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TLDR at the bottom

Hey lads

I've been taking more breaks in recent months due to varied issues as informed in the related posts and notes. The week of vacation in December wasn't random but I really needed it.

For a few weeks now I've noticed that my resources just aren't quite where they used to be. I get stressed far more easily, have a harder time getting into the writing zone, had stomach aches, and issues with sleeping. When I could ignore negativity, or rationally consider criticisms, at the moment I react for more emotionally.

I'm looking into getting therapy to deal with everything but the fact remains that at the moment I feel a bit whacked, and there isn't a magic pill that will suddenly remove this issue.

A certain pressure is reasonable and the webnovel format has helped me write way more than I otherwise would've, but consistent symptoms of stress as mentioned above are not what I consider healthy nor is it sustainable.

As much as it annoys me, I think I might have to slow down a little. For a while maybe. I've always tried to treat this whole thing professionally (with some trolling) but close to my heart, which means I try to be honest with you all despite the vulnerability that creates. Hence also this post. So, following some of my considerations.

- I don't want to skip a full month because losing the income would stress me out, not writing at all would stress me out, and having no pressure at all would leave me drifting.

- I don't think reducing or setting a number of chapters per week makes sense either. I know you want chapters, and I want to write the stories. What I think makes sense is for me to be more aware of my mental health - which means when I'm stressed the fuck out, or forcing words while I'm not in a good state, I will simply stop. I'll try to do so starting January.

What does that mean for you?

- Expect skipped releases (possibly on short notice)

If you feel the price tag is not worth an uncertain amount of chapters, I suggest cancelling your subscription before the month's end. If you're bothered by the uncertainty, there's the option to cancel and check in after a few weeks or in February, to then read in bulk. Or simply read on RR where chapters continue to be released for free (delayed of course).

The main reason for this post is to inform you of my current state, and to allow for an informed decision in regards to your spending.

You want more story, I want more story. But word printing machine needs some care and maintenance. Wish it'd be as easy as diagnosing and fixing a broken clavicle, but I'm afraid it's not.

Let's hope the impact is minimal and I'll be back on track again soon. Will keep you in the loop at a reasonable rate. Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support through 800 chapters already :).

TLDR: Mental Res too low. Will stop writing if stressed - Updates might be skipped at uncertain rates.



Get your rest. I enjoy your story too much to skip out a month. And Merry Christmas!

Rick White

Happy Holidays. Speaking for myself, take care of yourself. I’ll be here supporting your creativity and enjoying the stories you tell


Chill mate. If u need to skip then skip, Skipper KEKW

Joshua Little

No worries, just do what you got to. Hope things work out for you.


All good. AH is one of the two web novels that I never see myself unsubbing from so I'll just wait patiently.


I've, been here for almost 4 years. I intend to stay for at least 4 more. Skip away.


No worries! Your mental health is the most important thing in your life, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Take your time and make sure you feel better. I'll be here cheering you on.

Alex I

You already provide top quality and quantity for your patreons my guy, I'm sure most would agree with you taking whatever actions needed to keep you in the best health. Take a month, slow down releases or just skip one if the quality isn't what you want, I'll be here enjoying however much of the story as you've got in you.

yannick schwende

Alle the best to you. I know how burnout feels like as I am currently being treated for that. Please take all the time you need and do not make the same mistake as me and just force yourself to continue when you can't anymore. I made that mistake and am still suffering for it. I wish you all the best, a whole lot of love and good health to you. Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. Always remember your health is the most important


Take it easy, have a break. There are lot of good games coming out this February. Maybe they could help you with your stress and a personal suggestion, have a good meal. Go to a restaurant buy yourself some really nice food. (This works for me) 😁

Julien Fellegara

That don't bother me. The world is already build, so i just keep pleasure to watch it staying alive. More, i realy have faith in you and i know you will not drop the story, or treat us poorly because you never disapointed me so far. So feel free to do as you want, i (and probably we) will continu to support you and your great work.


Do what you need to do. Your patrons will support you, we understand the pressure of creativity. Take care of yourself first.


Please don't drop any more chapters till you have a healthy reserve. So you are atleast less stressed by time pressure.


Everyone deserves a healthy mind, take care and don't mind us too much.


Not going to unsub, love your work. Do what you must to take care of yourself.


I’m extremely impressed that you’re self-aware enough to realize this is happening, able to put it into words so clean and concisely, and that you’re delivering it so professionally. My respect for you has only grown. Take all the time you need to keep making wonderful stories.


Take all the time you need to get back to where you are comfortable, I know I'll still be here, your work is always going to be something I look forward to.


Bummer, you do you


Maybe start working out. It could take your mind off bad stuff, and has helped me a lot already. Anyway take care and continue being positive! LG

Cyryl Chołodowski

Meh. Keep yourself healthy. A chapter skipped here or there, is better than losing the story because you burned the fuck out. Treat yourself well!!


Thanks for this update i can relate to this as somone that let stress go to far to the point i went to the hospital so take care stress is a long term issu going so good luck in getting better mentaly


You do more than most for less money...you do you, bro. All good on this end! Oh and merry Christmas!

Tommy Littlefield

Sorry to hear about your mental health man hope you can start therapy and begin your recovery. I love your story and I’ll always be a fan hope ya start feeling better soon


Take care of yourself first always. I'd rather you skip whenever you need than you run yourself ragged trying to maintain pace. Hope you manage to find that mythical balance we all seek.

Alex Galaitsis

I’ve absolutely loved reading your story, and I am perfectly happy waiting longer to read more. Whatever you need to do to avoid burning out, just do it. Find a schedule you can sustain because anything else is unsustainable. Self-care comes first!


Mental health is important do what you need to do. I've loved the story so far and I'm glad it had the opportunity to read it. Thank you.

dakota downey

Take care of yourself dont burn yourself out and if anything write a different story that way when u can flip back and forth so even procrastinating is progress


Big yikes.... Take care of yourself... No pressure from me currently i'm still not reading azarinth healer... Because I have a problem if I reach the end and that's not a real end. Sooo yea but I support you for exactly reasons such as this soo you can worry less about financial stuff... Take care of yourself I can't stress this enough get well and getting well isn't gonna be a walk in the park no matter how easy it's put up to be I had/have issues... They will be with me untill the day I see if my lamp holds my weight 😅.... Just so we have an unhealthy humour joke


You produce a huge amount of high quality writing regularly. I love the story and feel that even half of your current rate of writing would be more than a fair exchange for the Patreon fee. Take care of yourself!


Take care of yourself, I will keep supporting you.

Jack Trowell

Thanks for the notice, take care of yourself


I’m glad your helping yourself stay healthy hope everything stays positive!!!


Don't stress it, stay healthy is what counts!


The customer is always right and this one says get some rest and take care of yourself


Do what you need to get yourself feeling better. A shame we do not have Arcane healing. I know I could use its mental health benefits.


Dude, just remember that for every dumb hater there is a hundrend of silent lurkers who absolutely love what you do! And this is my first comment on patreon, i think?

M. Gunnarsson

Take care. Way better to be honest with yourself about it than going missing for a year :l


Thank you for letting us know. Please take of yourself first. I hope you get better soon. It has been a fun story to read so far


I normally read on RR but after reading this wanted to make certain you could continue financially so I've subscribed here. Please take as much time as you need to get to your best self. And thank you for all of the years of wonderful reading.


Merry Christmas Harthane! I will continue to support you, as long as it's reasonabe of course.

Joshua Case

Not sure if you'll see this, but you should take a week off a month. At least. If you need a month off, maybe take donations? I'm fine paying even if you take a good amount of time off


Do whatever you need for your mental health Rhaegar. I'd rather read fewer chapters from a healthy author than a greater quantity from an author who is in the process of burning out.


I can understand where the stress might gather. Some things you could ignore or just pass off as jokes now come out as personal attacks. I can understand that, now I can't totally relate to ya because, well I ain't good at writing and I don't have as big a success as it as you do. But I can feel ya on the stress part at least, and I wish you a merry x-mas, and a happy new years.


I remember when you had to do you public service for months and you still put out chapters at a ridiculous rate. I'm happy to pay for a month even if you don't put out chapters. Take a break, everyone needs one at some point.


I've said it before and will say it again, fewer (or even no) chapters from time to time is infinitely better than to have you burn out long term from trying to force things. Take time when you need the time, your stories have always been worth both the money and the wait :)


Gotta raise that Spirit stat and let your mana regen for a bit. Take your time man.


Hi, I’m working fulltime with fixed hours as a software engineer, a few years ago a former colleague offered me a side job helping out with his app. He is more a graphic guy and his app got massive performance problems. We made a deal based on a percentage of the apps revenues monthly for me for redesigning his codebase. After 3 months I was finished, not with the app but with my health. It wasn’t a burnout but a near thing. I had no free time left, I worked day and night and always felt guilty if I did something else, this "open-end contract” destroyed my private live. I never would do anything like that again without clear rules. My tips for you: - Take a two-month break. - suspend the patreon pay out, you won’t stress over losing patreons and you wont stress over feeling guilty that you own the people still paying you while making a break. - Make an outlook rule for patreon/RR/work mails -> push them as read in some folder so you don’t see them. - Deactivate your discord app/don’t start it. - Ignore RR - Take a breath and do something completely else in the next month, if you just have to write, write something fun that you will never publish, just for yourself. - Write a few backlog chapters in the second month, to get back into work and give yourself a buffer for times when you need it. - Restart with full batteries, and keep better care of yourself. Take care. Indy


You gotta take care of you. We'll be here when you're feeling tiptop. Ain't going anywhere.


I've enjoyed your work for a couple years now since you first started writing. You kept up extreme chapter schedules the entire time with barely any change and always had given us a heads up when you needed a short break. I'm good with you slowing down somewhat, you still write more even slower then many do and I just enjoy your writing to much to just walk away cause you slow down some especially after telling why. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better sooner then later, even then I don't mind less chapters all's good there from me at least as 5$ isn't going to kill me.


You've earned a lot of leeway at this point. Take whatever time you need!


Price tag is more than reasonable with Your writing speed so for me some skips are just normal and won't impact my subscription Especially because of the reason for it, glad Your keeping track of Your mental health and definitely take breaks when needed Happy Holidays to us all :-)


I subscribe to help keep the story I enjoy going (however small my contribution has to be), if you need to slow down to keep going then I will keep supporting that!


Your mental health always comes first! Take things slowly and focus on what is best for you! I do not know about anyone else but your work has helped with my own mental health so it is only fair if I stick with my subscription as is. Wishing you all the best and hope your holiday season isn’t too hectic! ~ From a most grateful fan


From my point of view, I am happy with any chapter I get and do not really care about a schedule. If you start writing less just make your Patron tiers reflect that in a fair manner, whatever that may be for you. But I don't think you should have a schedule, if you think you can't keep it or plan to not be consistent with it. Infringing on your schedule to often disincentives your brain from the stress of keeping a schedule which - for me - resulted in a downward spiral in productivity in the long run, and depression in the short run. Not a good thing at all. Maybe talk to your Headdoctor about it. Instead set your schedule to "I'll post one AH & Infra Zerker chap a week. If you get more rejoice!" Or something along those lines. It's much better.

Zachary Smith

Hey all good man I’ll be here supporting the art that I love which you’re really good at creating, fantasy fiction. My best wishes to you, be good.

Strange Loop Sleuth

I figure you've earned enough goodwill with your consistency and quality that I won't cancel even if you do take a month off to get settled. Take care of yourself!


69 update posts. Nice. Anyway, take care Mr Author.


I love your story and i hope you'll find a balance. My personal tip is to get a way or a person to put distance/filter between you and the comments. There are a lot of youtubers with shared stories such as yours but only a few with reasonable advice. There's a reasonable reason most people with some fame or money don't directly interact with fans on a daily basis. In a personal opinion of mine, i think posting your chapters and direct contact should be done by a separate person.

Matthew Lester

Just take a break. You deserve it.


Love your work dude, keep healthy so it never ends. Slow and steady if you gotta.


Take breaks when you need, and adjust rate of out put as you need. And don't publish everything immediately; backlog may help with stress and give greater flexibility. But do whatever you like, and whatever you need; it's fine.


Today I learned that there is negativity in the AH community :/ This makes me sad. On another note, you schedule is insane. Take the time you need. I'd be fine with half as many chapters

zoli bassoff

I really have understanding with the mental health stress. Take some time off and see how you feel. I really appreciate every couple of weeks to have some basic update of what’s going on. I will support you for months if you keep needing mental health space without any writing. I love your story and will support you financially.


Don’t worry man, if you need a break just do it. You release a lot more chapters on a more consistent schedule than many other authors, and skipping a few won’t hurt anything. I’ve really been enjoying your writing a lot, and I hope that you start to feel better soon :)


Trakorov was always right. A good rest is very important for everyone. A good rest can include anything, even a random writing of funny shit or drinking beer. It is important to feel good and relax. It's not obvious during stress, but when you look back after a good chill, you'll realize that you needed it.


No problem, take care of yourself first. Your release rate is extremely fast compared to many other webnovel, so a few missed chapter is in no way a problem.


Hope you get better soon. I really like AH and believe it or not I'm subbed to some extremely sporadic writer's. One more won't break the bank ☺️


Kept up with the Patreon since the beginning of this story and I’m proud to help such a talented and consistent author. You are the goose that lays golden eggs. You deserve to unwind and allow your mind to recuperate. Let your mind rest easy knowing that your transparency and communication with us readers is entirely appreciated! :) Merry Christmas


Your mental health is important. I personally won't mind if you have to take a break for your sake! Please take care of yourself 😁


What everyone said above. Get a dog, meditate by petting it to sleep. Dogs bring us is into the "now". And force you outside, other wise they will pee on your carpet. You can always foster or borrow a friend dog!


It’s a fairly different situation that our author has compared to a YouTuber. The audience that a moderately sized to large YouTuber reaches is huge and they vary highly with a much younger consumer base average; leading to much less constructive criticism. Our author benefits from directly reading responses and reviews in order to quickly revise or rethink certain elements of the story. I do agree on our author having the support of an assistant or a team to aid with the growing fan base. Whatever they choose to do I hope that they do it while prioritizing their well-being :)


Just chiming in to say that therapy is a great idea! The common conception of it is it's only for "serious" problems but like, it's literally just a professional who can help you figure out how to change your life for the better, you don't need to have anything "wrong" with you. A lot of people attend therapy not because there's anything wrong with them, but just because their situation is bad (e.g. stressful job/family/relationships/health/etc)


Make sure you try to find a good therapist though. It can be hit or miss, and the most important thing to remember is that you can always change therapists if you don't like the one you get


After finding a good therapist then get a dog. Cheaper in the long run. And they don't talk back, always listen and they are always there for you. Exercise is good for everyone!

Red Bard

Honestly you've written so much and in such quality that I don't think anyone minds if you take a break, and even if you only write one chapter a month from now on I personally would not mind. Hopefully you feel better, Have a happy Christmas.

Samuel Gatto

We love you! You have created something truly beautiful. Thanks for all your hard work! <3

Chad Hagner

I'd much rather you slow down and take breaks then burn out and stop a story that so many love. Take care of yourself, your readers support you!!!! Merry Christmas G!


Feel free to slow down. 4 chapters a week in the main story and another in the alt story are already a lot compared to most of the authors I sub to. Write less when you want to and wright more when you're in the mood. We'll still be here.


Take all the time you need. You already provide more than enough chapters so less releases is fine. Your health is more important.

Terry Stevens

Fuck that noise mate. I think most of us are in this for the long haul. Just keep updating us with progress reports of how your doing, give heads up if your taking a week or more off, and that is enough. You’ve been good to us, over 800 chapters, and not dropping out when it started to get hard. And I’ll still be here, hopefully for the millennial chapter as well. Good luck mate, and get well.


Go out of the house every day (preferably when the sun is (or should be) out.) You need a mental determination to not let anything stop you, be it headache, rain, snow, cold, etc. Get well, and happy Yule!


You‘re awesome my dude, don‘t stress out over the release schedule. One suggestion I might propose is to release a few updates with just one chapter (but write 2), then when you want to skip a release just use one of those backlog chapters. Honestly, reading one chapter each at each release day feels way better than reading 2, then skipping a release day. Just a thought to maintain consistency while still „skipping“ chapters.

Chase Clawson

Take care of yourself G! Youll have my support as long as i can give it :)


You are doing great! Keep up the good job mate.


Good luck. Take care of yourself first.


Take your time. I'm not leaving 💙


Take it sleazy man, it's really not about paying money for a service for me, it's about supporting an author who I feel is worth investing into. You could stop writing for 2 months I wouldn't take my pledge back, cause it's about your potential (which is huge as you've already demonstrated) and quality of writing (which is amazing too)


Merry Christmas and take care of yourself. I hope you get through this but time for yourself not to stress is very important.


I have been amazed by the amount of updates coming from you every week for quite some time. Nobody in his/her right mind will go away just because you slow down. As long as you keep up the quality and don‘t go dark on us all will be good. So take all the time you need.


Mate I'm happy to keep supporting you even with no content, your story helps my mental health and has got me through some rough days. Look after yourself first


Thank you, get well!


Take your time man and get a psychologist. Par contre it's interesting to see how most authors have to take mental health breaks lately. I hadn't expected the impact of Covid to be so heavy on professions that are capable of full work from home


And Merry Christmas!!!


You know sometimes i wish i'd get amnesia so i could enjoy discovering Azarinth healer all over again. Its mainly because of your story that i got into reading web novels at all. As someone who deals with there own stress by escaping reality and reading fantasy instead; you're acttually kind of my therapist so as a christmas bonus i've increased my pledge to 9$. I will also keep supporting you regardless of the amount of charpter's/month. You have supported me more than you can know . So let me do the same and tell you for once :). Also If you need a break , take a break. I'll be here whenever you get back. Thanks for sharing your wonderfull mind with the rest of us.


Merry Christmas babe! You'll never get a complaint with me; I love your story! 🥰


Thanks for the heads up. As a person who is NOT a dr or any kind of mental health professional this makes sense to me. Completely removing the 'stressors' will create different stressors but lessening them and being aware of them is a... start? Maybe not a final solution but it sounds good. Of course I want chapters but not at the expense of your or anyone elses health. Take care of yourself, much love.




Take all the time/ slowing down you need. I've been with since the start(as you can maybe see with the only one having a tier that noone else has ;D), so if you start skipping a month or if you start slowing down, I will still be here and I don’t mind keeping paying either. Noone is helped if you neglect yourself. Wish you all the best. Again, I'll be here.


take care of yourself , it is more important than some writing schedule


Take as long as you need i wont stop supporting you even if you skip a year


You do you, life isn't easy and it's not gonna get easier. I'd rather you take the time you need to get better rather than you ending up in a position where you don't ever feel like writing again.


Take care of yourself


Merry Christmas dude. Your writing is inspirational, and has made my day many a time. Take a break, talk to therapists or friends irl and know we’ll always be here for you man 👍

Adam Roundfield

I find that simply not subjecting myself to the "news" reduces general stress by about 90%. It does not matter what network or what platform, if it brands itself as "news" then that shit is toxic content and contributes massively to overall stress levels. Anything that has any real impact on your life you will end up finding out about without needing any "news" to amplify it for you... Just my experience... Do what you need to do and take care of yourself, we will still be here.


I think that anyone that truly appreciates the work you've created would hate to see you burn yourself out. Please, take the rest you need.


It's so true. When I threw out politics and news, my quality of life reached a new level.


Take care of yourself, you always come first. We wish you the best.


My personal advice would be: buy a gaming chair. Those boost your stats immensely. Cheers anyways. As someone who is in therapy for something similar, I can only say that you should just do that. If you can get a spot, get yourself some therapy. Even if you have identified the problem. Overcoming it is always a process.


Thanks for the update, take care of yourself mate


Well I for one will not unsubscribe. Your work is far to valuable to me. Go and look after yourself. You deserve a break.


Stop. Just stop and do something else entirely. Don't push too hard. We still need your stories for a long time. Even if it means to wait. I will wait. I hope you don't become a second R. R. Martin but I'll wait.

mr. redd

Just wanted to say that this was my first and, so far, favorite story on royal road. I’ve enjoyed the journey so far (even though none of my comments have been responded to) and will continue to through the thick and the thin. Also, I still am confident you’re a drug dealer.


Yes, it’s sad to hear from you, it’s really a shame that there is no magic pill that so often we need to fix the problem! Get well!


I've enjoyed your work so far, and even with fewer releases I will still enjoy it immensely. I rather enjoy slower updates with you having the needed time to find yourself, than having no update at all. Take good care of yourself and take the Tine you need, I'll continue to support you here on Patreon.

Joey McGowan

I'd rather long breaks and a healthy author, than the chance of you breaking down and stopping writing entirely.


<p style="color: #008600;">Oh! I understand your problem very good and I sympathize with you now! Try to relax and maybe a little break will do you good!</p>

Thomas Christie

Hey man, been a long time reader of this story and you’ve always had a consistent output of high quality work. Just wanted to give my two pence, it’s absolutely fine to take whatever time you need. Thank you for letting us know about your circumstances so that anyone who is supporting you can adjust accordingly, I really appreciate that. I will presume to think I speak for the vast majority of us when I say that your health is more important, we can all wait a bit longer for literary goodness as long as you’re okay. Take care of yourself.


Just take care of yourself, mentally and physically, I wish you a wonderful end of year and an even better start. 🧡


I have truly enjoyed your story. Thank you and take the personal time you need. If you haven't got your health you don't have anything. =)


I can only speak for myself, but I support you so that you can write. That means write in a healthy way in which you can enjoy life. Vacations and Salary adjustment days are part of it. I hope that writing is something that you enjoy and continue doing.


I was wondering why there wasn't an update. Please rest up well and I don't mind waiting a decade or two for the next chapter. Your story is worth the wait.