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Author's note: Heya. New chapters and more hopefully Saturday.

Let me know what you think :).

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Chapter 790 Dinner

The suns were already rather low on the horizon, Riverwatch basking in the late summer evening light. Sentinels and Shadows still flew above the city, some of the local guard squads doing the same.

“How long do you think the meeting will take? We could get dinner together at Walter’s place,” she sent to Trian and Claire.

“At least a few more hours. I’ll contact you,” Claire sent back near instantly.

“Would be nice. No idea how long. The Taleen want detailed plans,” Trian sent.

“Detailed plans,” Ilea sighed.

“It’s good that you’re not the administrator, or Headmaster for that matter,” Kyrian said as he looked over the city. He wore a black long sleeved shirt and black pants.

“Yeah, I’ve been told similar things in the past few days. But you know, we wouldn’t be here without me surviving a sunlit corridor,” she said, leaning against a tree. This one was far thicker than the one that buckled.

“Not getting enough validation? Oh great Lilith?” he asked with a smirk.

She smiled. “Fuck off. You look good. I like the casual look. Got over your constant protection or what is it?”

“It’s been… I’m better. Yes. I can also store plenty of metal in some kind of space domain, or the Meadow says its one. Connected to my essence apparently, so yeah… easier to be like this when my armor is right there. The storage rings just weren’t the same,” he said.

“Right. I have something similar. But I can store everything,” she said.

“Of course yours is better,” he said with a laugh.

“My armor is a skill so I guess it’s different in the first place. Kind of strange that you can’t make your own metal yet,” she said. “We can fly a bit and then walk by the way. The others might join later.”

“Fair, let’s go then,” he said and followed, the two flying for a few seconds through the forest before coming to a stop, landing and continuing on foot. “I had choices for metal creator classes,” he said. “But they just didn’t seem as powerful as my main one. Infusing and empowering the metal I choose limits the amount I can control, yes, but at the same time it’s far stronger than anything I could create. At least it seemed that way from the descriptions.”

“Your metal is insanely powerful, yes,” Ilea said. “On par with what the Ascended threw at me.”

“Oh really?” he asked.

Ilea smiled. “Yeah. I think you’re a much better fighter than the ones I’ve faced. But I suppose they’re not exactly warriors.”

“I train with really good ones too,” he said and winked.

“Smooth. Now you can train with a bunch of Executioners. I still wonder if we can test ourselves against the Sphere Guardians. Not a priority for Aki right now, but yeah,” she said.

The forest got darker as the trees became more dense. They were already close to the mountain and the Calys mine.

“I’m more interested in facing all those elves, honestly. Far more natural fighters and they’ve been at it for centuries, maybe even longer. Their magic intrigues me as well. How do you even defend against something like sound,” he mused.

“You just let it hit you. Until the resistance is high enough,” Ilea suggested.

He laughed. “Sure. That’s your approach. Because you can just heal everything. Not everyone has that level of regeneration.”

“You’re pretty durable yourself,” she said.

“Yeah. But a level eight hundred elf?” he asked. “I don’t know about that. I’ll find out though, if they really come to the Descent.”

“Right. I’m happy to train with them too. Don’t see why they would refuse to come either. I bet Isalthar likes the chance to have the Hunters gathered in a central place, even though the Descent is pretty large,” she said as they reached the slope of the mountain, the trees more scarce here. She quickly spotted the hidden entrance, smiling at the lack of concealment. With all her perception skills and enhanced sight, it may as well have been a door. Walter needs to upgrade his shit. Maybe that lady from that estate can help.

“Just hope the Accords talk to them in time, but I suppose Aki is with them,” Kyrian said.

“Took two days to prepare. I’m sure there were some talks,” Ilea said.

“You don’t actually know anything?” Kyrian asked.

She shrugged. “I actually was in Io, you know? Preparing things.”

“For two entire days?” he asked, raising his brows.

Ilea teleported them into the cavern. “I also visited Felicia, alright?”

“Right. I might’ve been in the capital too.”

“So that’s why there was no fucking food in the Redleaf mansion,” Ilea complained.

“You have entire restaurants inside of your storage domain or whatever it is,” Kyrian murmured, looking away.

“Denying Lilith her food. You have some nerve,” Ilea said, knocking on the hidden entrance to the Vultures Den. This one at least was enchanted.

“Might get an evolution achievement for that. Or one of those titles you talked about,” he said and pointed at her. “You’re still a Wanderer. Did you get something new in the meantime?”

Ilea shrugged. “I forgot to check.”

“You just like the Wanderer one, don’t you,” he said.

“Maybe. I might be able to switch it now, it’s been over a week since I got it I think. But I can do that at any point in time. If I really need it,” she said and checked the list. There were three new ones since last time.

- Sun Defier [You think you're tougher than the sun. Maybe you are. You take less damage from the heat of stars]
- Mediator [You have an aura of calm about you. Beings will know you seek the end of conflict.]
- Poison Enjoyer [A connoisseur. You taste and feel the intricacies of poisons in your body.]

Great. Well sure, if I walk into another sun corridor, I’ll fucking know what to equip.

“I got a few new ones. But nothing really better than what I already have. I’ll leave it for now until I need to do something else,” she said. “Or maybe…” she glanced at Gourmet and Deviant. Hey maybe that would help with my astral stuff.

“Deviant? Really?” Kyrian asked when he saw the change.

“Leave me alone. It might help me train things,” she said and read the description again.

- Deviant [You may learn to understand previously incompatible magics]

“A deviant. Wanderer sounded nicer,” he said when the door opened.

The ruby eyes of grandpa bones looked at them, his skull head glancing between Kyrian and Ilea. “Who is this one? Another three mark? Youth,” he spat. “Don’t tell me you’re married.”

“We’re not. I don’t see why that would be an issue though,” Ilea said. “He’s Kyrian. Initially from my Shadow team, long time friend.”

“I don’t like married people,” the skeleton explained. “Good to meet you, Kyrian. How’s your digging?”

Kyrian shook his bone hand and smiled. “Can’t complain. Just recently dug into the capital of the Taleen.”

Grandpa bones whistled. Somehow. “Now that’s some impressive digging. Come on in, Ethi… I mean Walter told us about your coming. He’s preparing food. Even have some of that fish the demon likes so much.”

Ilea smiled. Right. Forgot how crazy this little coven was. Den? Necromancer cult? Whatever.

“Vultures Brohterhood,” Ilea said to her companion.

“It’s beinghood now,” Granpa bones said as they walked down the stairs, Ilea shutting the door with a push of space magic. “It was personhood for a time but then Weavy isn’t really a person, is he?”

Ilea looked at him, raising her brows. You’re not exactly a person either. She chose not to bring it up.

“Beinghood. I don’t think that’s a word,” Kyrian whispered to her.

“You’re allowed to make up new words, you know?” she said as they walked through the damp and unsanitary corridors. She spotted several kinds of fungi growing on the uneven walls, unsure if they were meant for food or simply existed due to gross neglect.

Compared to the enchanted mansion they had come from or the domain of the Meadow, the place was certainly a downgrade. “The beds here are fucking shit too, if you needed to know.”

“I didn’t,” Kyrian answered. “Where did you take me?”

“Don’t worry. The common room is nice,” she said as they passed a few patrolling undead. The corpses wore battered leather armor, spears in their hands.

[Undead Warrior – lvl 95] – [Dead]


“So, how are things down here?” she asked, glancing at the black cape around the skeleton’s back.

He looked back with slightly glowing ruby eyes. “Too loud.”

“I see,” she said. Not one for conversation.

They entered the common room, the smells and atmosphere changing instantly. From damp and dark dungeon like stone corridor to what one might find inside of an inn. The large hearth burned with wood, flickering flames and warmth welcoming any traveler that might find the underground den. Oil lamps added warm light to the hall, stuffed deer, bear, and monster heads adorning the stone walls. Wooden support beams intersected the assortment of tables and chairs. Stairs led down into the somewhat cramped but homely hall, the counter to the left extending near all the way to the back of the room.

Behind the counter, several shelves reached up and nearly to the high ceiling, filled with bottles and jars. Walter’s collection, far more extensive now it seemed. The brewery he set up in Riverwatch must’ve born fruit. Ilea saw the barrels stored in the kitchen, a cellar added below with more. She smiled at the discovery, very much inclined to buy the entire stock.

Walter stood in the kitchen, hugging Lucia as they prepared dinner for everyone.

Harthome showed off a steel hammer glinting with magic, the large man sitting opposite the three initiates. Celene and Weavy sat at another table, the woman listening to the demon talk about a rune he had etched into the table with his claws. She moved a finger around the top of a glass of wine, seemingly lost in thought as the demon talked.

Eyn sat next to Harthome, one hand rubbing his temple as he flicked through the tome of runes. He was the first to notice them, looking up to glance at Ilea. Indra it seemed, wasn’t around.

“Hello,” came the voice of the boy. He looked less scrawny, his hair still a mess but his eyes showed no fear. Interested and perhaps even calculating. Something about him felt wild to Ilea.

“Hey. Nice spell. Weavy hasn’t gone too far, has he?” she asked with a smile.

“Walter is making sure I don’t turn into a demon. I don’t really see the point, but whatever. You two are strong… wow. And what’s that in your mind… it’s like a wall. I’ve never seen anything like it!” the boy sent, closing his tome.

Harthome stood up and laughed, raising his hammer as he shouted. “Ilea!”

The initiates turned around and smiled.

Still initiates? I wonder.

“You might see the point in the future. Being a demon might be fun, but I get his point,” Ilea answered the boy. “The wall is my third tier Mental Resistance. You can try to get past it if you feel like it.”

[Mind Mage – lvl 158]

“Are you sure? Walter says it’s dangerous, even against high level people,” Eyn said.

“You have my permission. Only against me of course,” Ilea said.

He smiled and put both hands onto his tome, whispering something to himself as he closed his eyes.

Ilea felt the pressure hit her. Cute. She smirked.

“Harthome, it’s good to see you. Show me that hammer,” she said and stepped down to the others, waving at Lucas, Ellie, and Naiir.

“Of course, here you go,” he said and threw the thing her way.

Ilea caught it with space magic, moving it into her hand before she inspected the metal. “That’s Kyrian by the way. He was in my shadow team, thought I’d bring him along. We just finished a long meeting with the Accords.”

“It really wasn’t that long,” Kyrian said. “Good to meet you lot,” he said and waved, stepping down to sit down at the table. “Weavy, good to see you.”

The demon turned around. “Metal flesh. Yes. I remember you,” he hissed. “Mistress Lilith, you have returned for a visit. An honor, truly,” he added and bowed. “Deviant, you are. Indeed.”

“I unlocked titles, yes. This one makes it easier to learn magics I’m not familiar with apparently,” she said, looking at the various benches and chairs. “Nothing with metal?” she asked, turning the very light hammer in her hand.

“You can have it if you like,” Harthome said as he walked over and leaned against the bar, looking at her with an approving nod.

“Thanks, but I found a hammer already,” she said, summoning Silent Memory. “Behave, or I’ll store you again,” she said as the silver strings flowed out, one going around her arm with the rest fanning out. She watched them and waited.

Harthome staggered back, nearly falling on his ass. “Th… the… th… the si… si… Silent Memory!” he shouted and started laughing. A manic sound. Then he passed out, just for a moment. He took in a deep breath, rubbing his eyes before he sat up and looked at the hammer again. “It… not a dream. Ilea! What you have there is…”

“A divine artifact made by Sanguerrihn, yes. I’m aware,” she said with a grin.

“It is supposed to… bring the end of times. A most dangerous creation… madness. To wield it, to bring it here… what… where have you found it?” Harthome said, staggering to get up.

One thorned silver thread moved over to him.

“Don’t. They’re not to curse or eat,” Ilea said to the hammer as if it understood.

The thread turned back, all of them moving back into the hammer, all but the one around her arm. Ilea made it vanish again. “It took a while to make it less… angry, I guess.”

“Angry… yes. It is not supposed to be wielded. The Silent Memory is chaos… destruction. Madness wrought into metal. Best forgotten, left in the dark. And yet you wield it. Ilea…” he started cackling, receiving his own hammer that he simply threw behind himself. “This is childsplay. Tell me how you found it!”

Ilea chose to make a chair of ash, sitting down at the table. She noticed the creaking when Kyrian sat down on the bench. “Heavy bones, eh?”

“Not quite as bad as yours,” he answered with a smile.

“You’re quite heavy, boy,” Celene said as she looked over. “Are you human?”

“I do believe I am,” Kyrian said, looking her way.

She downed her wine. “Boring.”

Ilea snickered. “Right. Being a three mark just isn’t impressive enough.”

“Your defenses are strong. Wow,” Eyn sent before he stopped his attempt, blood running from his nose.

“You’re bleeding again, Eyn,” Ellie said and offered a napkin.

“Thank you,” the boy answered and cleaned off the blood.

Ellie smiled and looked to Kyrian. “You wield curses, right? Weavy mentioned you.”

“That I do,” Kyrian said. “But I don’t know if I can show anything here without killing someone.”

“You can curse me a little,” Ilea said.

“Maybe,” Kyrian said.

“Nobody is getting cursed,” came Walter’s voice. He walked out with a plate in his hands. “You damn monsters keep your magic to yourself. This isn’t some gathering place of Cerithil Hunters or whatever.”

“Oh right, I could’ve invited a few of them too,” Ilea said.

“NO,” Walter said as the plate vanished from his hands.

“I can take care of that,” Ilea said, summoning the prepared dishes from the kitchen.

“Aren’t we waiting for the others?” Kyrian asked.

Ilea looked up from the steaming finger food. “But I’m hungry.”

“The mistress is hungry,” Weavy said and nodded. “Nothing shall interrupt her feast.”

“Nothing,” Ilea whispered.

“Fine, not like I can stop you,” Kyrian said and grabbed himself a plate as well.

“Thanks, Walter!” Ilea shouted and started eating. “Oh, I want to buy some of your mead and ale! The Taleen really liked it!”

“The Taleen,” he murmured. “Okay. Let’s… right.” He shook his head and walked back to the kitchen before realizing every plate was already gone.

Lucia giggled and grabbed his arm, leading him out from behind the bar and to one of the tables. “Ilea, dear, can you get some mugs too?”

Ilea waved her hand, a dozen mugs vanishing from one of the shelves and appearing above them. She set them down with her space manipulation before summoning a barrel of ale.

Harthome laughed, ripping the thing open with his bare hands before he started pouring.

“How do you know these people anyway?” Kyrian asked.

“She stumbled down here, exploring the Calys mine. What level was she? Forty or something?” Lucas said.

“Don’t say it. Makes me feel inadequate with my growth,” Naiir said.

“You wouldn’t feel so bad if you actually studied and went out there to kill monsters,” Eyn said.

“The way you talk about it, it sucks. You get hurt all the time, and you nearly died so many times already,” Naiir said, shaking his head.

“You’re just scared,” Eyn said with a smile. “You think she’s scared of anything?” he motioned to Ilea.

She gulped and smiled. “I’ve met beings that scare me. Trust me,” she said with a grin.

“Really! What?” he said and leaned forward.

“A… wait no. I don’t want to talk about it. Maybe it can somehow hear it and come here,” she said and shuddered slightly, thinking of the eye, then of the strange light illuminating her deep below the waters of Kohr. Maybe that one was just lost. No, fuck that.

“If she’s scared of it, I don’t want to even hear about it,” Ellie said and covered her ears.

“Covering your ears won’t do anything,” Eyn said.

“He’s right you know,” Ilea sent to everyone.

“You can do it too!” Eyn exclaimed with a bright smile. “See, I’m not weird!”

“You are,” Ellie said and looked away, blushing a little.

Interesting, Ilea thought with a smile. “Don’t be mean to her. I think she likes you,” she sent to Eyn. “See, that’s why Walter’s lessons are important.”

“What do you mean… she… she… always teases me,” he said, mind stuttering the answer. He looked down at his book. “I’m… strange.”

“Strange isn’t bad, kid,” Ilea sent. “Strange is just strange. I’m strange too, look at my title.”



i love you


Thank you!


Strange is just strange.


Your chapters always entertain, but more than that, they make me *feel better*.


Pretty sure Kyrian has been to the brotherhood before? When they dropped Weavy off with newfound apprentice?


Thank you for the fun chapter.

Jed Wolfgang

Omg. This chapter was great, lol.


I love these revisiting chapters, time never stops and getting to see how previous characters have evolved is really nice.


Whatever happened to that old Taleen Paladin she found?

deus vult

is evee still alive? that would be cool. the way she just died was anti-climatic. it makes sense realistically, but from a plot point of view it just... stopped. she didn't persue revenge or anything. from what we know about them, they (lilly) clearly don't like illea. if they could they would've tried killing her already. they might've and she probably just ignored it. that sus spy guy is probably their best attempt. so, is there gonna be an arc against the lilly? then evee's gonna show up and surprise everyone. then replace the sus spy dude. it'll be nice imo.


I've been wanting to see Grandpa Bones for a long time! Dreams come true haha


He will 100% use the network to meet the descendants, but I think it will not be shown in the near future. Even if it will never be shown, I am still sure that it will happen behind the scenes and therefore I am glad.

yannick schwende

Ilea playing matchmaker. Awesome xD Thanks very much


We know Evee died because Ilea found her body. Her death did instigate Ilea to investigate the Lily and do some stuff in the capital, but hasn’t really had much of an impact in the last 500 chapters. Ilea doesn’t blame the whole Lily for her death, she has a grudge against Micheal (the blood/gold mage who uses clones) but she decided not to go out of her way to take revenge.


Mmmm Weavy seem to much subdued vs how he was before in this chapter, choice of word (mistress and etc) in his line and etc, i prefered when we feel really he is a demon different than human, and not to much subdued like that, where is his more wild nature and the little sting in his line when talking with ilea his friend like in the past?


Kyrian has been here and met the Brotherhood before though :o

deus vult

I'll make my case here. it was anti-climatic and nothing happened. as for evee's death? we know she died TWICE. once when she was a kid after killing somebody and again after killing somebody. it's not unlikely that she 'faked her death' if she managed it. otherwise she wouldn't be able to get rid of michael. she might have a skill for it. again, it's possible. but not likely. since we know she was tired and careful before returning home. but it IS possible. it'll give a much more wholesome conclusion to the whole lilly thing.


Petition to rename Illleas new Title to [Average Poison Enjoyer] :p http://imgur.com/a/vMBCNFj Amazing chapter as always!


also helps keep things grounded, i think someone previously posted how the connections of people to places improves how well their recalled.


If I remember correctly, the Meadow once told Illea that her Arcane healing is the second best type of healing available, just after something called "True Ressurection". Couldn't tell you which chapter that was though. I find it possible that Illea may gain an ability to ressurect the dead at some point, either as her 4th Tier skill, learned with her "Deviant" Title, or possibly as her Level 1000 upgrade to her healing spell (chaning its type from Arcane to TR).


"Welcome Lilith of Ravenhall.... one who has seen THE EYE! " telepathically whispered Eyn in an oddly elven dress. Can't stop paraphrasing Tolkien every time GH brings up that primordial UGGHH!


Didn’t Kyrian already meet the vultures, sometime after the demon invasion?


Why does the lily need a conclusion? They are too weak to have any impact on ilea anymore just leave them be


aye i was wondering about that too while reading, maybe the author forgot.

Melting Sky

llea has no beef with the Lilly, only Micheal. Even in his case, she determined it was a morally grey mess that served as an object lesson about how she couldn't just punch and murder all her problems away no matter how powerful she became Although it may have seemed anti-climatic, this was an important turning point in her life where she was forced to make a very painful choice between letting her personal feelings and desire for vengeance go, or continuing a cycle of vengeance and murder that would leave countless innocents dead on the sidelines.


Weavy has been calling Ilea mistress for a while now? I think Weavy started to call her mistress when she reaches lvl 300. Weavy maybe a demon from Khor but they do still have a social hierarchy. It was mentioned on the past chapters, just like the demon called green who wanted to be a king. Mind weavers respect the strong just like Weavy respecting Ilea. He still occasionally hunts beast near the mines but I think his interactions with humans changed his character a bit. And demons aren’t savages another example was the demon in Audur’s domain.

deus vult

yea. but despite them being so weak, we don't know much about them. what we do know is that they hate other non-human races and that they like being in control. besides being sociopaths and massive cunts. to me it sounds like they would've taken illea down faster than they could. if they even had a chance. she doesn't serve their agenda. we only know like three people from there. helena is a massive cunt and kills people to make a living. that general from lis wouldn't have a beef with illea, if it weren't for the elves. the distroyer doesn't give a shit, and she already had a falling out with michael. she is at best, neutral with 3 members of their faction. at worst, she's destroying all of their plans and annoying the hell out of them. as for why? everybody is weak as shit compared to illea at this point. unless she goes somewhere else or continues travelling the plains, she would eventually be having conflicts within human society. the first group to jump on her would be the lilly. not necessarily helena, though she will play against her. but other people would directly attack her faction. isolate and ridicule her. she is too damn powerful to do anything against directly, which is why they sent that spy to keep an eye on her. he can still do some pretty awful shit. he said so himself. he mentioned something like "you might be invincible, but the people around you are not.". he might go against her thinking he is doing good for the benefit of the entire human race or some shit. michael wouldn't want to kill her, since she is a very high leveled human and thus powerful. no, they'll try to control her. when that wouldn't work they'll ridicule and blackmail her. it's well overdue for them to try and attempt something or somehow act against her. she is immortal and powerful, but she is not omnipotent. and that spy is pretty fucking sus.


Anyone up for recreating the Vulture's brotherhood as a Skyrim mod? Your friendly neighborhood necromancer cult, with a secret entrance and stuff, it'd be so cool

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Ilea teleporting all the dishes gave me an idea for a side character who goes around to all the restaurants Ilea owns doing space magic as a waiter to get her attention and make them Ilea’s first apprentice


Thanks for the chapters, nice to see Walter again


Heck yes. Have weavy there with absolutely no explaination


Fun check in!


Typo: “Vultures Brohterhood,”


ya know I've been confused for a while on why ilea can't drunk with that ability that lets her shut down her resistances (unless that got lost in an upgrade or something?). Here's hoping 'poison enjoyer' lets her get a buzz on again.


Put one of those Hermaeus Mora tentacly creatures from Dragonborn as Weavy, unless anyone wants to remodel a full stand alone new preset eksdeh


She probably metabolizes everything too fast to matter. I think that is part of the reason why she can eat so much and doesn't get fat.


Ilea should visit Helena with that Poison Connoiseur title. And she should tell Weavy what she's been hunting on Kohr lately. Maybe he'd like to taste the eldritch beings.


Waevy need an upgrade, maybe eating those level 1000+ monster flesh can help him unlock something when he evolve. Would like to see weave evolve in something that resembles a human with all but completely black eyes and wings, so he look like your typical demon lord but more in line with Lilith. Like Lilith Hollow or demon child of Lilith.


Ilea should meet a child that is named Lilith after her at some point.


KYRIAN has BEEN HERE ALREADY. I don't understand. It was a well written chapter, and I would have really liked it. Except literally it was incredibly redundant with Kyrian already having been introduced here when Weavy first got here back in chapter 153. It low key ruined the chapter for me. The author in the next chapters admitted that it should be changed, I am now happy with the chapter. :)

derek giandolfi

Can someone tell me what chapter she got the special Hammer. I don’t remember it at all and have been reading this for years


just recently when the trio were digging towards Iz, round 30chaps back or less i think


"the special hammer" is almost a euphemism for the MC ;)


The lily is suppose to have some of the strongest, wealthiest, and smartest members of humanity. It was alluded to that there are a few members we haven't seen that are as strong or stronger than the lvl 500 library guy. Anyone with half a brain can look at Ilea and know that moving against her right now would be more than stupid, it would be suicidal. The best case would be both sides of the conflict in ruins. No smart person would do that. Helena is keeping tabs on Ilea, which isn't directly hostile, wanting to know what the wild card demi God that popped up is up to is normal. And I dont think Ilea would do much in response to Helena spying on the accord, its not like the spy has hurt anyone she cares about or even stolen any sensitive information yet.


Something has been bothering me a lot recently. Ilea has been growing steadily since she arrived in Elos. She grown tremendously physically, significantly mentally and a little emotionally but she hasn't been learning. I have been reading this book for well over a year and I can hardly point to a single thing that she actively learnt in the past 400 chapters or so. In the beginning she took time out to actually understand the nature and concepts of her abilities not just knowing thier scope. Now she just gets more power and uses it exactly as stated. It's so bad that for almost all the abilities that she gained post 500 lvl she has never truly experimented on to understand their nature. I almost feel like if you remove Ilea from the power that she has and put any creature with a little smattering of intellect, they will probably do as well in battle as she does. At the level of power and status that she Is I don't think being just a battle junkie cuts it anymore. Most of the creatures that left a mark in this story have a thorough understanding of who they are and what they can do. The elf dude that they found and put his soul in a centurion or something was still very powerful because of the knowledge and understanding that he had. If the same happened to Ilea she would be weaker than a centurion. I am ranting. What I am trying to say is as a character Ilea is nothing beyond her powers. She is not mentally more capable that her mental/mind magic skill. She is is not emotionally more capable then her experiences in that anytime she encounters anything that challenges her understanding of what should be she hides/ runs or just straight up ignores it, even her powers! Even physically she is hardly more competent than she was on earth without her Azarinth fighting skill. Ilea needs to learn at least of her own accord because she is getting really really bland as a character. I love this story and I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

Grond (James)

Well, I didn't notice this myself. But now that you point it out I can't unsee it


Weavy survived centuries in Kohr without dying. I doubt he's lived this long by angering or annoying powerful demons there and Ilea is even more powerful. I bet it's instinctual for him not to go all murder rampage these days, otherwise that crazy battle healer might pay a visit. He's also calmed down a lot.


The way Ilea approach's problems is usually punch her way through them. So yeah, it can be a bit bland at times but the way she punches her way through them, is usually linked to abilities she as a warrior earned. And when she doesn't have the wisdom or strength to fix a problem herself, she gets back-up from one of her many friends.


Considering that she invaded both a domain and attacked the taleen only getting 1-4 Ilea battle chapters (depending on if you count her speedrun and the heat Trial) is a bit low. Last 20 chapters 1-2 speedrun to Key 3 Speak with Oracle 4-6 orgnaize assault, Speak with the elfs 7 assault 8 fire Trial 9-20 talks, politics I mean before that we had 60 chapters of social task stuff and politics too (Aliance building and the tournament). And when she got to grinding at Khor, which I realy enjoyed it cut away after 2 chapters. Not that the last 20 chapters were not interesting. They had many major plot points. I just hope we can get back to some nice litrpg grinding action now. It has been very scarce since the decent and I am realy getting bored of the organisational stuff politics and social stuff. 80 chapters of that in the last 90 is a bit much for a lit rpg.


Completely disagree about her not trying to understand her abilities. Plenty of time was spent on her figuring out her spacial abilities, how to use and improve them.


I don't think you understood what I said. Sure she spent time learning how to use her abilities but she never tried to understand them. It the same as learning how to use any tool without understanding why or how it works. when life happens that may be the difference between a brand new engine and a $50 oil change or less. Just with magic this time.


Ilea has always been like that though. She was never the scholar type. Although you still have a point. I think it would be more accurate to say she doesn't experiment anymore. Everything she does with her abilities she has done hundreds of times before. Now that's not necessarily bad. She has grown in the sense that she is incredibly good at what she does. That's also why I think it's wrong to say she is nothing without her powers. It's true that without her abilites she'd be nothing but that's a given in every litRPG. She's just grown in how to use her powers instead. What I'm trying to say is, she stagnated. She has learned how to use her powers effectively and it's working for her which is why she more or less stopped trying to come up with new ways of using them. This is only a problem in the sense that it can become boring quickly but it technically makes sense story wise.


I still disagree with you fundamentally, she does try to understand her abilities the best she can. What your saying doesn't really make logical sense. There isn't a good way to get a deeper understanding of some of her skills than she has, and thats the very nature of the systems fault, not a decision she made on her own. And beyond that, her Spacial skills thats she's been spending a ton of time very specifically trying to understand in exactly the way you are saying she should try to kind of ruin your argument.


I freaking loved the Eldritch Jellyfish fight! It seems like everytime Ilea finds a new hunting ground she accidentally stumbles upon some calamity threat these days (Ascended, leviathan, primordial light eye thing). I think my favorite part about all the grind fights is just how fun it is to find new enemies. I think I'd enjoy some more Khor chapters while everyone's dealing with the changes goin on.


I get your point, but I think we will see more chapters of her grinding and figuring out her skills/training from now on.


I think you are forgetting something. Her training with the Meadow. That's the way she's doing all her experimenting with her powers these days. Also, she IS using her powers in different ways beyond what their base descriptions say. She has invented several different applications of her ash spells, which is how she was able to create those extra abilities with the core skill points. Just because they are abilities does not mean they aren't born from experimentation and alternate applications. In fact, she only GOT those abilities in the first place because she experimented first. And don't even get me started on the applications of space magic that she has. That has been her chief area of focus in her studies with the Meadow, and that is the area where she has pushed her abilities the farthest beyond the base descriptions in the ability list. In fact, that's likely where most of the slow-down in experimentation with the other classes is coming from, it's because she's hyper-focusing and specializing in her 3rd class in the area of space magic.


Well, these days, any creature that would make worthy prey to her actually IS a calamity level threat in and of itself. So, it makes perfect sense.


I agree with you, otherwise by this moment her harmony would have been higher and she would have had much more derivative skills than she does now.


@Jemini Meadow said that it would teach her how to manipulate space like space giggling, etc, how many chapters have passed since that moment? Where are the results? I don't care about it, but I find it amusing.


I honestly don't enjoy fight scenes (don't dislike them either) though I am a progression junkie. I'm more interested in seeing her skills increase and what new stuff she gets. I also enjoy reading people's reactions to her a lot. So I've liked the recent chapters. They also feel like once their over she'll have a lot more free time for training/fighting.


I really don't know where your all going with this. Ilea does amazing and fantastical things and earns her powers as a direct result of that. To say she is "nothing beyond her powers" doesn't really compute with me. Cause she is her powers, her powers are literally earned, it's part of her very essence. To have all the strength she wields, you'd need to make friends with unimaginable beings, live constantly on the edge of death and put yourself out there time and time again. She did this, if you take her away from the equation and put someone else in her body, then they'll just have a normal human body. It's Ilea who's developed not her powers. More experimentation with her powers would be interesting as well, but to be honest, soooo much other stuff like plot development, character arcs and world building has happened that I don't mind not focusing solely on her powers. Their development will gradually happen through earned evolutions in the mean time or Harthane will shock us yet again later on. I personally can't wait :)


@Jemini You have a strong point there and I can agree with that to an extent but as maxibon98 said We are yet to see the results. @mike, Let me put it to you like this. Scenario 1 You are a fire mage and you got the fireball skill. You spend time knowing how the fireball works and as a result you can make a very big and very powerful fireball. Scenario 2 You are a fire mage and you got the fireball skill. You spend your time trying to understand what fire magic is and what it can do. As a result you learn many other fire skills and your fire burns hotter. Who do you think is better?


I’m not sure I agree. Her innovations are rewarded and solidified by the system, so there is less and less of a distinction between her powers and her identity. Of course, her most innovative accomplishments come from bull-headedness, open-hearted decency, and an outsider’s perspective. Saving Fae, clearing the Descent and making friends along the way, creating the Medic Sentinels, saving Meadow, etc. left a mark on her evolutions. But she’s not an OP antisocial progression addict. She works better with others, and respects and compliments their skills.


No chap today?


While I personally enjoy the fight scenes quite a bit, I wholeheartedly agree with @ShadeByTheSea in regards to the progression junkie part. Seeing the numbers go up and Ilea learning new cool stuff is the most important aspect of the story for me.

Michael C

I needs it... I wants it. GIVES IT TO ME YOU FILTHY AUTHOR''ITZS


I personally largely enjoy the fights of theese kinds of stories due to the cause and effect relation to the Progression. Harthame is realy good at writing them though to the point that I actually enjoy them. Stats without the cause and effect after timeskipes just don't feel the same though


Chappie... chappie plis


Harthane does have some great fight scenes, I'm super glad they don't normally last a whole chapter too. My main issue with fight scenes in general is I've read too many of them. Though I admit I read more of them here, than some stories where I just skim the fights.


What you say is right but my point is in this chapter we really feel a big change when he is so much more subdued and seem just like a human slug ramping before her (like his demon aspect/culture/mindset get a huge hit here and we dont see this aspect of him anymore at all here) compared vs old chapter when weavy was already respecting her and have already changed his position vs her (but we still get he is non-human by some little thing the author writte) like you detailed in yours comments I feel it really clash and jump in my eye here and i regret to not see anymore the little touch of his non-human mindset aspect That what i talk about here, sry for my bad english


Strange is Good