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Author's note: Hey all. New chapters up and more hopefully on Saturday :).

Author's note: Hey all. Hope you're having a good week. New chapters up and more hopefully on Tuesday. Let me know what you think :).

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Chapter Index: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37813894

Chapter 667 Gods

Ilea knew her time would soon be up, pushing farther into the expansive complex as she looked through the confusing mesh of interior design choices. She was about to send a message to Verena when she appeared inside a large study. Like many of the other rooms, it was well furnished, carpets covering the steel floor and a hearth crackling away behind a huge wooden desk.

Behind the table floated a large humanoid currently hunched over a set of books and papers. The fiery light of flames danced over its steel surface, an intricately designed and decorated white robe covering most of its torso and legs, two eyes shining with dim white light. An Ascended.

The being didn’t react at first, murmuring something to itself as it turned a few pages, taking a note inside of a massive tome.

[Nature Mage – lvl ???]

Ilea could tell it wasn’t the same creature she had met before, not only because of the identification. The interlinking metal plates looked similar but not exactly the same, the design flowing in a different way as if a separate armor model made by the same smith. Its head lacked the same adornment the other Ascended had, instead wearing some sort of half ring set atop its steel scalp. It seemed a little more slender, but Ilea wasn’t sure if she remembered the other one well enough to be sure.

“And who might you be, curious human?” it spoke, producing sound instead of using telepathy, the steel in its face moving slightly to suggest cheekbones and jaws. Its voice sounded distinctly female, the being yet to use a spell.

Ilea watched it, making sure to keep an eye on the mesh of enchantments around them. She was still thinking of a reply when the Ascended spoke again.

“I would prefer, if there were no battle. There is research here dating back millennia, its destruction a loss to all beings alive,” the Ascended spoke. “I am sure, we can find some sort of agreement.”

“That sounds acceptable,” Ilea answered after a moment. It was not the same Ascended after all, or so she assumed at least. If a fight could be avoided, she would certainly accept. And if it turned out to be inevitable, she would only benefit from more information. “I didn’t expect an Ascended here in the north,” she said, her wings moving lazily, her body tense to allow for a quick departure.

The creature looked at her for a moment. “Does that mean you did not come for me?”

“I didn’t. But now that I found you, I’m certainly curious. I don’t plan to destroy your research, but if you attack me, I’ll make sure to leave nothing but ashes behind,” Ilea said.

“I am well aware of your capabilities, human. There is no need for childish threats. We have established our position,” it said and paused. “I must warn you, there is one more within this facility, a human much like you.” Its eyes glowed a little brighter before it spoke. “Have you killed them?”

“You’re the first living creature I have found,” Ilea said honestly. She decided to risk it and sent a message to Verena. “Stand down for now. Do not attack until I call.”

The Ascended made a whistling sound. “Amusing. One able to traverse the mesh, without notice. You are a space mage then, a capable one at that.”

Another person materialized next to the Ascended in the same instant, the mesh around them vibrating with power.

Ilea didn’t move, seeing the person and smiling slightly as she charged her heat and Archon Strike, just in case.

He was human, just like the Ascended had informed, wearing a long sleeved buttoned black shirt and pants, his black hair rather long and open, with gray streaks visible. His near golden eyes looked almost reptilian, glaring at Ilea with power vibrating around him. Several spells seemed just about to be cast but he held them, for now.

[Barrier Mage – lvl 442]

“Long time no see,” Ilea said with a grin. She ignored the slightly confused expression in his eyes and addressed the Ascended instead. “I didn’t come for him either.”

“Who are you? How did you get in here?” the man asked.

Ilea sighed. “I left that little of an impression. Albert, was it?” she said, remembering her talk with Elana and Maro. She decided not to mention any of that quite yet. The present tension was quite obvious.

Recognition seemed to spark in his eyes. “The ash mage, with the Shadows. You made me relocate,” he mused, with a slightly annoyed tone.

“Those traps killed plenty of people,” Ilea retorted.

He touched his chin lightly, clean shaven now. “I faintly recall telling you that it wasn’t me who built that place,” he informed. “How is the girl? Cless.”

Ilea smiled. “She’s doing well. Busy with lessons and painting. Who knows, she might just be sketching the both of us right now.”

He breathed in deeply, most of the tension in his body leaving as his eyes softened a little. “Even if she advanced at a pace as ludicrous as yourself, her divination would not be able to penetrate the barriers in place. You on the other hand, slipped through. Which means you did more than advance your ash and healing.”

“A little,” Ilea said. “I expected another tomb or dungeon here…,” she mused. “There are so many things I wanted to ask you, and you for that matter,” she said, glancing to the Ascended. “Remember when you cut off my limbs in an attempt to stop me?”

“I did what had to be done,” he said.

“I fought better barrier mages than you and no, you could’ve easily done something else. I was at level two hundred,” she said.

The Ascended sighed. “You really are a Shadow. Come, let us move into the lounge, we hardly ever use it these days. I’m sure your tensions will be settled with some tea and baked goods.”

“No need to patronize the flesh beings,” Albert said.

“Shush, go on, and disable the barriers while you’re at it,” the Ascended said.

Are they? Ilea thought, glancing between the two as Albert gestured for her to go through the door. She did offer baked goods.

Both of them followed her to the sitting area she had seen upon entry, Ilea not concerned by her walking ahead due to her dominion. If anything it would be a good test, to see if they would use a perceived advantage to attack. What the hell is this guy doing up here with an Ascended?

She really hoped they wouldn’t just teleport away or try to fight her.

“Here we are,” the Ascended said and summoned a few plates holding various cookies, the dough still warm. A chocolaty smell spread through the vicinity, Albert’s stomach growled. “When have you eaten last?”

He sat down in one of the armchairs, displacing one of the cookies into his hand.

Ilea blinked her eyes at the spell. “Why not just do that instead of cutting me apart?” she asked, sitting down opposite the man and moving a cookie too.

“What do you mean? I can’t move living creatures. Which means you can… what kind of Class did you get? You don’t strike me as a studious type. In so little time… who are you?” he asked.

The Ascended sat down too, her arms and legs crossed as she did not summon a cookie.

“Ah to be trapped in a steel shell, unable to appreciate their own culinary wonders,” Ilea mused, biting into the doughy chocolate chip cookie as she made eye contact with the Ascended, ignoring the enjoyable confusion coming from the old mage. The very old mage, she mused. What did you do for so many thousands of years, not even a three mark? Or is there some kind of spell preventing me from seeing?

None of her skills suggested such.

“What’s that look for?” he asked.

“Please, why don’t you tell us who you are, and why you are here,” the Ascended said.

Ilea ate another cookie and smiled. “I’m Lilith, associating with Ravenhall, the independent one, and Hallowfort in the north. There is something here that I need, but I’m not quite willing to tell you what it is.”

“The only thing intricate enough to be tracked through the barriers is that damned key,” Albert said. “I told you we should’ve just left it somewhere in the ice. We’re lucky a human of all things came to look for it.”

The Ascended ignored his complaints. “Why do you seek the Copper Key?” she asked.

“I thought we were sharing,” Ilea said.

The being paused. “I am Nes Mor Atul, Navuun of Kohr and a former member of the great Unity, Olym Arcena. You may know the Navuun as Ascended, though I do not abide by that name,” she explained and gestured to Albert.

“Albert. We’ve met before. I don’t feel the need to explain myself to an intruder on a treasure hunt,” he said.

“It’s good to meet an Ascended, or Navuun, that doesn’t attack me instantly,” Ilea said. “I’m interested to learn about your kind.”

Albert chuckled. “What could you possibly know, Lilith? I have heard your name, heard you rose to power in the plains, that you fought armies and monsters. You are no different from the thousands that came before, and will come after. If you want the key, I’m sure it’s as safe in your hands as it is in ours. Perhaps even safer.”

Ilea looked at the man. Safer? Than here? Why? Were they protecting it? Hiding it? From the Elves?

On the one hand, she assumed she could have an interesting chat and be on her way with another Taleen key, but if she was honest, she knew terribly little about the war and the conflict with the Ascended. With what she had learned in the Descent, she deemed their kind far more dangerous in the grand scheme of things than a few Taleen machines or perhaps even all of Elven kind.

Not to mention it annoyed her, to be treated like some upstart teenager on a scavenger hunt.

“What could I possibly know?” she mused, smiling as she savored the annoyance in his eyes. “I can tell that you just want to get back to your research, Scipio.”

Ilea made sure to burn the moment into her memory, his utter shock and confusion far more entertaining than most things she had experienced in the past days. And there had been quite a bit.

Nes Mor Atul glanced between them and snickered, using her hand to cover her face in a decidedly human gesture.

“And while I might be here to get another one of the Taleen keys, I’d also like to know how and why your kind took a sun from this realm,” Ilea said.

Now it was the Ascended who was silenced near instantly.

Ilea gauged their reactions, the now somewhat self satisfied smile on Scipio’s face, aimed at Nes suggesting they weren’t currently planning to take another sun. Or so at least Ilea interpreted his reaction.

“It seems we both underestimated you. Gravely. Something that surely happens to you on a daily basis, being a healer and far above most humans in magical power. I suppose it’s funny in a sense, that the two of us would be surprised with not your might, but your knowledge. I apologize for treating you without respect, Lilith,” the man said.

“It makes sense that you would be interested, knowing what you know,” Nes said. “What you learned of the Navuun you met, I hope to correct. Our peoples are split, those who remain seeking their own destinies throughout the realms.”

“Your realm, what did you call it?” Ilea asked.

“Kohr,” the being said quietly. “A barren land of ice and water. Mon… sters walking the surface. Nothing remains there.”

“So it is the demon realm. The Great Salt, the mind weavers call it,” Ilea said.

Albert grinned. “We understand. You have learned much.”

Ilea poured herself some tea, taking a self satisfied sip of the hot liquid. “I’ve been there. Because some fuckwit of an Elder summoned a bunch of demons to get there. Still don’t know why he did that.”

“Demons,” the Navuun whispered, folding her hands as she glared at the table.

“I heard about the summoning. Rather extensive. I was sure the southern mountains were gone, including whatever remnants were left of the Hand,” Scipio said. “How did you learn my name? It’s such an unlikely thing, I assume you actually found it here in a book somewhere.”

“Well, good thing we went back and retook our city,” Ilea said. “And if something similar happens again, we’ll slaughter those creatures before they can lay a hand on any of our people.”

Nes tensed up slightly, the steel links creaking a little as she looked at Ilea. “They’re not… just some creatures.”

“Have you seen them recently?” Ilea asked. “They slaughtered an entire city and turned the people into more of their spawn. I killed thousands of them because it was the only thing left for them. They were beasts, and nothing more. The humans they were before were gone. And so were whatever beings they had been before.”

“May we speak in private, outside?” Scipio asked quietly, standing up as he gestured to the steel gate.

Ilea stood up and displaced herself through the exit, waiting in the snow as she looked out onto the distant mists below.

The barrier mage appeared in the snow about half a minute later, walking to her as he glanced up to where the others were waiting, outside the barrier and unable to see inside.

“You didn’t come alone. Is that… Elders… and…,” he stood still before he sighed, walking to her side. “You’re working with the Cerithil Hunters. I could’ve expected as much. But I suppose it’s still better than the alternatives. You are aware that even if you find all keys, you won’t find the source. None have succeeded in all these thousands of years since the Taleen have vanished.”

“What source?” Ilea asked.

“The twelve keys open that which holds the source, that which was taken. Few of the Ascended know of this, and it’s better that way,” Scipio explained.

That which was taken, Ilea thought, her eyes opening a little wider. “The sun,” she said. “The third sun,” she said and laughed.

“All we know is that the dwarves took it, and vanished with it,” he said.

“How did you get a key then? And how do you know they used it with eleven others to lock away the sun?” Ilea asked.

He looked at her and smiled, a tired expression on his face. “Alliances are forged and crumble, but trust is not as easily built, nor is it quickly forgotten. I have known Taleen before they even knew about the Navuun.”

“You know what it’s used for then, don’t you?” Ilea asked.

“The machines they make still, at least that’s what I assume. Nothing else suggests a similar scope, especially if the assumption that they’re truly gone is correct. A weapon aimed at Elven kind, wasted against the Monarchs and Oracles in their domains,” he said.

“Not against their children,” Ilea said, not particularly surprised at his extensive knowledge.

He looked at her and smiled, remaining silent for a little while as they both looked out onto the ruptured north.

“We are more alike than I expected,” he said.

“They were Navuun before, weren’t they? The creatures we call demons,” she said.

He nodded lightly. “They figured out how to harness the power of the sun. Tens of thousands of years ago, the brightest minds of the Navuun, in their never ending pursuit for knowledge. They managed it. They ripped from the sky what they once deemed a god, perhaps becoming gods themselves. Kohr did not have the luxury of three suns, their lands going through a change far worse than what happened in some parts of this realm. Their cities were destroyed, their people changed.”

“To be fair, it doesn’t sound like the most reasonable thing to do in the first place,” Ilea said.

“As Nes would have me know, the decision wasn’t quite as unanimous as it sounds in hindsight. Nor did this happen with a single vote or lacking preparation. The sheer fact that their ruling class survived the process, their bodies changed long before but on their own volition. It should tell you what kind of a civilization they were,” he said.

“You admire them,” Ilea said.

“How could I not? They are walking gods. As are you for that matter, to many in the plains, I’m sure. But I do not believe in gods. They reached their capabilities through strife, work, and study. As did you,” he said.

“So they came here to take another sun? As a source of energy?” Ilea asked.

“They went to many realms, an accomplishment perhaps as impressive as their previous. But where wills and voices were divided before, well, you can imagine their great Unity after their entire realm was near fully destroyed, their people turned into monstrous creatures,” he said.

“I met one I think was called,” Ilea said and summoned her notebook, flipping pages until she found the name. “Vor Elenthir. At least the implication was there that it was his name.”

“Vor Elenthir. You were lucky it was him. He has little interest in the beings of this realm. What he seeks however, is the source. Or so we think. He was part of a fraction hoping to restore Kohr. We were prepared to fight him, if he ever showed up in search of the key,” he said.

Ilea smiled. “No offense, but you’re not even at level five hundred. Vor’s a four mark.”

“Have you not fought four marks before? I assumed you did. I have as well, though likely not quite as successfully. When a species pushes far beyond their norm, they can get surprisingly dangerous,” he said.

“And the Ascended are born close to being a four mark?” she asked.

“Ascended are not born. Navuun are born. Or were born, for that matter. The bodies of the Ascended are forged, thought Nes decided not to share the intricacies of their make, and I have come to accept that,” he said.



Thanks 4 the chapters


Ooooooo baby, staying up late is worth it for these chapters

Matthew D

Definitely wasn’t expecting this *grabs popcorn*


Ahh, that brick had been in the air for a looong time. Bricks, actually. It's neat we're getting some more background. Does this mean Mindweavers are sort of the same species as Ascended?


Ok, link to previous chapter number made. It's demons, after all :)


Those are some heavy lore bombs!


So getting an ascended body for Aki is now on the table.


You can't just stop now! In the middle of this huge reveal!!!

Mad Max

I find it strange that Mari wasn't mentioned even once in the chapter. By the way, how long has it been since we heard of him?


Really enjoyable to know more of this world, thanks author !


Can’t wait for the big shock for Elana regarding Scipio. And possibly the shock of all history reveal for Dagon and the gang. Though I’m quite more eager for her to get back to the 500 Faen Valkyrie evolution after this story/history building. Perhaps even it’ll be tied with fights when locating the final keys? Can only hope :)


So do you think some day ilea will save earth and earth’s sun from being taken by ascended? Lol imagine her going to earth. A full arc of shananigans

Eyes wide

Omg way to leave me hanging after that info dump I have to wait a whole 3 days my heart especially since the last chapter now feels like filler considering what she has found now . I beg u please just one more chapter u can't leave me like this I won't be able to focus on anything else till Tuesday

Connor Alexander

oh shit this is a big tie in with a lot of the info we learned before! Thanks for the chapter!


I don't even remember Mari.... who are they again? I read the whole story in the last 3 weeks and a lot of it kind of ran together....


And the plot thickens


Ascended =demons Taleen have sun Ascended are made now but used to be born?


In my opinion they have the same source... but now they are not part of the SAME species, they are like monkeys and human but with accended and mind weaver. Maybe ilia can find a way to evolve her demons friends in to some kind of devil??? with her healing and arcane power.....AND SHE BECOMES LILITH MOTHER OF DEVIL KIND 👿!!!!!

Dominic French

This is bad, If llea can track the keys. what's stopping a angry dragon or a couple of ascended, or a Taleen army from tracking the 4 she has. It's kinda feeling like a trap.

Dominic French

llea might not be marked but she is carrying four trackers


If SHE finds them all, and has them all, no one can make a tracker.... the tracker needed a key to be made in the first place, and it is tied to the key. Without a key, the tracker won't work. All it does is show the closest key's position in relation to the... tungsten?... key At least, that's what I gathered...

White Neko Knight

How was Nes Mor Atul Identified as Female? Like their pronouns just seemed to switch randomly from Their to Her.


The Taleen that were alive went back to Dwarven society and are now a part of their bloodline... if I remember right...


It doesn't increase the strength of the tracker either.... as I said in another comment, all it does is show direction to the closest key... and you NEED a key in order to FIND a key, if you're looking for them, I mean... you can always just stumble upon one of course

Carlo Aquino

No, I think they are still Navuun but being an Ascended simply means a Navuun wearing that metallic armor. Kinda like Tony Stark wearing the Iron Man suit but I think the Navuun modified their armors to be some kind of a bio metal one and also improves their life level?

Jed Wolfgang

I never even considered this, but that would be an excellent plot reason for her to go back home.


All of a sudden the story-speed of Azarinth Healer has increased a hundred times. Does that mean the author wants it to end soon? A hundred more chapters for some closure of all open plot lines, then "hiatus" (i.e. a promise to write more later, but we know that never happens, once hiatus forever hiatus). I fear the worst.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


This chapter is BOOOOOOOMMM Unexpected and a fucking tons shit of infos coming, my god, the plot thicken


She has not the power to change anything substantially yet so I hope we are still set up for a long run

Corwin Amber

'thought Nes decided' thought -> though


That's a lot to take in but food was offered first so everything is in place for peaceful relationship with both researchers


I wonder if both mind weavers will play any role in further developments


And appreciating the fact we got additional world building info in an interesting way


So the level-200 longevity increase . . . I'm not sure at this point if there's actually a difference from the 500 immortality. Scipio is multiple thousands of years old, old enough to have potentially met and known the Taleen before they disappeared. And his hair is only beginning to grey? Or is it dyed perhaps? Granted we don't know if Scipio hit 200 really young and merely aged to what he is now. However from Scipio's extreme caution and potentially low level(if no shenanigans are hiding it) imply to me that he was not exactly young when he managed 200.


Word is getting out. Powerful people and creatures are stockpiling hot beverages and baked goods in case Lilith comes calling.


Thank you!


Scipio was lucky that he mostly stayed at home in his home office doing his research and avoided crowds. If he hadn't lived in such isolation he could have succumbed to ELOS-COVID-xx a long time ago. He isn't as immune as Ilea, he only ages more slowly. :) As for your assumptions about his leveling speed - remember that he was part of a high-level dungeon-diving adventurer group.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Damn. Nice packet of world building 😍 Answers to long ago asked questions.


What is Aki is the one with out form? And he was made to be stabbed into an ascended to take them over? They may have used the sun to power something that could take over a godlike being.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Nah, that's too contrived. You don't leave your super weapon in some rando vault. You use it (repeat after me) AS SOON AND AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE


Nice chapter! Lots of story development.

Han Pol

The Navuun are then somewhat Similar to Necrons?


hmm, ok, this left me a bit confused on something. It sounds like the Ascended took a sun in their own realm, leading to a local apocalypse of sorts. They came looking for another? stole the 3rd sun from Elos, but then the Taleen stole it from them to power their bot-army? seems to be what's implied here, but not terribly clear to me. Or did the ascended not steal the Elos star (it was misinfo/bad guess) the Taleen did? in which case its a surprisingly common thing if 2 of the 3 realms we know had it happen? Confused.


I hope this isn't the last we see of grandma ascended baking everyone cookies...


That’s basically what I get too. Still not sure what Crazy Elder Strand is looking for or if it’s in the demon realm or that was just a stepping stone for him. Hopefully the Ascended didn’t leave their first stolen sun laying around.


Demons of the Great Salt ascend into Bakers of the Great Flour.

Michael Hughes

I was expecting to find Scorpio in the vault of glass library in the southern desert. Totally wrong direction.


Thanks for the chapter!


Maybe it’s do to translations between English and Americanized English. But though as in “though he may be big, he is also strong,” shouldn’t be spelt thought. There is nothing insinuating that the t is silent as far as I’m aware so that should be used like “I thought you were strong, instead you are weak.”


omg a true lore dump after 667 chapters! This is so exciting. Thank you!

bob barker

suggested alterations: (?) fraction > faction thought Nes > though Nes

Michael C

Awesome... Tingling intensifies


Yea i thought there would be plot there but now im not sure anymore... maybe one of the founders of lily though... there are three founders that are said to be the peak of humanity, above level 500...


I hope at some point Ilea suddenly points behind Scipio and then while he is looking she suddenly slices off his legs and says something like, "Had to be done. I did what I had to do." Or she could challenge him to a duel and if he refuses she could say, "That was not a request. We have unfinished business" {Kill Bill siren sound effect starts playing, eeeeeeee, aaaaaaaaaaa, eeeeeee, aaaaaaa} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOy6hqzfsAs


It seems like a confrontation with the four mark ascended is now inevitable.

Han Pol

I'm really curious how that sun stealing business works, suns seem to be a kind of power control not power scource? and If Elos isn't unbelievably large with weird rules of gravity the sun should be a lot smaller maybe some form of mirror that blocks light from one o the suns and maybe transerring the heat or light gained that way into mana, or using some other weird propperty of magic suns ? I mean even the really small main sequence stars are 150000 km size our sun is 10 times that. or those stellar objects are really gods, but I would guess it's impossible to truly steal them then.


The whole star stealing business is really odd. As you say, stars are big, and they are mostly just hydrogen and helium undergoing a fusion reaction. Also, if the Ascended truly needed another star (rather than just a fusion reactor), why couldn't they take one of the billions of stars from systems that do not have an inhabited planet?


Uh, doesn't she know where the sun is?


Holy crap ! so many things make sense now. Its no wonder why the Demonic plague shared so many similarities with the "corruption" from the north, its basically demon plague V 2.0 .


Thanks for the chapter ^^, I just finally started being a patron a few days ago since I couldn't wait anymore haha, it just took me 5 years after starting reading on royalroad and 650+ chapters to finally pay an author money >=> giving money for this was well worth it tho. . And what I am seeing here is enormously good. I really like where the story is going ^^


What a cliffhanger


holy shit this was an amazing chapter so much stuff just got linked.


Now I'm curious what would've happened if Ilea had picked The Demonic Herald as her third class. Though maybe the Ascended have already cleared out of their original planet and don't hold much attachment towards it.


She knows where there's a giant metal ball of magic surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Taleen machines protecting it. I think she can probably make a reasonable guess. Doesn't mean she should tell either of these randos about it.


Aki is an artificial mind created from enchantments and runes. the ascended were once living beings called the navuun. their bodies were forged into the ascended, what i think is by their home worlds sun.


How does this story just keep getting better! I love the world building, and the connection between a new ascended and Albert is amazing. So unexpected and so rich for the world building. Worth every penny I spend on Patreon, probably the best monthly expense I have!


Some of her evolutions would make great ‘What If?’ side stories.

Chad Hagner

This story never gets stale I love this connection I didn't see it coming. Great job author!


If I've learned anything from this story its that if an incomprehensible monster shows up at your door just offer some food and everything will be good.


Oh shit this just got good!


Blessed info dump of holy theory confirmation 🙏


Was seriously just waiting for the "oh and Maro is alive", but instead he thinks she learned his name from a book


Love the worldbuilding in this chapter!


Now it gets interesting....I'm sensing some foreshadowing of more realm travel and it will be interesting if Illea can use the Ascended methods to increase her power or the power of the others she cares about.....


Plenty of roomn for more power. In comparison to Xianxia cultivation novels she is at core formation power levels only - she can't even split a mountain with one punch! Definitely not as much power creep as most other progression fantasy stories. It only appears otherwise because of her resistances + healing + mobility = survivability, but her attack power isn't anywhere near overblown after all the levels.


Funny Enough though - the Sentinels are pretty much a Xanxia type "Sect" with an Illustrious elder who is super powerful to the humans at least; and draws in lots of ambitious youngsters..... thank god its missing all the "young master" syndrome - but I think the author has actually put the super arrogant behavior on the Elves and even the Dragon.

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for this amazing chapter Rhaegar!