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Chapter 771 Mist

Ilea wasn’t sure which one to choose. Immortal was the best one for straight up battle. The Beheaded was similar to her second stage of Pain Tolerance. A benefit in some situations but fear had a good reason to exist. For her current task she mostlyconsidered the Wanderer title. She didn’t have any stealth abilities after all.

Only works in places unfamiliar to me, which I suppose the Still Valley would be. Not incredibly useful otherwise, but I suppose that’s the point. She wondered what going unnoticed actually meant from a magical perspective. Was it some kind of illusion? Light or Shadow magic? Or something that made her movements more quiet?

Friend is an interesting option too. Wouldn’t anyone seeing that immediately be suspicious of a title like that? Then I suppose any of these would raise questions and concerns. Deviant seemed like a good option too, if only when she was interested in learning new abilities. She already had three sets of magics she would’ve liked to focus more time on. All surely useful abilities for the future, or nice to have for potential evolution options. And yet here I am.

She selected the title and checked her status.

Name: Ilea Spears
Mythical Title: Wanderer

Unspent statpoints: 0
Unspent Core skill points: 1
Unspent 3rd tier General skill points [2790Total skill levels]: 4

Class 1: The Arcane Eternal – lvl 621

- Active: Archon Strike [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Sentinel Reconstruction [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Azarinth Awakening [Enhanced] – 3rdlvl 30
- Active: Transfer [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 28
- Active: Arcane Dominion [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 30
- Passive: Sentinel Core [Enhanced]– 3rdlvl 30
- Passive: Eternal Brawling [Enhanced]– 3rdlvl 30
- Passive: EternalHuntress [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 4
- Passive: Eternal Sight [Enhanced]– 3rdlvl 12
- Passive: Arcane Circulation [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 28

Class 2: The Ashen Titan– lvl 618

- Active: Mantle of the Titan [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Titan Core [Enhanced]– 3rdlvl 28
- Active: Origin of Ash and Embers [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 11
- Active: Embered Heart [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Tempered Seal [Enhanced]– 3rdlvl 30
- Passive: Authority of Ash and Ember [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 24
- Passive: Ashen Wings [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 28
- Passive: Visionof Ash [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 9
- Passive: Avatarof Ash [Enhanced]– 3rdlvl 30
- Passive: Embered Form [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 30

Class 3: The Primordial Arbiter– lvl 611

- Active: Primordial Shift [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 10
- Active: Firesof Creation [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 29
- Active: FabricTear [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 23
- Passive: Reality Warp [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 5
- Passive: Primordial Flesh [Enhanced]– 3rdlvl 19
- Passive: Space Manipulation [Enhanced]– 3rd lvl 23

General Skills:

- Ashen Limbs – 2nd lvl 12
- Azarinth Barrier [Mythic]– 2nd lvl 10
- Bulwark of Ash – 2nd lvl 14
- Dancing – lvl 10
- Deviant of Humanity – 3rd lvl 30
- Drill – lvl 20
- Elos Standard language - lvl 7
- English Language – lvl 15
- Gourmet – lvl 12
- Harmony of the Drowned – lvl 18
- Heavy Archery – lvl 11
- Identify - 2nd lvl 4
- Meditation – 3rd lvl 20
- Minor Earth Manipulation – 2nd lvl 1
- Minor Ice Manipulation – lvl 18
- Minor Lava Manipulation – 2nd lvl 3
- Monster Hunter – 3rd lvl 21
- Monstrous – 2nd lvl 6
- Oxygen Repository – 2nd lvl 16
- Sage of Torment – 2nd lvl 18
- Soul Perception – 2nd lvl 6
- Spear of Ash – 2nd lvl 11
- Teaching – lvl 11
- Telepathy – lvl 13
- Veteran – 3rdlvl 30
- Warhammer Mastery – 2nd lvl 4

- Arcane Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 30
- Ash Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 7
- Astral Magic Resistance – 2ndlvl 20
- Blast Resistance – 3rd lvl 18
- Blight Resistance – 2nd lvl 8
- Blood Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 22
- Blood Manipulation Resistance – 2ndlvl 20
- Bone Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Corrosion Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Crystal Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Curse Resistance - 3rd lvl 15
- Dark Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 14
- Death Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Devour Resistance – 2nd lvl 8
- Diamond Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 6
- Divination Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 7
- Dust Magic Resistance – lvl 10
- Earth Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 20
- Emerald Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 5
- Fear Resistance – 2nd lvl 4
- Flesh Magic Resistance – lvl 16
- Gold Magic Resistance – lvl 1
- Gravity Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Health Drain Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Heat Resistance – 3rd lvl 29
- Ice Resistance – 3rd lvl 14
- Lava Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 13
- Light Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 16
- Lightning Resistance – 3rd lvl 15
- Mana Drain Resistance – 3rd lvl 8
- Mental Resistance – 3rd lvl 19
- Mist Magic Resistance – 2ndlvl 20
- Obsidian Magic Resistance – lvl 3
- Pain Tolerance – 3rd lvl 4
- Petrification Resistance – 2nd lvl 3
- Poison Resistance – 3rd lvl 4
- Rot Resistance – 3rd lvl 6
- Ruby Magic Resistance – lvl 18
- Sand Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Sapphire Magic Resistance – lvl 16
- Shadow Magic Resistance – lvl 19
- Silver Magic Resistance – lvl 6
- SmokeMagic Resistance – 2nd lvl 7
- Soul Magic Resistance –3rd lvl 9
- Sound Magic Resistance – lvl 18
- Space Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 19
- Stamina Drain Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Time Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Topaz Magic Resistance – lvl 20
- Vine Magic Resistance – lvl 14
- Void Magic Resistance – 3rdlvl 26
- Water Resistance – 3rd lvl 4
- Wind Resistance – 3rd lvl 17
- Wood Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 11


Vitality: 2000
Endurance: 530
Strength: 545
Dexterity: 500
Intelligence: 2181
Wisdom: 2200

Health: 69840/69840
Stamina: 5291/5300
Mana: 130018/132000

I suppose not having my Ice Resistance higher means I can level it more now, Ilea thought. The title didn’t make her feel any different but she supposed she was somewhat familiar with this mountain already. “I’ll be back,” she said to the elf standing next to her before she jumped down into the depths.

One thing the elves from the ice domain were adamant about was that she had to enter at the edge of the territory. Flying over it was practically suicide. That was if one couldn’t face the collective might of an Elven domain. This time she had a reason to be here. Testing herself against a domain could come later.

She flew close to the mountain side, a massive growth of ice visible to her right, the thing clinging to the steep incline like a limb grasping for stone. The air was already coolbut as she descended towards the mist, Ilea could see ice crystals trying to form on her mantle. Nothing quite remained due to her resistance. She gasped when she reached the actual mist. A strange sensation of various magics, soon changing into a perfect stillness.

She felt more than heard whispers as she descended, her very soulfighting against the strange sensation. The feeling receded a little when she landed on the snowy ground. Her weight pushed her deep into the crunching bed of white, the mist still present and preventing visibility for more than a few meters. Her eyes couldn’t pierce it.

Ilea took in a deep breath, in the snow almost to her hips. Her lungs cooled before she breathed out, the air just barely visible as a seeping cold settled in her body. She could move and survive, but the resistances were more than necessary, both ice, and soul. Strangely, she felt the mist itself was packed with magic too but her perception was somewhat affected. In more than one way it felt like she was cut off from the outside world.

She couldn’t perceive her marks. Or not quite the same. In Kohr they were simply not present. Here she could feel a faint calling but the distance and directions were impossible to determine. By far the strangest phenomenon she perceived was the fabric itself. The wisps were present, but she had never seen them quite so static. Maybe with Icy. She wasn’t entirely sure. Her ability had improved vastly when the skill had evolved. Though she wouldn’t have been surprised to find an Ice Elemental in the vicinity.

Looking at the locator, she found the direction had changed. To the right instead of forward. Not particularly surprising. She couldn’t perceive the mountain side that should’ve been behind her. This place was certainly strange. With what she had seen, Ilea would’ve described it as some kind of middle realm. Connected still to Elos but in a much less tangible way than most other locations she’d been to. No wonder people can’t escape this place, she thought and looked up. Ilea assumed just flying upwouldn’t exactly bring her back to where she entered, but it wasn’t the time to test such theories.

The locator hadn’t led her astray so far, and she definitely trusted the taleen enchantments more than her own sense of orientation. Especially with how the space here behaved, neither her eyes nor her other sets of perception much of a help in what seemed like a wasteland of snow. For now, she refrained from generating more heat, the environment not affecting her much beyond a constant strain on her self regeneration and soul. The pressure on the latter was negligible with her high resistance and the fires of creation.

Ilea tried to teleport a few meters ahead but found her spell failing. Not failing. Freezing. She could see the remains of her attempt in the fabric, the connection stopped halfway through. She wondered how it affected other magics but decided not to bring more attention to herself than necessary. Her ash she could generate and move around, but everything was much slower than usual. Not so her own movements. She cut into her arm with some ash and healed the wound, her blood keeping the cold away as she recovered. It was slowed to an extent but not in a way she deemed problematic.

She spread her wings and pulled herself out of the snow, flying low over the landscape as she tried to see with her dominion. The mist certainly obscured everything, but she couldn’t quite make out how much of the effect was in the mist and how much of it was the cold itself. Perhaps there were even other spells woven into the environment to cause the effect.

Ilea flew slowly, not only due to a conscious choice. The arrow pointed in the same direction still but she felt the surroundings themselves played tricks on her mind. Perhaps they were changing but she assumed it was just a simple mist magic effect. One she could understand if used by simply another mage but this was an entire territory.

A few minutes later, she saw something in her dominion. The first thing besides snow she had seen, unmoving and without discernible magic emitting from its form, though she didn’t quite trust her perception to that extent. Still, she was curious. Ilea waited for a minute but nothing happened, so she moved closer. And found a large Wyvern like creature covered in flakes of ice and snow. It looked unhurt, legs deep in the snow, wings cradled around itself and eyes closed. She could tell it was very much dead, her healing magic able to discern as much despite the ice and mist.

Food stored for later? Or did you just fly in here on accident? She assumed the elves living here ate meat too, just like Ben did. But if a Wyvern type creature can’t escape, then I suppose that answers the flying out question.

She continued for more than an hour, flying through the cold mist. She found the occasional creature frozen in place, though nothing that struck her as particularly interesting. Perhaps a few years ago she would’ve thought differently, but then she’d likely be thinking of how to escape this place instead of admiring the powerful frozen beings. After fighting the strange flying monsters in Kohr, it took a little more to impress her.

When the hour had passed, she noticed a change, the even snow leading down into some sort of decline. Not overly much but it was noticeable. Another twenty minutes later, she could feel a change in the surroundings too, an icy wind picking up. Less than half a minute passed before the entire surroundings were taken over by a powerful blizzard. The effects of the mist were increased in the strange phenomenon. Ilea assumed it wasn’t a strictly natural occurrence, now generating heat within herself to fight the effects of the cold.

She didn’t stop however, the locator pushing her forward through the storm. Her wings were slowed even more, but she reached a milestone soon after. The decline opened up into some kind of underground, though the top was mere ice. An entrance to the domain.

Which meant she had managed to cross the wasteland protecting the Still Valley itself. She flew down into the opening, out of the frozen storm and into the strange new environment. The ground was a few dozen meters below. Glittering ice, reflecting light from sources she couldn’t make out. Between ground and ceiling stood trees of ice, roots and crowns near indistinguishable. There were hundreds she could see, in every direction.

The storm was gone from her perception in mere moments as she descended, the surroundings entirely quiet. The only things she could hear were her own heartbeat and the movements of her wings. She didn’t land, instead keeping herself afloat as she generated heat. The fabric remained unmoving, the space around her near entirely still. There were no animals, no insects, no monsters, no leaves rustling in the wind. Just ice.

She followed the locator, keeping her eyes open for any elves now that may be hiding. Ilea was fully aware that she could already be hunted, but she trusted her ability to avoid a sudden attack. A few minutes of flying later, she spotted something hanging from a tree a few hundred meters ahead. The form was half grown into the ice tree itself but the shape was decidedly humanoid. A sleeping elf.

Sleeping, meditating, waiting, whatever he’s doing, she thought and made a detour to avoid the being. Soon she found herself seeing another set of elves, then three more. They were all in similar positions, though none of them particularly close to each other.

Soon she had to fly past some of them, closer with every passing minute. Already she had seen a few dozen Elves, though she never went close enough to identify them. Maybe they’re dead. She glanced at one of them when she saw their eyes open.

Ilea flew around one of the massive trees and listened.

She heard cracking ice. Then a hiss.

Did he spot me? She waited for a little while, soon seeing the elf fly by within her dominion. Not towards her but simply past. Managed to avoid that one, she turned and looked straight at a set of blue eyes a few hundred meters away. They were focused on her, a curious expression on the elf’s face before he stepped into one of the trees, and appeared a few meters away from her, walking out of the ice in a manner that defied the laws of the fabric. Ilea knew there was no space magicinvolved.

“Nar vestaar?” the being asked, floating in the air. The elf had braided white hair, his body clad in white armor that looked like something between wood and ice. Runes and images adorned it, intricately carved or magically added. His skin was near as pale as his defense, sharp teeth in his mouth and piercing blue eyes that seemed to flow like water.

[Ice Mage – lvl 712]

“I’m afraid I don’t speak elvish,” Ilea answered and hissed a greeting.

The elf raised his brows and grinned before he hissed back. He remained in the air, perfectly still other than his eyes and mouth.

The elf looked up and focused, his eyes squinting a little before he opened them wide. “What. What are you?” He spoke with a strange accent.

Ilea wondered if he simply hadn’t spoken Standard in a long while. She considered before she answered, the elf not seeming in a particular hurry. None of the others had broken out of their ice yet. “I’m a wanderer.”

“Wan… derer,” the elf considered the word. “You are… not of this place?”

“I’m just passing through,” Ilea said and smiled.

He considered for nearly ten seconds. “I think I like that. Nas arin Wanderer,” he spoke and hissed with amusement before he floated back into the ice.

Ilea hissed. “Nice to meet you too,” she said and flew onward. He didn’t attack. Not yet. What a strange interaction. She attributed it to pure luck, both the ice domain elves she had talked to quite adamant that a human was most certainly not welcome to travel through their home. And yet every elf was an individual. Perhaps she had chosen the right words. What if he hadn’t liked them? What if I had moved differently, or had summoned magic?

The elf had ninety levels on her but she still thought she could’ve at the very least survived. Then again teleportation was vastly limited down here. If a ranged caster of similar power fought her here, she might actually be overwhelmed. Granted if they could move through the ice like that elf did.

She kept on flying, an eye on the various elves hanging off the trees. She almost missed it when one of them opened his eyes, two small black pupils focusing on her before he broke out of the ice.

He hissed, decidedly hostile, powerful magic gathering around him as thick ice armor formed, two curved near invisible blades growing from the handles in his hands, a thin mist left behind where the weapons moved.

[Ice Warrior – lvl 541]

Guess I’m not getting through this without a fight.



Wow such a cool home for the elves! Would be such a beautiful and eerie

M van Dongen

54 resistance skills = +108% resilience.....perfect for any threat.


Thank you!


Also anyone else get that fallout NV song stuck in your head after she chose her title?


Note that there was no mention of her long-range teleportation marks.... that's not suspicious at all. Ilea will find herself in a desperate situation at some stage in this adventure and will try to yeet herself to safety but will find it impossible.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


She doesn’t even need those anymore…she can go straight to her marks on people now. This with the frozen space idk if she could anyway. But she doesn’t need the long distance transfer. At least if I understood her enhanced ability correctly.


Not sure if you already know, but there are two occasions where there are two words added together with a space missing between. Fairly at the start of the chapter after Illeas status. Thanks for the chapter!


I ask humbly that the author when he writte the full statue add the level up of the skill and not just the total in the end so we can see/know where she have grown (its a pain to try to compare with the post statue to see where she have progressed and its one of the pleasure of the story to read the grown and level up) I know its add quite a ("lot") of boring work for him, but i think it will be a fine add and a upgrade of the story we all gonna appreciate on this aspect, so im shamefull and ask of it ;) Im totally fine with the new way the author do it (just some or not written all level up like in the past every action and pack them in one go every few chapter but when he post the resumed full statue, i want to see the resumed of the full level up too on it and where the level up was or i feel something is missed) Hope the author see this, thx for your work ;P


well, he's giving the plus-ups as (or shortly after) they happen, showing some span of increase changes again on the overall status would be/could lead to doublecounting? idk. I can understand thinking either show them as they occur or all together on the status, and slightly prefer the former (which is what he does)? Seems confusing to do both, but as long as a convention is clearly stated and followed it'd be fine (i.e. "status always sums all deltas since last posted status" would work, even if it's a bit redundant). The plus to in-line dings is more immediate/know what caused it. The plus to summed changes is better sense of progression (which I get). Me, I'm just happy to have a story! :)


Ilea should only have 3 Unspent 3rd tier General skill points (not 4 as shown in this chapter). Ilea has 25 general skills at 3rd tier, and she spent general skill points on 24 of them (only Pain Tolerance advanced to 3rd tier without spending a point). Since she has 2790 total general skill levels, she has earned 27 points. And 27 - 24 = 3 unspent points.


It is disappointing that the author is leaving out level up notifications. The level up notifications are part of what I have always liked about this litRPG. I tried to figure out what they must have been from chapter 770 to 771. Here is what I got: ashen limbs +2 azarinth barrier [mythic] +7 bulwark of ash +4 drill +2 meditation +1 monster hunter +1 spear of ash +1 arcane magic resistance +1 mental resistance +1 void magic resistance +3


And for Class skill levels: archon strike +1 azarinth awakening +1 transfer +2 arcane dominion +1 eternal sight +2 arcane circulation +1 titan core +1 origin of ash and embers +2 embered heart +1 tempered seal +1 authority of ash and ember +1 ashen wings +1 vision of ash +2 embered form +1 primordial shift +3 fires of creation +1 fabric tear +1 reality warp +2 primordial flesh +2 space manipulation +1


Did she leave the other 11 keys with Meadow? Or does she still have them with her?


Meditation is still the neglected child. She's basically had it running permanently since it became tier 2, and it still isn't close to 3rd 30. She has gained and leveled and enhanced and re-leveled skills to 3rd 30 in fractions of this time. But meditation increases are rarer than core skill points.


Meditation has always been slow to level. I think the Enavurin even commented that it took it thousands of years to get it to the 3rd tier. Of course, that thing seems to do everything slowly. I think Monster Hunter has been leveling too slowly. For a while it was going up at a good clip, but the past couple hundred chapters it has been slow even though she seems to use it a lot when hunting monsters.


It seems a little silly that Ilea thinks she can get through this without fighting, even if she is a bit more stealthy. I think she should have taken the Immortal title, and I hope not having that extra resiliency doesn't come back to bite her later.


She should have taken Deviant. Immortal is all but useless. 5500% resilience bonus is hardly better than 5400%. What she needs is the ability to better understand new magic when she inevitably gets into trouble and cannot escape.


We don't know if the bonus is multiplicative. It could just double her resilience. Though that does seem kinda OP now I say it...

Jack Stiles

Maybe Eldritch beings and elementals don't count as monsters? hah


What a terrifying place. And looks like the wanderer title is already paying off, maybe.


At the Cerithil meeting, one of the elves suggests she leave the keys with someone before entering the Still Valley and she states she will. Dont recall it being stated that she leaves them with Meadow, but I think its kind of implied as the logical choice as shes left important things with him before.


It's also a 10 point cost for an excessively difficult currency to collect. Soooo, it being at least somewhat op should be expected.


I know she said she was going to leave them. That is why I asked whether she actually did or not. It seems like she may have forgotten.


We do know that the bonus is not multiplicative. It was stated as a percentage. There is not a single case in 770 chapters where a bonus stated as a percentage did not add onto the already existing bonus percentage. Every single time a percentage is given, it adds onto the existing percentage. If that were not the case now, then it should have stated it explicitly, or not given it as a percentage, or something that clearly indicates that it is a separate multiplicative factor.


As for rationalizing that it must be great because it cost 10 core points, that is a wild leap of flawed logic. The only evidence that we have so far is that Wanderer seems quite weak.


Maybe she needs the Eldritch Hunter and Elemental Hunter skills!


loved it


Should have left one of the keys with Ben - that way she could use the locator to get out in a jiffy if her own abilities are dampened. I think the Ice Elves travel through the [Plane of Ice] - elemental plane magic and not exactly [Space Magic]


How is she able to Identify someone at 712? Should be too high for her, no?


Odd that she didn’t at least reach 2nd tier for minor ice manipulation after training specifically to enter the ice domain, not like ilea to not be efficient with resistance training


Thats probably the single most dangerous thing she ever did since reaching level 130. She can't sneak, possibly can't escape and if the elfs gang up on her she will die. The dragon was close too but at least meeting her wasn't on purposes and more like an acident