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Hey lads. I'm in a super mega funk right now (no real reason). Don't think I can produce anything reasonable in this state and I'm stressing myself out about getting something done. Not a planning thing either, I have these arcs and another entire thing outlined, I just think I need a few days off from actually writing. Or not have the schedule in my head, I dunno. I'll keep you updated or just return to posting when I'm feeling better eh :). Sorry about that, I know you were looking forward to the 10'000 chapter tournament arc.

Also be wary of spoilers - it's a public post.



Oh no, not another author getting burnout...


Rewrite time

Alexander Dupree

Get some rest and tell these commenters above me to can it.

Sean Wilner

Take your time! A break now and then it's perfectly normal and healthy!


It's ok man, take the time you need, while we appreciate the bi-weekly schedule we care a lot more about the quality of the story rather than a rapid release rate. Well, up to a certain point, pls don't become like Delve 😂




No worries! Take your time, we would so much rather you take a break than write subpar stuff that you end up hating later on. Enjoy some time away!

Thomas Kuhn

It's all good, take care of yourself! I love your writing and keeping yourself in a good headspace is important to keep going for the long term. Enjoy your break!


Cheers, hope you feel better soon. Or not, take the time you need in my opinion.


It’s cool, i needed to reread from the beginning again. This’ll be #5!


Take break and chill

Malir Blackspear

This is a pretty short chapter. Early though, so I can't complain. All jokes aside, take what you need.


Take all the time you need! If it’s possible where you are, maybe get outside and go for a hike and a picnic. I’ve found that being outside away from everything helps restart my creative processes when I get back.


Don't worry about it. You've writing for a long time now. It's to be expected to get a bit down once in awhile. I'd prefer less but with the quality you usually produce, then for you to throw out half cooked chapters tbh. I think stories are better when the author has fun.


Normally I dislike tournament arcs, but your style of writing makes it enjoyable to read. Take a breather and relax. We’ll be around to support you through it all.


I haven't done it even once so far but maybe now is the right time.^^


All of the other web novels I follow take semi regular breaks. I think they are better off for it as well. Enjoy your time off!

Joel Bullock

No problem dude take all the time you need to feel in the zone again. You already give us so much quality content regularly it's fine to take some time to yourself


I would be worried if the main characters were like today's adults. Keep on going no matter what the cost, staying up all night, sleep deprevation trying to be the best employee, the best dad, the best mom, the best everything. And if you need help, there's MORE COFFEE. Those movie action heros are just that... actors.


I'm curious, what's the issue with Delve?

Matthew Lester

Take a break mate. Id rather you come back refreshed.


Fix your bones or whatever

Chad Hagner

Author first, story second. Take care of yourself, the story will be there to continue when you're ready.


dude, rest as much as you want, trakorov blesses.


No worries. Enjoy your break. Make sure to do a bunch of nothing 👍


I personally would rather wait for good content instead of rushing things and getting poor content… take what ever time you need! Sometimes a break can actually help out!!!


Dude you must be in a funk, dont think I've ever seen you miss a day. Proud of you for recognising health comes first. We all think your amazing, go relax and switch off for abit.


I'm sure the amount of people that care about delays is super small. You pump out so many chapters that from my perspective it's a miracle what you do.


Take care 👌


Take some time off and make some home made beef jerky. Or smoke some beef ribs, or grill an aged ribeye, or braise some beef cheeks. Beef will make you smile! Otherwise, take your time and relax.


A ways back you had a concrete-related injury crack your shoulder and soon as you could you went and filled our inbox with a massive six chapter release just cause you could. I for one am So not about to complain if you need to take some personal time to recharge and get back in the groove for writing now. Like others have said, You take the time you need, we'll be here to pounce on the chappies whenever they, and you, are good and ready to rumble!


Take a weekend or week or what ever you need. I'll still be here when your back :)

Arnon Parenti

Take the time you need. Anyone who needs their fix can start at the begining.


dont be too hard on yourself


Give yourself some time my friend :) Hope you have a good restful couple days.


Yea don't worry about taking a break when you need one, stress makes all the things worse.


Take care of yourself, no worries


No prob, take a well deserved break and have some fun.


Your chapter throughput is similar to he who fights with monsters. Except your chapters are longer. Pleaaaaase take breaks.


Thanks for the notice!


Welcome to my life where I plan everything but still fuck up! No worries mate, take your time. If you feel like you need it you probably need it a lot :-)


Tonnes of authors have taken a week off around now. Perhaps now's the time for you too.


Take what time you need. I'm sure none of us want you to burn out.


Take the time you need, you should always look out for your own health. You are more important than the next chapter, or even the whole story.


Have you thought about using MS one note or MS visio to list out arcs and chapters? I've seen people using one note to just keep everything organized and I've used visio to map out work flows and how certain tasks should be done as well as tracking IT infrastructure with it. It's not cheap but it's really solid. Might be worthwhile to look into it. Just trying to provide some solutions, hope you feel better.


This is completely fine, taking care of yourself comes first.


Sounds like a little vacation is the remedy. Take care, and listen to you mind and body. Ilea recommends going to the north and relaxed with some XP grinding. 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 Your writing has provided me with many hours of relaxation and laughter, so you've earned to relax as well.

Samuel Gatto

Thank you so much for what you do! You have inspired me so much to start writing on my own and it has been one of the most fulfilling hobbies I've ever had. Take your time, burnout is a very real thing. Take care! ♥️


Don’t worry, take your time and write when you feel up to it <3


Everyone has to take a few days once in a while. I either like to take a walk in the woods, or take a swim when i get wonky.


Maybe ask ilea to heal your mind to get back in shape? Joke aside take your time u deserve it more than anyone i know 😄😄😄


Go take a break and we'll see you in a week or two! Take some time for yourself. Seriously.


Dude, you didn't even take 2 days off after breaking the shoulder. Take. Some. Time. Rest up


The last thing we want is for you to stress yourself out too much. I do that and end up losing interest in things and boy is it awful.


Yo just chill, it’s a blue moon right now, I’ve been feeling the funk myself. Give it another 2-3 days and you should have it easier.


Nooo my fix!


Yeah, that's fine. I'd rather you write something you're happy with than never miss updates, lol.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

After the big story surprise of her intimate relationship with the dragon, I can definitely see how you might need some time to cool down. Stay safe mate!

Andreas H.

Sure np, stay fresh and knackig. Honestly don't care that much about the Tournament Arc, you can make it short af if you'd like to :P I crave more Ilea x other species banter :D

Nicole Widrig

Take your time!!! Thanks for letting us know. 💜😸💙


Take a good break and afterwards come back swinging.


Time off is good for mental health, which (obv) is good for you, the story, us, the whole world! :) If it turns out you need an extended break, I think you can even unilaterally pause patreon (not a big deal to me, but may help you feel less pressure to perform, which might help you decompress? idk just a thought).


Get a vitamin D supplement and take it. Not as a panacea, but to eliminate one possible cause. And incidentally, it also reduces susceptibility to the Wuhan Flu.

Valter Anunciação

This is not really ok. If you can't keep up the amount promised you need to disclose that before the start of the month so people don't pay.


You are super consistent with putting out chapters. Take some time, I'll keep my sub. You deserve a break if stress is getting to you.


No problem at all man. You are one of the most consistent authors. Do what you have to.


Well, lucky you it is before the start of the month (september that is). Writing is creative art and sometimes you have to life with minor setbacks. I prefer open communication and an artist that writes 5 books to one that is burned out after 1,5 and just suddenly stops without finishing the story. A step decline in qualitiy is as bad in my view, so i am very happy with the information we got and that the author is taking a break when he needs one instead of just "plowing through".


... *scours memory* ... There’s no way I missed dragon sex, what are you talking about? Ohhhhhhhhh nvm I forgot the difference in chapter release.


I keep telling authors to stop giving believable excuses. I want an excuse that is a story in its own right.


I have yet to reread a story I’m subbed to... I might just start with this one.

David Brims

Take the time you need, and come back when you're feeling better. If that's next month, then so be it.


You're not a Factory.. always put your health first and enjoy your break.


Take as much time as you need! We'll be here when you get back.


Take it easy dude. The we'll still be here when you're feeling yourself again.

Jackson Ragland

Hope your break helps you out!


All human m8, take a break. Feel better.


Take as long as you need to recharge. Just give a heads up if you need more than a month, otherwise people will start posting "Are you alive?" messages.


When you're in a funk for "no real reason", the reason is almost always stress. Take a break, go to a spa, sleep all day, walk through nature. The brain is really shit at telling us what it needs, so we have to listen closly sometimes.


Bad Wordslave! Bad! Whip you must we ! (Lol) Rest and Recharge Mon Capitan (Said in my head in the voice of Q)


Take a break! Have a kit-kat!😁

Erik R

Take your time. Looking forward to when you feel better.

Tyler B

I'll allow it.


A personal tip; doing something new or going somewhere new always gives me perspective on things. Give your brain something new to take in and occupy itself with. Get well!


Oh, okay, I can understand your state now. This often happens to me too! Do not worry


Thanks for letting us know :)

Terry Stevens

Dude, just chill and do what you need to. We appreciate the heads up. Thats all we want, to be kept informed of whats happening. You don’t need to justify yourself. Relax and refresh. We’ll still be here when your better.


I can’t believe you killed off Ilea!


That three mark duck was awesome, though.


Just try to sit back and relax! This is the best thing in such situations like this. Good luck!


If you are in the mood for compliments, I wrote a long, serious, spoiler-filled comment after chapter 751.


Do what you gotta do mate. Your content is great and I'm happy you are taking a break if you need it. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your work and story!


So many creators never get to 751 chapter of any story they every write so your a fucking hero and dont forget it!. I wish you would just send her back to earth VIA the FAE collective for a spell the things she would miss her probably lack of magic or abillitys would refresh the story well at this point you know bring back some normal


We've all lived through 2020, we know what that feeling is like. Take some time, take care of yourself. We'll still be here. :)


Take your time.