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Hey all. As a separate post just in case some people missed it or don't read the author notes.

This is the last post in September and as mentioned before, I plan to post 4 Azarinth chapters per week starting in October (and 1 for Leaves).

Release schedule wise I think I'll go with Tuesday (2 AH) and Saturday (2 AH + 1 Leaves). Because many have said that the one chapter on Thursday is just not a lot. And if I post Leaves on Saturday too, you won't be as disappointed with the mail notification not being AH :P.


Valter Anunciação

Sad but I guess this is it. Do post on rrl if you ever go back to 6 chapters a week.


I'll update on RR if there are changes to the schedule again :) Thanks for the support Valter.

Chase Clawson

Sounds good! Will look forward to seeing where things go. Need to actually read Leaves at some point xD

Julien Fellegara

2AH 1Leaves and 2AH make more sens to me because 1AH on thursday was not enough. There will be one leaves by week, so put it with AH don't make sens to me.. it's not the same story. It would begin the first october. It's a sign!


I would also like to know where the $10 tier stands as well tbh. The last side chapter was posted at the end of July, was it? Any news on that front?

Jed Wolfgang

Good luck with Leaves. I didn’t love the first 5 chapters but I’m willing to give it a shot. A Dark Souls litrpg is too interesting to simply ignore. Will you post the 10 you’ve already written and start the new schedule with 11 or do a rewrite/polish of 1-10?


at this rate we'll be getting 2 chapters a month in about a years time...


Someone may have already asked this, but would it be possible to tag the previous posts of leaves so that people could find them if they joined later?


Most realistically we won't see any new side chapters soon. Quoting author: " I planned to write 30 or so chapters next to AH and maybe even publish it on amazon, or just post it as a side thing without any connection to my patreon. And well, it didn't work. I've been stuck with 10 chapters for months." I think this applies to side chapters as well


I still do not agree with that decision. If you want to write something else to mix things up, then do so without mucking up the good thing you have going with AH. You are aware that are here specifically supporting AH, right? Write Leaves in your time off, don't mess with your patron base.


I can't wait to start reading Leaves on the regular. Enjoying everything so far. Won't see me leaving any time soon. Thanks for the great times.

Adam Roundfield

Do what you want, because a pirate is free.


He's human and has limits. He can write about 5 chapters a week and maintain the current quality. He's starting a new story (which necessitates a slight reduction in AH) in order to keep himself happy/creative/etc. The alternative is that his interest in AH slowly declines and, worst case, burn out and no more story. He's been incredibly consistent with his updates compared to most authors and the value, even with 4 chapters, is enough for most of his patrons. (Hell, I'm pretty sure his patrons went UP, when he was taking a several month break for the 'civil service' thing)


LMAO didnt realize he was a pirate but fair point. I agree


Also although i was pretty critical about the new story im excited to read more and see what you come up with. You've done such a all around great job on AH that i know it wasnt by luck. So im sure I can expect some great quality from your newest.


4 Chapters a week sounds ok. Personally, I liked the Thursday chapter, it was something to tide me over until the weekend (snack-sized, if you will).


I am looking forward to having another story to read knowing that its from a reliable author helps. I wont be leaving unless its dire circumstances.


I don't even know what is Leaves and where it is.


Here you go: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35885/leaves-of-terranthir/chapter/553822/chapter-1


This is unfortunate... I enjoyed my Thursday chapter. I’m saddened 😞


This is heading in a dangerous direction. If you started something once, why wouldn't you do it again? And what is stopping you from changing focus? I also dislike how you started including more POVs in the main story and not just in the side stories. That is also something that can go too far. Anyway, none of it is really unacceptable for me yet, but I am not a particularly patient man and if I have to wait too long for the story to progress I am probably gonna lose interest altogether.


I strongly disagree. AH has an impressive number of chapters already and Harthane has already maintained that this is to help with the creative process. Tons of novels are out there incomplete/on hiatus because the burn out is real. That to me is a more dangerous direction. If the author totally changes focus and end AH then that's that. People will support or quit but I don't like for us to influence the decision. Quality over quantity. As for povs I understand the divisiveness as everyone has their cup of tea but I personally love it.