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TLDR: Ending the Leaves of Terranthir project for various reasons. Thursday slot will be variable but undefined, AH, AH side, or used for potential new projects (not to be posted on Patreon). Also yes, there will be one AH chapter later today.

Hello all. So as the title suggests, I’m dropping Leaves. Likely forever. I apologize to those who enjoyed reading it and hope it’s not too annoying for it to be left where it’s at. There weren’t any major plot threads even started which shouldn’t make it a devastating cut off.

I went into great detail to explain my reasoning for starting the story and still stand by all that. The experience helped me tremendously, from a writing, mindset, and community perspective. Mindset wise it was needed and switching things up a little made the whole process of writing exciting again, revitalizing both AH and Leaves for me personally. I’m aware that from a reader’s perspective that may or may not have been apparent.

From a writing perspective, well most of you know that I started AH without much prior experience or education in writing. It worked out and here we are. But while I have progressed in many aspects, other things have not become apparent until I started Leaves. The story has a lot of glaring issues, some of which pointed out by feedback and other things simply leaving me unsatisfied personally. The main reason I’m dropping the story however is simply because it’s not fun to write anymore.

The whole idea was to make both the character and world a little more heavy, in a sense as an antithesis to the feel of Azarinth. But in the end there is a reason I could write millions of words for AH without burning out. It just works for me. The different approach to Leaves helped me clear my head and gain inspiration but as a continuous project, it’s starting to bog me down more than anything else. If you were interested in what the plans were for Adrian and what the world had in store, I’ll add a segment at the end with some of that.

I plan to continue experimenting with new stories and systems to keep things fresh for myself and to work on my skills as a writer. The Thursday slot will be used variably for that. I plan to inform you on each Tuesday if there will be an AH chapter or not on Thursday (no mention = likely no AH). If there isn’t, I’ll post whatever else I’m working on in the Discord, where those who are interested can check it out. If anything else I write gets to 10-20 chapters, I might put it up on Royalroad.

Following are just thoughts on Leaves and writing. Worldbuilding stuff and story plans for Leaves at the end.

What worked and what didn’t:

For Leaves specifically, I think I realized that a character like Adrian requires defined plot threads to push him forward, because as a character himself, he’s just not very fun. The pacing became an issue rather quickly, as I tried a different style at the beginning with much more focus on descriptions and mood. Very little happened and even now we’ve barely scratched the surface of the world he’s found himself in.

The system was planned to allow for unique skills and combinations from various gear he finds along the way. He would level his base stats and skills to get a personal power bar and all the gear would be added on top, maybe gloves that allow for a fireball spell, or a chest piece with a flying ability. Having so many variable pieces turned out to quite obviously be a shit ton of work to both write and balance. He’s just now starting to get somewhat specialized with his base stats alone but his gear is still the main focus.

I think the exciting parts of the AH system are the evolutions of both skills and Classes, the experimentation and heavily personalized skillset. Adrian having only a single skill is simply not as exciting, both from a sheer litrpg dopamine perspective, as well as for possible solutions and future changes.

The choice to have him start entirely alone was based on the oppressing / Soulsy feel I tried to convey. I feel like I succeeded in channeling that energy but in the end it’s a concept that I may not have the skill to pull off quite yet. Character interactions are important after all, and a solo adventure may work a little better in a game. Though I have read gamelit stories where the mc barely had an interaction for dozens of chapters and still enjoyed it.

The lack of direction was inspired by souls as well and should’ve led to lots of options for Adrian to choose but because of the starting location and how the system was set up, a cautious approach of farming near endlessly seemed most appropriate. And the pacing of fights and exploration led to not a lot happening in nearly three hundred pages. This is of course similar to whole sections of AH but because Ilea is simply more fun and lighthearted, it’s way more enjoyable to read (or so I’d like to think). Coupled of course with the many character interactions, interesting new monster types, and most importantly skills changes / level ups.

I enjoyed exploring Adrian as a character and setting up his development. I suppose in the future he would’ve become more reckless and uncaring for death, experimenting with potions and magic to fight dangerous creatures with little regard for his own health. But of course the whole slice of life aspect is a little lost when the world itself is mostly just monster infested and dead. The switches in AH between character interactions / exploration / fighting / town management keep things fresh I think.

What I certainly felt was the much higher tension. Where death itself of course wasn’t a danger, Adrian could lose any fight he got into. Compared to forced narrative tension where it’s mostly impossible for the mc to die anyway. The low level stuff however was certainly a nice change of pace, but I do prefer the more hands on approach of Ilea compared to the somewhat cautious and ranged one of Adrian.

As to the power progression, I think a middle ground between Leaves and early AH is for the best.

What happened in Faenhold?

Olsdaat was a very magical continent with various monsters and powerful beings both human and not. The mentioned Guardians were/are godlike creatures mixing both eldritch/folklore/divine qualities and aspects.

The mentioned Numera Empire were a highly industrialized magitech dwarven people that invaded Olsdaat from the east 20-30 years prior to the start of the story. Their military allowed them to push far and hard, Olsdaat being incredibly valuable compared to their much more hostile continent.

In the end they managed to push far, leaving Olsdaat with little chance of victory.

The most influential and powerful leaders of the continent either banded together / were manipulated / paid to work on a plan to defeat the invaders. I called them the Envoys of Retribution.

These included King Merthor of Faenhold, a just king who didn’t want to see the lands fall into the hands of the invaders.

The Witch of Fae, a floating void witch monster living in a deep forest comparable to an ocean – She was simply interested in the destruction this plan would bring.

Next we had Miralinis, queen of the White Castle, ice magic and a palace of glass/ice deep in the western mountains with for Olsdaat highly industrialized tech.

The Witch Lurial, living in a swamp area east of Faenhold who loves corruption/destruction in general and a major player in setting up this collaboration.

A Dragon in the east who was tricked and sealed away due to his young age.

And finally the Leader of the northern tribes whose peoples lived in a great desert. Their capital was the source of the Whisper, a ritual like spell involving most of the Envoys and a captured Guardian of Olsdaat. The spell killed and turned most living creatures in most of the continent into undead, including some of the Envoys themselves. Both the invading forces and the people of Olsdaat itself were pretty much wiped out instantly, leaving both the Empire and whatever was left in Olsdaat in absolute shambles.

For this plan to succeed, the Envoys had to weaken/seal/trick the Guardians first, each trapped/bribed/tricked in ways fitting with their powers. Otherwise the Envoys suspected the Guardians would’ve prevented the ritual.

One of the Guardians was Terranthir, the white tree/s and a god like being related to life and nature. King Merthor hid away one of the trees right next to his royal chambers because he suspected the devastating effects of the Whisper but felt himself trapped in the choice either way. What he wanted was to provide the continent after the Whisper a chance to regain its former glory.

Terranthir, woken up after the events of the Whisper started summoning those who gave up on their own realm, giving them the same powers Adrian received and putting them in various locations throughout the continent. There were about 50 people summoned before Adrian, many of them dead by the start of the story. Ten years have passed since the Whisper and once Adrian would’ve reached a sufficient level, Terranthir would’ve informed him about the quest – Both freeing the trapped Guardians, killing the corrupted/undead Envoys, and finally ending the still active Whisper that greatly subdues life and magic throughout Olsdaat. He would’ve offered to find a way to bring Adrian back if he succeeded in this mission.

The plan was to provide interesting environments much like in Souls, to fight the various Envoys in, with characters both also Leaves of Terranthir (the summoned) and locals/veterans/scavengers with their own objectives/goals. Yrenor for one had the goal to free the souls of the Faenhold peoples and finally their King, who was undead and in the Throne room of the castle. He himself had been a Kingsguard previously, and was in the south leading a guerilla force to fight the invaders where the range of the Whisper didn’t reach their troops.

So it would’ve mostly been a gearing / leveling up journey for Adrian as he explored the continent, finding the various Guardians and Envoys before ultimately trying to stop the ongoing ritual, or simply watching the Guardians do what he lacked the power to achieve.

In the end Adrian would’ve gone back or stayed, depending on where his character would’ve been at mentally. Perhaps he would’ve found purpose in the plight of Terranthir and the people of Olsdaat, making friends he wouldn’t have wanted to leave behind, or perhaps he would’ve wanted to rest back on Earth.

And that’s pretty much it. Not sure yet what will come next but I’ll keep you updated for sure :).




Lewis McReu

I must say I never really got into Leaves, but I’ll be looking out for new stories you come up with. Good luck!


Well I guess this as a meta-ending really fits the dark soulsy vibe


I was never really a fan of leaves so I’m just happy for more AH. I am excited to see any other things you might work on though


I enjoyed leaves but am happy for more AH as it’s what I was here originally for. Completely understand stopping it if it’s not fulfilling the original goal of revitalizing you for AH and became a drag. Whatever gets me more AH! :-)


Thanks for everything and I'd love to read your other ideas 😁


Thank you for the update!


Side-character stories that tie into AH would be much appreciated! Something like a chapter from someone trying to get into the sentinels.

Knight Axel

Aww... Well as long as you're doing what you really want to do. Just know that at least one Leaves fan is sad lol


I am glad that it helped you. I feel that AH has so much life and such a deep world. Anything that helps you keep it going is worth it for me. I do look forward to seeing any further new stories you post. Try everything! Haha.


I am sorry you feel burnt out sometimes it just happens while we are doing something (specially when you feel forced to). I actually liked Adrian character, I really felt he was someone I could relate and I kind of wanted to see which direction you would use his powers, I thought you were going to do a rogue/wizard build where his glass would make an amour that could allow him to reflect light making it possible to become invisible and to form light beams. Good work anyway and I hope you get better.

Arnon Parenti

AH grind was getting heavy, it's good you put the heavy into another character and let Ilea have her slapping days back. I much prefer Ilea as a plot driver rather than a grinding gritty grease shoveler. If the grind doesn't promote the plot, let the plot kill the grind, especially now that Ilea got her Fast Travel permit and can actually go when she gets tired of aome stuffy old hag screeching hexes at her.


Thank you for being this open in your decisions ! Stories are often dropped without warning or reason so I find it great that we were informed. I hope you continue writing things you find fun and share them with us


Is a side story from the perspective of one of the Sentinels in the cards? I would love to see you use your ideas and skills to further expand this world and start over from lvl 1 with a non-Ilea character.


Thanks for keeping AH going. While dropping Leaves is probably a bit dissappointing to you I'm happy you did it. The overall mopey/grimdark feel to it was tiresome and made it a slog to read.


Do what you feel comfortable with man. I'll definitely support you. I will say that the biggest problem with leaves was it didn't feel like you had your heart in it.

Michael Telford

While it's always sad to see a story end, you figuring out what works for you is more important. Whether it's weird one-off's, or AH side stories, or something completely different, you've got my support.


I gave Leaves a shot - read the first 8 to 10 chapters and it was just not my cup of tea. That being said - I am glad you did it! You got to do what you feel you need to, and what makes you Happy. You liked it - that is all that matters - I did not care for it, so I did not read it. If you are discontinuing the story due to others, blow that off and keep going. If the story has done what you needed and you choose to spend your time doing other things, hey Good for you!


I really enjoyed your second story though it had its faults! Imperfectly perfect. Well done! If you want it, I’d have some feedback - now that the story is over. I agree on your points on what made the story a bit faulty, but for the most part - as you said - it was an experiment and I can’t but agree that it was a glaring success. Although, a bit unfocused at times leaving much potential wide open that could have been otherwise filled with a more intriguing leveling style or other plots/things, it was a very interesting take on the grim dark genre. Leaving the gear on the side a bit, the leveling or in general the system could have been instead filled with a self-discovering journey of magic and skills that Terranthir or his soul grants through inspiration, training or different outside sources that he encounters. Drive. That was what our little Adrian lacked I believe. As you also said, he needed more than surviving as a force to keep progressing. Maybe a manipulation from Terranthir itself that he slowly unravels through his time in this world. Corruption to be its servant and end this plague? Either way, I believe you did a fantastic job and I can’t wait to see what your ingenious mind spins up next! Maybe a spin-off in the world of Azarinth Healer? Another unique character with his own set of morals, drive and problematic situations that just gets thrust upon him? A wolf in sheep’s clothing trying his best to go back home and get his revenge slowly being corrupted by power and falling into darkness. Only to find light in another persons heart? Or a scientist searching for immortality and immorality? Whatever tale you will spin up in the future, it will be much better than anything I could suggest here. Don’t get too hung up on the details and have fun. Write what you like. It is your story in the end I wish you the best of luck and a great Thursday

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Seems like writing short stories on Thursday would be appropriate then. Trying out different styles and tones and seeing what might stick.

Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the update. Really sad this is ending.


Excellent. Thankyou for the openness. I do appreciate the update. Keep on keeping on


I will miss Leaves but I support your decision! I'm glad that you're coming out of this feeling like you learned from the experience!


Sad to see leaves go since I enjoyed it, but as long as I get to read more from you its' fine. By now I have my Emails set up to mark updates from you as high priority, because they always make my day.


When you first floated the idea of leaves I wrote smth. like: "Whatever you're gonna write I'm probably gonna read it anyway because I enjoy your writing so much." I was right, in the sense that I did read it, but I also kinda ended up despising it. Combining a bleak world, with a joyless character and a fuckton of solitude is recipe for disaster. The only thing you can actually explore at that point is the MCs head and that's really difficult to pull off. Ilea and all the "people" she interacts with (or interact independently from her), new skills, testing skills, evolutions, the history of the realm, and Ravenhall are where AH shines, and Leaves just kinda wandered off in an entirely different direction. Also more Sentinels plz


I enjoyed Leaves but it never clicked the way AH did. I didnt find myself looking forward to it the way I do for AH, and I think your self analysis was spot on. I'm not crushed you've dropped it, but it was an interesting read, and it sounds like it accomplished its meta goals quite a bit. Thanks for showing us the world of leaves, and looking forward to whatever you give us next! (Even if it's just extra azarinth.) (Especially if it's just extra azarinth)


Writing is like any other skill, developed through practice. Writing more stories other than AH will always help.


I believe that the main down fall in terms of writing leaves was that the character was too bland. We needed something more. Some backstory we could empathise with. Maybe some flashbacks or something. The setting was dark and dreary and monotonous on purpose so something compelling is needed for readers to sink their teeth into and have a vested interest in. Usually that's the characters. They need to be interesting in some way rather than a cardboard cut out


Awww Leaves was a fine read, not perfect but fine and interesting in some aspect Well that good you regain your peps (and i see this in AH chapter you regained some energie) that was the objectif Moreee AH :) You can do some slice of life chapter on other character when you go AH for this slot :) (like sentinels/shadow people) You have build so much on world building its so rich you have a tons of posibility for more deep

Jac Onue

I've grown to enjoy Leaves, however the once a week release schedule on top of intentionally slow pace made it a hard read. It's good to experiment as a writer though, and writing different stuff is a good way to clear your head of the various ideas for plots, systems etc. I would suggest though that you write either short stories or novels for future exploration projects. Short stories would obviously work great for AH side characters, since we are already familiar with the world. But they also work great as a concept tests, and allowing you to explore new ideas without the pressure of needing an entire story line. Similarly, writing a novel (60-100k words) would allow you to explore new idea while forcing you to a certain pace. Being able to tell a story from start to finish in a limited amount of pages is a good skill to have, and it's quite different than writing a web series with unlimited number of chapters.


TY for the comprehensive debrief! I never really got into Leaves, so I skimmed the backstory (but I think it was awesome that you provided it for those more interested). I think it's both normal and healthy to occasionally try new things, practice techniques, etc. Some folks get distracted and have 101 starts and never go anywhere with them, but (obviously) you're not one of those! :) As always, TY for writing such an enjoyable story. While a few folks will get bent at the slightest change (no matter what), I suspect the vast majority of your readers are more open-minded and expect a more "organic" process. So don't worry too much! :)


Glad to hear you've haven't lost motivation. Sad to see Leaves go but I'm looking forward for more AH and new stories


I loved the story and was perfectly fine with the slow buildup it had. The feel and tension was a nice change of pace as you mentioned. It’s up to you though with ending it so I respect the decision. I’m writing this just wanting to say I liked the story. <3


Not too broken up over it. It definitely got better as it went on, but I was never overly into it. More of something to read when I had time since I had faith in your writing.


Although not a big fan of Leaves, I understand now the therapeutic effect it brought to you. It visibly helped to improve the Azarinth quality as well. So pick whatever works for you on Thursdays :-) There is reason why published writers prolific on Amazon have several various series going on....

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Or maybe characters far far away (maybe even another planet that has the same system, because the system is neat) to further enrich the world!


Sad its ending but as long as u keep writing something im happy. Leaves feel like u needed to roll for random events

David Burchfield

Didn't care much for Leaves, but glad it helped you. Your output even writing one story I wasn't following is tremendous. Looking forward to see what you bring in next on Thursdays.


Oh no, now that poor dog will forever be in limbo

Athena Alexandria

Didn't really read Leaves as that genre and mood just isn't my cup of tea, but from the little I did read I can see how having that different perspective helped shake up your writing and your feelings towards writing. I noticed a great improvement with your writing while you were making Leaves, especially in the quieter moments with Illea, and I can't wait to see how you stretch yourself with your writing next!


Although I was enjoying Leaves, I look forward to your future experiments!


It was a slow read. It had potential though. The premise was interesting. AH is your baby. Keep up the good work!


Leaves was a bit slow but I still enjoyed it. I liked the feel but I can see it being punishing to write. Looking forward to anything else you come up with.


question: how did most of the other 50 leaves die? Limited respawns?

Matthew Lester

Hey you did a great job don’t sweat it.

White Neko Knight

I'm going to miss the glass powers. I'm glad you got what you needed out of it ^^.


I was enjoying it! It was very much a slow burn, which is what one should expect when anybody is dropped into a new world with no resources, information, or prior training. The lack of a strong plot thread after 29 chapters can be off-putting, but these things are about the journey, right? I will say the first scene with the wights was the first time reading any story (ever) that I felt trepidation or even some fear (and that is saying something). So even though you are dropping it, great work! You can do it!


I was enjoying it! It was very much a slow burn, which is what one should expect when anybody is dropped into a new world with no resources, information, or prior training. The lack of a strong plot thread after 29 chapters can be off-putting, but these things are about the journey, right? I will say the first scene with the wights was the first time reading any story (ever) that I felt trepidation or even some fear (and that is saying something). So even though you are dropping it, great work! You can do it!


Thanks for the update and I look forward to whatever you decide to post on Thursdays , AH or otherwise


Random post/new story/more AH: so we get a jackpot every week? What's not to like?


I do have to say that I really enjoyed Terranthir. Specifically these elements: how the flow of the story was much more of a "man vs wild" kind of deal, but in a dark medieval fantasy setting. The tone of everything being a bit more somber, and hopeless. I enjoy seeing this kind of style, and I'm glad you have developed this side of your skill. I also enjoyed Adrian's further focus on his loss of innocence and his ruminations of what he left behind on earth. In all, while I am a tad bit sad to see Terranthir discontinued I glad that in your future in-devours you can cannibalize and incorporate elements of Terranthir into new projects.


I will not miss this segment since I did not really like that story. I'm not entirely sure why I like AH so much but keep up the good work :D


When you get to -1000 so ten deaths without collecting Essence, you die. Additionally if you run out of leaves on your designated tree.


I didn't realy get invested in leafs and I like AH a lot, so i am kind of happy about one more chapter AH


Tbh my main take from this was just being happy that it helped you reinvigorate thine mind for AH. Its one of my favorite novels that I could read an endless amount of, and anything thats good for AH is wonderful to me. Heres to hoping for many more years of you enjoying your writing!!