dollar baby. It has all been a dream. Nothing we know is true 🤣

Philipp Schmalz

fuck. The more I think about Ilea's wonderful and thrilling adventures, all the creatures, magic and funny moments, and how it will all end soon, the more I can feel my chest tightening with sadness. Rationally, I know what you mean and it makes sense to end the story and not stretch it into eternity but it's still hitting me hard. I almost want to beg you to continue writing the story - and to never ever stop - but I know that you won't and that you shouldn't, so instead I will ask you this: Don't end it with a bang. A bang is not worthy. Make sure it *burns* itself into my soul. Make sure it shows all of what makes this gem of a story so special. Make sure everyone knows why it *deserves* to be among the top web fiction out there. Your story is really great! Thank you!


Imo the problem AH has is that it felt like ilea has been stuck in a fishbowl, any exploration and adventure had the same characters to fall back on, any new area explored had her coming back to and from established characters like clair, trian, catelyn, meadow. the teleportation gates just reinforced the walls of the bowl and made it smaller not expanded, the vast expanse of new parts of the world or realms felt so small when its just a hop back to the familiar every single time. Never had she gone on an adventure with only new and interesting people for extended periods of time, there was always contact or visits to the known. her trip to salts with trian was short in what i mean with new adventure without the old, but it was one of those times where she was on a new adventure without fallbacks/visits. Its would be as if a Startrek ship revisited earth after every single encounter or planet visited, or One Piece returning to east blue after every new island visited. Felt like she was both babysitting starting area's and returning 'mommy im home' after a class trip at the same time. Everything 'new and unknown' is what i'd have liked to see for an extended period. a return after always possible. Not saying her returns to ravenhall/hollowfort weren't needed or essential even to progression and the interactions and views of her progress were great, but every single time made the world feel small.


As much as I hope for an epic finale for the series, I'm a bit sad. As of right now, I think there are still a few possible storylines that could have been interisting without making the fights she gets involved in too easy. Most of all, there are the Elves with their Monachs and Oracles.It wouldn't have been much of a surprise if the newest generation that grew up fighting Taleen machines were to start a war with the machines new masters. Then, of course, there are still the dragons. Maybe after a few years, one might just randomly appear to take a look, maybe after they felt the power created from an epic bossfight beween Ilea and a Monarch. Then, there are still other realms, most off all a visit home might be interesting. The Vampires are also still a consideration, being immortal and all would put at least some of them at Monarch level. And finally, maybe after finding a way to completely fake her level, some sightseeing in the other lands on Elos. They have been mentioned once or twice, and now that humanity has reached the point where they can start thinking about expanding their borders, beyond the planes, traveling to different lands as a bodyguard/secret agent would heva made for an interesting storyline. Well, all's well that ends well, so I hope Azarinth healer gets the end it deserves, even if it feels to early!


I am very sad to hear that AH will be ending, but the ride has been super fun. I have read & reread the entire story several times. I also hooked my son on it. I will definitely buy the amazon book. I look forward to whatever new project(s) you come out with. I had been holding off on Infrasound because there just were not that many chapters. I am reluctant to start online serials with under 100 chapters since I read so fast. If I get into a series, I want enough of it to keep me engaged. Thanks again for writing such a great series.


Personally, I'm glad you're winding it down. Maybe it's me, but more and more often lately it's been less engaging; that could be me burning out or you, who knows! :) Whether you go for a definitive ending, or an open-ended "off into the sunset" type, or whatever, it's your story, do whatever seems right to you. Maybe you'll revisit it, maybe not. Yeah, for me the prose style and writing techniques were never the main attraction (as you noted, it was pretty rough esp early on). But you do get credit for; great storytelling, solid world building (not too much, not too little, not too info-dumpy; a near-perfect balance imho), interesting and deep MC, good supporting characters, and good pacing. I'll always prefer a great story in slightly rough prose over lovely words that don't add up to much. This was the first story that got me to sub on patreon (dozens now). TIA! :)


They say the journey is its own reward but there can't be a journey without a beginning and an end. I love this story, I've been looking forward to read it every time there's a new chapter and I think you've done a wonderful job with this story. Everything has to end sooner or later and I'm convinced you'll manage to end the story in a good way. I also think you will manage to write more amazing stories like this one. The way you write characters and dialog and fight scenes, it's awesome. So keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your next main project!


RiP my dreams of Illea returns to Earth with system arc. I really thought that would happen at some point since the one suggested explanation for how Illea got Isekaied was the Fae suggesting that magic might have entered Earth


Do what you think is right mate. It's been a blast to read and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will all end. Also, completely unrelated, but is there a plan for a physical version of it once you get it edited and put out on amazon? While I read mostly on my kindle, I love collecting physical books of things I loved and have always been annoyed at the fact, that Azarinth will never take up space on my shelves.


I second, I think this story deserves a hard cover copy to join my collection.

Han Pol

Do what you think is best, it's after all your story and not a game, were ilea needs 100% quest completion, Sam and Frodo did not fight the orcs of gundrabad or go on and explore the eastern lands or even the misty mountains. And Ilea is not somebody who needs beat all the elven oracles or dragons for epic loot and and 100% of achievements unlocked run. Mann soll aufhören wenn es am schönsten ist. :) even if it's still feels like too soon for us who love it and personally I hope more for the 9 month then the 3 month ending.


Lets gooooo! Ilea get eaten by a snek or goes off to the moon or hunts space monsters for ever or even goes home for a quite life. What will it be? I am quite exited on finding out how Ilea will be removed from Elos. Personally I hope for a tragedic ending, but it's hard to pull off proper Greek like, and you need loads of ~balls~ self confidence. Personally I hope for a few arcs from a dragons perspective, you know Void Herald or Exterminatus like.

seth dauer

You do you. I was expecting an invasion, I felt like the history of the past conflict Illea was uncovering was foreshadowing another. Raising people to her level, as she continues to push forward. I'll be unsubscribing if this is the end. Not a pressure tactic, And most seem to agree with you (for some reason). But I thought you deserved a dissenting voice to speak up, just in case there are more that agree with me after all.


The consistency and quality of you content is above and beyond the average writer in these parts. Seeing Ileas journey has been a joy to follow. I'm interested in what you have in store.


You've made a truly rich world in Elos and I hope you come back to it with other stories. We've not seen the oceans depths or other continents. Theres secrets to this world you've made and a fascinating mythos. Theres many things Lilith could still do but I can understand her power level is getting very high. Perhaps its time to start a new character in a new land but ill miss Ilea a lot


First I really wanna see her hit lv 1000 second have kids pass the story down the generations so it can go down forever

a passing Fnord

I have felt that this would be coming for a while & I have greatly enjoyed the story. One thing I hope to see before the end is a little more from the noble girl from Dawntree that she first gave the Bluemoon grass to. I've always wondered what she's gotten up to and felt she could have made an interesting character.


ya i was really looking forward to that, like infrasound could be a system apocalypse for earth and she happens to return sometime during it. i always love it when the mc somehow finds a way back and keeps their powers lol


Very disappointed and displeased. I want this story to go on and on. It hurts that he is killing it.


This is incredibly sad for me, but I understand your considerations. It feels like there is so much more that Ilea hasn’t explored fully, like the monarchs, other realms, the full implications of the sun being stolen, other races on Elos, other continents, dragon society, etc. My biggest hope is that we see Ilea go back to Earth, only to find that the event that brought Ilea to Elos also opened Earth to system invasion. No matter what, Azarinth Healer has been the best LITRPG/Progression novel I’ve ever read and it is a story I’ve enjoyed for multiple years. I’m sad to see it go, but it will always stay in a special place in my reading list. Thanks for all the chapters over the years Harthane, and thanks for all the consistency you’ve provided with this story as well.


Man this sucks half my day goes by thinking about AH I don’t know what to do next

Andy Le

Will there ever be an audiobook for this series? I hope so.


This story has brought me so much joy and happiness through the years, and I must say this is my favorite book ever, and I have read alot. This brought me mixed emotions becouse so much of me feels tied to this story, but I am also happy for you that you ha e found a place there you want to stop, becouse o agree with you, and to kinda quote another thing, alot of webnovels live long enough to become the villain instead of the hero it started as. What I mean by this is like you mentioned that other novels get bogged down in boring things and eventually just ends as a husk of it former self being dragged on to keep milking that cash cow. So while I think this story could have gone on much longer and could have had alot more to explore, I still respect your decision as the author and hope you bring us the ending both you and we deserve. Thank you hearthane for all these years together, it rully feels like I'm saying goodbye to two of my best friends in a way, you and illea. So thank you again and stay safe out there in these trying times.


From the post "The first book will come out on Amazon when it's done (and an audiobook as well, hopefully)."


Maybe something you can edit in would be adding her actually learning her magic, give it some depth, as it is now it seems very much "press a button and the system handles it"


I just hope to see Ilea reach lvl 1000 and class up before the end.


This story has been great friend! I have also been wondering when this story would end. It would be awesome to do a 3 years later when she is lvl 1000 and becomes a God lol. Please let us know when the books come out I'm buying them all!!


Aw, somehow I assumed this story would keep going for awhile while Ilea continued to explore Elos and meet other races, like the Druned, Mava and Orcs. AZ has bogged-down at times, but then it always bounced back, and I've particularly enjoyed the Accords arc. I understand wanting to end it tight, but I hope the ending is open-ended enough for the occasional Ilea short story should inspiration strike. And while it probably sounds cheesy, I think it'd be a hoot if someday we got an Ilea crossover where she met Daniel from "The New World" and/or Morgan from "Skyclad/Skybound."

Story Seeker

I will be sad to see AH end since I have been following it for so long. But it had to happen eventually please don’t rush the ending though

Atlas Dwarf

I wouldn't say falling back on established characters is necessarily bad thing as a limited cast allows for more focused growth in their characters, but Ilea's ever increasing ability to reach them quickly has definitely amplified that issue and the whole 'fishbowl' world. At some point Ilea's travelling speed simply stifled the ability for the story to focus on cast character growth and them dealing with the Human Plains, Dark Ones, and other issues by themselves.

Michael Telford

I'm a little sad that IB's system won't be AH's system. I don't think the minor differences presented so far really impact that, and I really like stories that embrace the viral nature of LitRpg systems, informational virus's, etc. Otherwise, as long as AH has a satisfing ending (which is hard with serialized content) I'll be more than pleased with my time here. And it's not like there's not plenty of space you've created in Elos to tell other stories, the terrible war Vampire Unicorns war for example.


For a long time AzyH has been something like a comfort food for me. The casual meandering of the story was incredibly comforting to me. It was fun and fairly low stakes, but written well and entertaining. I'll miss it a bit, but I'm happy you're finding a conclusion. Every story needs an ending and it's better to do it on your own terms while you're still at a high point. I'm already enjoying infrasound berserker a lot and look forward with whatever you plan to create in the future.


I’m devastated. But you must do what is best for you, and your writing, wordsmith. o7


The funny part in some sense. I just reread the whole series a couple of months back. Took me like 3 weeks. As a fan, this is botha. Blow and I feel it. It'll be nice to have a conclusion. I wonder how you'll end it. I have a few ideas of what I've seen.


Sad its coming to an end, this story has helped me throught a lot and i thank you for that. I do enjoy the other story so i will be continue to stay and support you on your writing journey.


Both the story and writing are amazing. Thank you for sharing it with us, and I wish you luck in wrapping up Ilea's adventures. I will be sad to see it end, but am glad to have read it. Take a break before your next next project, and happy writing.


I'm not surprised to hear it. This arc has felt like a nice wrap-up piece for a while now. Revisiting a lot of old characters, some of whom I forgot about entirely. Tying up old threads. Adding detail to the perspectives of some side characters, which may serve as grounds for some other spin-off stories in Elos.


not to mention the _sheer magnitude_ of the changes to civilization brought about by the way things ended between Aki and the One Without Form. The Medic Sentinel Corps were going to be a big deal already. Giving the Accords their own teleportation network was truly civilization-altering. But also giving them unlimited control over every entity in the Taleen empire and all their production facilities? That will bring in an entirely new era. The stories about the meteoric rise of Lillith the Healer will be history from another age.

Robert Rosenthal

I am glad I had kinda checked out due to what felt like repetition but now I feel the need to catch up and see the end. It’s a grand story though and i think the world is interesting so if g gets done r and r maybe more adventures in Elos?


Saying this is the final arc isn't saying there isn't a a bunch more story to come. From the looks of the last chapter we are getting a conclusion to the stuff with the ascended which is all I could really ask for.

Jonathan Walker

I would definitely listen to an audio book of this hell yeah bud, but obviously it needs to be a female speaker, if it could have a dude as well to do all the guy parts that would be rad

Glass Glade

The true ending is Ilea taken down by the god of drakes who simply says "there's always a bigger drake."


This is a bizarre decision to me. If you need to take a year break that's fine. If you don't want to write Ilea anymore that is also fine. Ending the story haphazardly just seems naive though. Why not higher a ghost writer and work outlines only? Why not just cut the story down to 1-2 times a month while you write something else? I honestly think this will be rather haunting mistake because there are so many options other than finishing Ilea's story. It's been obvious you've been struggling for a while now. Ilea doesn't know where she's going or what there is moving forward right now and I think that has been you instead of her character. Why not just let someone else take the reigns for a while?


I have read your story on RR and left for a time to allow chapters to build up. I think you need to remember that we read these stories to take a break from reality. I hope the story ends on a high note, tragic ends are to much like the real world. As far as where you go after? Ultimately whatever path you choose, try and have fun doing it.


I started reading this series back when there were barely 80 chapters on Royal Road, and while I'm sorry to see it ending, thank you for not ending it abruptly like so many other stories there. I'll definitely buy the series when it comes out.


This was the story I first created my patreon account for as I couldn't put it down. I've enjoyed seeing the old plot threads like the corruption and Adam and it really gives that feeling of the approaching end especially with the current state of the Plains. My only big hope is to see a conclusion to the Ilea/Cless origins plot. That said endings always tend to be the hardest part especially for story's you love , I'm sure you'll do it justice and I look forward to future works both in this universe and beyond


Sad to see it end, I enjoyed the ride!


Honestly, I agree that it's about time. Much longer, and the story would become exactly what you described, a corpse of what it once was. I have loved AH, and I am thoroughly enjoying Infrasound, so I certainly plan to stick around to see more of what you write. I also look forward to getting to re-read the whole thing in a more polished form! Thank you for everything!

Isaac Mcdonald

Succint and well thought out, as sad as an ending can be I find myself agreeing. As an aside i coukdnt be happier with infrasound beserker, a really strong continuation of your writings and just as dear to me as AH.


It is telling about your skill that you could make a series this long that is still interesting! If we had languages skills, you can be sure that yours would be 3rd tier (at least) and not lagging at lvl7.

Michael C

I agree. How many authors hit this level of sustainable success? In this modern day getting this many subs is unusual. He should really talk to some of the more successful litrpg writers on Kindle unlimited to see how much they make. They would kill to have this many 5 and 10 dollar a month subs.


This is literally the story I made a patreon account for. I‘ll definitely read all other stories you will be writing in the future :) And just because it‘s a progression story doesn‘t have to mean that it has to get boring after a few chapters, like a lot of them do.


How poetic, I started reading this story just as I started high school, and it's ending as I'm about to graduate from it. T-T

Red Bard

I'm going to miss AH, I hope it ends with a bang!

Philippe Boulanger

I agree with the problem that occur at one point with endless and repetitive grind with the infinite power scaling. I believe you delivered well AH with the other developed plot sprinkled within the story, and I still find the story really enjoyable. As for the stress and mental health, I understand completely, and it make sense to want to do something else after a while. I encourage you to do what you need to do to keep being passionate about what you do (while still being financially viable). As for your other endeavor as a writer, I quite like what I have read so far of your 2 other stories (IB and LoT) and I will continue to support your future work. For AH I do wonder which open plot you will close before the end (monarch and elves, ascended, Adam, captured sun, dragon, demon realm, meadow realm, Ilea earth realm, Ilea at four mark, fea, dark protector, feynor, the court of vampires, the region of foxes, other continents, etc.). As for a general tip that you probably already though about, you could close the most important plot but still let some other secondary plot open ([spoiler] like Mother of Learning did for the primordial infused spider in the deep dungeon/hole) in case you want to come back to AH after some years.


I absolutely love your stories, and tbh Infrasound Berserker is my new favorite so I don't think it's just a fluke. You've done an amazing job making this world with azarinth, and I truly can not wait to see how you bring her story to an end!


One possibility is to not tie up everything. I read an interesting pt recently that (paraphrasing liberally here) the space defined by all the questions you *don't* answer is the space you're leaving for daydreams, fanfic, sequels, spinoffs, etc. The original observation was a bit more harsh and not really applicable, but the pt that holes = leaving space for dreams stuck with me. I've certainly thought about some open ended bits of stories I've loved, added scenes, etc. Then again, i've always had a soft spot for both minimalism and ambiguity in storytelling, so I'm both a little bit biased and slightly atypical in that regard, tbh.


It’ll be sad to see this end. I’d have loved to see more of this world and all the other continents…but I guess everything must end. Hopefully before that happens Illea defeats a dragon 😅


You could end the story with illea alive and start a new one decades or centuries in the future, where illea is no more than a myth, not bothering with politics anymore, maybe meeting the new MC somewhere without the MC every finding out it was her. The AH worldbuiling is too good, the systemworkings are the best i have seen in any system novels so far. Infrasound for some reason has itemslots etc. and i think it makes it worse. What you did in AH is give the system a natural cause of existence, without it messing with too much things. I would love to see a continuation of the AH universe, but with a new plotline and new characters, maybe even on another continent


Power scaling in the most important domain the mind is either ignored or butchered in the genre. The differences between humans like John von Neumann and regular 'smart' people is already kinda crazy but a whole universe hard stuck in primate brain territory is just pure madness. Even if some stories could continue no human can write what would actually happen. At the end of the day though this genre is all about getting the dopamine hooks in *anyone with a bank account* so lofty notions such as a little sanity can be a bad financial decision for, I suspect, most authors. You wrote a world that feels very alive, love your cool shit, respect the hard decision.

Jake Martin

Thank you so much for the journey. Everyone love large chest had a good ending and I could see this story ending kinda open but with closure the same way.


I have to say, I've been LOVING the side character perspective stories you've been slipping in for the past few months. It's not just a callback to 800 chapters of story history and characters (even though that is fun). It made the world feel bigger and more real. Even when chapters don't follow Ilea's POV she's still the protagonist, so no worry there. Her decisions & actions though, are given more impact (to the reader) when we see how they affect others and the world at large. Currently your world is limited by her perspective. More perspectives give the world depth, make it feel more real, beyond fighting-fun-where-monster-need-kill-level-up. Thinking on it now, they were also a nice foil to that part of Ilea's character.... I would have loved to see you write more of that if you weren't planning to end the series. Not in every chapter, of course not, but more regularly. You dovetailed these smaller stories seamlessly into Ilea's story. Maybe once IB grows into a larger cast & wider world you could do some of this?


I wish you all the best in your new endeavours, but I do have a few concerns. There's a reason big entertainment industry corporations don't let franchises die, and it's not because it would be prohibitively difficult to create something new, but because it is prohibitively difficult for that new thing, regardless how awesome it might be, to succeed. My second point is that the story doesn't feel close to completion. From my point of view, AH was more of a slice-of-life story than pure progression story, and was set up in a way that could keep it going forever. Right now there are many plot lines and character arcs left unfinished, and I'd rather see you @G. Harthane take a sabbatical and come back to it when you have inspiration somewhere down the line, rather than cut it short with an unsatisfying ending. And that leads me to my last point. From my point of view, it looks more like you are done with the story, rather than the story being done. There is no obvious finish line. Never has been, and no matter how much foreshadowing you're going to add into the story now I fear it's going to fall flat after all those chapters telling a different story, at least for me. Had there been a maximum level of power, like HWFWM, or Sophia's choice waiting down the progression line for Ilea, I could accept it, but nothing in the story so far made me ever think for a second that we wouldn't get to see Ilea surpass Meadow's level, defeat a dragon or perhaps an oracle, face a deep-sea leviathan, etc. Don't get me wrong, I get it. You gotta do what you gotta do. For your mental health and for your career as a writer, and I wish you the best in both endeavours, but I just don't believe both of those decisions are conductive to a good outcome for the story.


Yes, I agree with all your points. Kinda wish I didn't find this... Ruined my day