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Hello all

This will be long - TLDR: Further insights into my decisions and thoughts in regards to split schedule / writing. No actual information in regards to schedule changes (Right now I'm tending towards 4 AH 1-2 Leaves for October as a bit of a compromise but that is subject to change). Read if interested, or bored I guess. Also attached Chapters 6-10 of Leaves for those interested.

I felt like writing an update in regards to the Info post I made last Saturday. First of all, thanks for the numerous and detailed feedback from all of you. I appreciate everybody that supports me and has supported me and I understand most of the criticism that was mentioned.

I get that many of you are upset about less Azarinth content. I'm a reader too and understand it well when a creator has to cancel, reduce, delay, or otherwise change a product that I am interested in.

For that reason I thought it necessary to at least explain the reasoning and background to this decision a little more. Because I think oftentimes creators don't communicate these things well, or simply ignore it. I already found myself reminded of large corporations when I typed out some of my replies to your comments on the update post, as in trying to be too safe and not really offering an actual explanation. But that's not who I am and not what I want to be.

I know that many of you won't give a shit about this but some do and for those I wanted to explain myself a little better.

Azarinth has grown into something quite large. Not by standard internet margins but for the niche genre we're in, it's definitely quite big. With that came opportunities, like it now being my job, tons of feedback, and even a small community I think has grown into something pretty cool.

And with that come responsibilities and expectations. I don't think I ever truly set goals or talked about how much I will post, instead trying to use words such as "likely", "probably", "hopefully", and the like. Because in the end, it's me. One human being.

I can't guarantee that I won't get sick, have an accident, get depression, experience trauma, or be otherwise impaired to deliver on said expectations. This is not to say I have experienced any of that. I simply mention it because I think oftentimes (me too as a consumer) we forget that people are behind the creations we like. That's absolutely normal, especially when you don't know or see the creators, coupled with the anonymity the internet provides.

I think balancing these expectations and reactions has been an interesting side of the job for me. Reading harsh criticism for something I worked on, disappointing people that genuinely enjoy the story, but of course seeing the positive reactions too. The human mind just has a tendency to focus on negatives more so, hence this additional post.

As the following grew, especially the insane amount of patrons, various things happened for me. Obviously it became my job, which is awesome. Next, expectations I had for myself rose. I tried to get better at writing, working on my style, outlining whole arcs instead of the earlier approach that leaned more on discovery writing. And by now I do believe I have a responsibility to continue this story so many people grew to enjoy.

It upset me that some commenters seemed almost fearful of me dropping the story, or talked about burnout as if I'm just another writer that's giving up on what they created. I've written 1.5 million words of Azarinth Healer. Please, have some faith in me. If anything, based on consistency.

I know the majority of comments were positive and supportive - Again, human mind looking at negatives.

Of course I do have to strike a balance. My mental health and personal happiness comes first. Because in the end that flows directly into my work. I'd rather reduce chapters or take a break than turning it into unenjoyable shit. And I'm talking about both the story itself and my experience writing it.

So I feel like I have a responsibility to write the story that you guys by now are a little, somewhat, or very invested in. Of course I am dependent on the income I make from this too. I have bills like everybody else.

Typed out, that sounds pretty toxic but to me personally, it doesn't feel that way. If anything I'm grateful that something I enjoy doing can now support me financially. The following and expectations are what make me consistent in my work ethic and updates. You are what makes me want to improve myself.

So why the possible change then? I mentioned issues with excitement in my other post, in the fact that Ilea is super powerful by now. That I miss the excitement from a fresh start with a weaker character. That's all true but it's not all of it.

I obviously did something right with this story. But it's the only thing I've done (discounting the two smaller things I wrote before). In the last few months I began to think more about a few questions.

What if Azarinth Healer ends? Do you want to turn it into another shounen like story that just throws bigger enemies in there for her to fight? Can you create enjoyable arcs with a character that is more powerful than most of their peers and even enemies?

Now I'm aware that there are many reasonable challenges left. I even have ideas for several more arcs that aren't too outlandish. Seeing what an overpowered character can do now that they've reached such heights is also an interesting thing to explore. Especially in a more slice of life setting (most stories do end when the mc has reached these heights - I think someone commented that too). And be aware that I don't think Ilea is close to truly overpowered yet. She's hard to kill, but that’s pretty much it. At least you can't call it plot armor anymore. It's actual fucking armor.

Even if it would find a reasonable end at some point, I can write about another character in the established setting and world. The questions however still nagged me. And I think in a way it made me not take risks or implement ideas I would've otherwise gone with. Because a part of me said that I have to play it safe, to keep the great thing that I have going. I do believe this was more a subconscious thing. Now that I became more aware of it however, I thought something needed to be done about it.

I've worked on the new project for a long time, trying to set up the world, create a system that made sense, mix in ideas I've rarely seen truly explored in stories I've read (granted I don't read as much as I did), and most of all write something a little different than Azarinth Healer.

Most of all however, I think I finally felt the burden of expectations and responsibility shift from a motivation to fear. And I was afraid, to have all my cinderberries in one basket, more so creatively than financially.

Now you don't have to like this new thing I'm writing. I don't expect you to even read it. It's not a replacement for the likely reduced AH quantity and you shouldn’t compare the two at all. I know people will compare them, I'm just saying it's not my intention to present something better, or newer. It's just something else. And that's that.

Something else that I felt was necessary for me to grow, to not feel stuck with AH, to free me a little from these fears. And it's already working. I felt like a burden was lifted from my shoulders when I posted that update. And in the long run I know it's better for the story you came to care about. Maybe you'll find you like the other things I write too, maybe you don't. That's up to you and criticism, as always, is welcome and encouraged.

Those are some of my thoughts and reasons as to why I'm thinking of changing the schedule. Now I wanted to address some more practical things, comments I've read, and random things I wanted to mention.

I won't change the tiers. Based on other authors' patreons, websites, books, and simply products out there, as well as twitch subscriptions and the like, I think 10-25 chapters a month for 5$ (each being 3000 words long) is perfectly reasonable to me. 95% of it is free on Royalroad too and the general idea is support > content anyway but I understand that many of you view the chapter content that is produced as the product you buy.

And in the end I have to set a price that I think is reasonable. Some of you may remember (or are still in the now unlisted tier - cheers to you) that I started with 3 chapters a week at a 7$ tier. I changed it to 5$ slightly before or after I went full time because I felt it was more appropriate (increasing to 6 chapters per week then).

Opinions differ on this and products vary greatly. Pirateaba for example writes twice or more what I do and her deal is 5$ too. While others write less or the same as me for 10$. And that's just going by word count. Quality and taste are the main factors of course.

In the end I write what I can write, what I want to write, and what I enjoy writing. And I'm happy with the 5$ tier, even if I'd only write 2 or 3 chapters a week in total. I could ask for more but that makes me feel icky. Less would make me feel like I'd be undervaluing the work I do. It's really more a gut feeling than anything else.

Those are just my two cents. It's your money and the decision on how to spend it is yours to make. And as I said many times, I completely understand if you would cancel your subscription based on reduced content (or any other reason) and it’s fine if you have different opinions on the value of what I do. I simply thought I'd explain my perspective.

Another thing I wanted to talk about. I know that launching my new thing like this is stupid from a financial and support perspective. I planned to write 30 or so chapters next to AH and maybe even publish it on amazon, or just post it as a side thing without any connection to my patreon.

And well, it didn't work. I've been stuck with 10 chapters for months.

Just understand that this isn't me trying to rake in more money or branch out with another most definitely super successful story (sarcasm warning). It's just something I felt like might help with the issues I talked about above. That's all there is to it.

Now I know that reduced Azarinth chapters is annoying. I get it. And I know this post doesn't change that fact but I do believe in pretty open communication and hope some of you can get a better picture of why this came up. If you didn't give a shit and read up to this point, hello there.

I'm not sure yet about specific upcoming changes because I'm not doing perfectly well in my personal life at the moment but I will keep you updated and obviously won't change anything in the middle of a month except if it becomes absolutely necessary.

Thanks for reading and for the insane support you've shown me in the past two and more years.

I'm here to write enjoyable stories for you to read, hopefully for many years to come.



crazychaza07 .

Love AH, you are right in that you are one of the most consistent creators in the web novel scene. Looking forward to many more stories down the line, you should go full brandon sanderson and have 10+ different stories in the same multiverse


Cheers for that post, you sound genuine and right. I have mixed feeling on leaves right now (I'll give it a try of course) but what I have no doubt about is that you take care of yourself. If you start feeling pressure from AH and leave can take some of that off, even avid AH readers will benefit in the long run. Really appreciate you explaining how you feel about all that. It also reminded me that I'm supporting a writer rather than buying chapters, which isn't the same thing. Excited to see what you have in store for AH and Leave ! :)


I do admit to feeling sad about less Ilea/month, but as someone who also has creative hobbies I can absolutely understand that train of thought. I'm supporting you because I love the world you created with AH, and at least as long as it continues you'll definitely keep me as a loyal reader. And who knows, your other stories might captivate me just as much as AH.




I just like the story and wanted to support you. Not much of a difference for me if you just end the story in a fulfilling way. Since endings very big part of the story


"some commenters seemed almost fearful of me dropping the story, or talked about burnout" well for my part its not fearful its more you already doing a insane rate release of hight quality work and like you say your human, so having a little bit less of AH for you try other thing you like is NORMAL and better is the long term i think (for both storie), so im with you, you already have a release rate bordeling the inhuman :P, so do what you want man its your life, and your already give us a lot vs other author you dont have to feel pressure, you have my blessing for whatever :D Ps: well like all reader the more chapter of the storie we love the better, so i want moooorrre AH (but this is my problem)


Obligatory anti-sanderson shade of "but make them good, too.". :P. (Nah, he's fine I just can't get as excited about him as his fans do.)


I can obviously only speak for myself but i don't mind the change and i am already excited about the future leaves chapters^^


Thanks for everything you do and write for us G, its greatly appreciated and looked forward to, your health has always been the top priority. I personally enjoy the new story and would love to see more sometime soon. :P

Thaabit Rivertree

Thanks for the update! I appreciate that you shared a pretty personal perspective. I think seeing that side sort of lets us be a part of that journey, and that, along with being a part of the community, is what makes being a patron great. I know it's gotta be hard churning out so many chapters of AH and can totally understand needing some variety. I'm also glad you are doing what you need to be healthy. I hope you are able to fix those issues and wish you the best!

Joshua Case

I don't know if you'll see this, but this post has made me upgrade to the standard subscription, because the lower one I'm on now doesn't really do your story, or the effort tyou put into writing, justice. I'm very excited to read this new series, just keep writing what you want to write, and I'm sure we'll all agree to support you in that. Cheers!


Reading this post, I'm reminded of the author of "The Gods are Bastards". The character of Arachne Tellewyrn is based on the notion that OP characters work as long as they ruffle lots of feathers. Ilea has become the sort of person who sets fire to the best-laid plans just by existing. Her influence can become unfair very easily. You can make plenty of story hooks by showing how the rest of society reacts to that.


As someone who doesn't write but reads a lot I get the fear that you'll find yourself becoming the equivalent of one those shows that keeps going for seasons and seasons after they ran out of story to tell. And I'm sure I don't help because I have a history of reading certain things for years after they stopped being good simply because I used to enjoy them. So while I haven't sat down and read your new story yet, I don't think you should be afraid to *not* give us readers what we think we want, haha.


There are very, VERY few writers who can keep up a story indefinitely. Sadly, those writers don’t wven want that to happen. Litrpgs are inherently bad this way, because of powercreep. So yes. You either ditch Illea or make it like some other franchises and concentrate on others... And to be honest... I don’t believe you to be such a genius. I would like to be it that way, because tbh, I love this. AH quickly became a constant in my life I derive very much pleasure from. But yes. Eventually. AH has to end. Even though I wouldn’t even be against the exploration of the world you’ve created. Something less fighty and maybe more philosophical maybe? Who knows? As long as you write, I will read. As long as you provide I will pay and yearn. For you have taken a path in life that brings others enjoyment and some even happiness. It’s creators of fiction and such that are giving a lot of us the strength we need, the distraction we want. And yes. I am grateful. Thank you. And to all of you: Have a nice read. And day. And life. Stay healthy.


Recently I had my financial situation change, nothing major but some things needed to be cut. Supporting you was never even considered for the cut, and a major part of that is due to your consistency and transparency (I also LOVE AH that was definitely a major part too) I'm not trying to sound preachy or stand on a soap box, what I guess I'm trying to say is that I trust you and the work you do. If you say this is for the best then I know I'm not losing out on AH, I'm gaining leaves. You have my full support in whatever direction you decide to take with your stories And please do not take this as an additional expectation, this is simply me letting you know that I trust you and your endeavors

Jed Wolfgang

You do what you need to so that you are personally happy with your work and yourself. I love AZ, fewer chapters itches a bit, but your aren’t dropping the story. You’ve been extremely consistent so far. I could easily see Cless getting a spin-off tale for whenever you feel Ilea ’s tale is over. I’d definitely read that.


I very much want you to start a second story. I just want you to pick a different story to work on. This story is bad. Don't take my word for it. Just post it on RR and watch the reviews and comments. There is nothing compelling or original about this story at all. Why would someone want to read it? What is there to keep their attention?


Hi there ;) That being said, I do give a (little) shit, but I found it irresistible to not take the bait and respond like this. Anyway, personally I'll continue at the same tier, a little disappointed that the quantity diminishes, but as long as the quality remains the same or improves, and maybe I get to read a new thing...


I just love your consitency. It isnt really the amount(Well at least not all) but the time. I just love it when i know that today are new chapters. The anticipation is half the fun and most authors have sometimes a hard time following up, but you are really consitent in that regard. Sure Im a but sad about less chapter, but als long as they are still coming regularly it is what it is. Will try your new story at some point to!


To be honest, I‘d love to see you write new characters, with different personalities and different circumstances in the same world as AH. Maybe not even the same continent. I think you could write some really good and enjoyable stories that way, especially now as you have improved as a writer!


Love the story and agree that amount is appropriate. I am a patron for a couple of other stories, but this is the only one that I am consistently signed up to. Even the name of this site alludes to the old patron model of art - this is not a commercial transaction where we are buying a product. We (hopefully most) see this as a way to support an artistic endeavour that would otherwise not be possible.

Chase Clawson

First off, I definitely think it's a good idea for you to have this going. From the sound of it, it's going to be really good for your mental health to have another story to work on, and if that's what is needed to prevent burnout I'm all for it! Second, I disagree with the idea that OP characters can't be written about. The idea that they can't be is kinda frustrating for me, since I see it repeated everywhere. It implies that the only stakes that matter are death, and that's just frustrating. You can create conflict with so many things besides threat of death. Most of these would require a less fighting focused story, but imo that's fine. Non-combat conflicts and exploration are still possible! (Sorry, that rant was less directed at you and more at that whole mindset. Something I've had to struggle against with writing before, and it feels like a cop out when people just say "OP characters cannot have stories" as some other comments have before)


I agree with some of the previous comments. I would also really love to see the story of another character in the AH universe. And not just some "sidechapter" from time to time, but an actual new protagonist with their own story. You created a brilliant universe with your AH story and I think it would be a shame to just drop it for something else entirely. "I am Meadow" :D


Thanks for this insights. I think the current value of your patreon is great and even with 3 chapters a week it's comparable to most other writer patreons. Are you considering to publish AH at some point btw? I would really appreciate audiobooks, if done well! For your new story, i will try it when there are more chapters to jump into. But after reading some of the comments i'm not sure if it's something for me. We'll see. I like badass characters like Ilea, and by badass i don't mean the physical OPness, it's more of a mental thing. I don't like characters that complain alot.


As I said on Discord: "just from reading rhaegars post my own opinion is write whatever the fuck you want to write either i will like it or not but if you not happy with what you write no one is going to end up happy."


Hey mate, I never thought that I bought a piece of your Soul. Quite honestly I am quite happy with the endurance you have shown so far. As a software guy I know a thing or two about reflecting on the mistakes I made with my writing two years ago. In fact it's quite natural to feel like looking for new and better ideas than the ones you started with. Haven't check out your new thing yet, but will probably do so soon. My goal was never to support or buy Azarinth Healer, but to support YOU on this awesome project. This is also why I am still on the 7$ Tier. It's not all about the chapters.


Can't you add leaves in separate tiers, as long as we aren't forced to buy all or nothing, I don't care(not saying he should).

Malir Blackspear

Honestly it seems you have enough skill at writing that I'll continue to read whatever you put out. I'm certain you'll reach a balance of what you need and what people think they want.

Cyryl Chołodowski

Fun things are fun. If writing other fictions, means you will write AH better (and I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy the hell out of it), or just with more freedom in your ideas? Go for it. (the fucking enter to post... eh...) You also have a style that lends itself well to long stories... dunno. For many fictions I get tired of reading them after 20-50 chapters or any random points in the story... I don't think I ever got tired of reading AH. So if you are writing two fictions, that means there will be two, different stories, providing consistent entertainment. Slightly less of AH? Who gives a fuck, there will still be enough of it and there will be a new world to feed ones imagination.


I don't mind as much. Usually don't like male characters or like female characters more? But if the story is something more then just harem, owerpowered junk fest don't mind. Could be interesting to have actual main character die in some story. But overall maybe have base tier for AH and then top with leaf?


While as a long term reader of AH I'm a bit disappointed in the reduced chapter count I'm also fully aware that your profession is way more creative and dependent on your psychological state than mine is. As such I fully understand and support your decision. Concerning the economics of it, you still provide way more value per 1€ than both Shirtaloon and The First Defier so don't worry too much about it. Wish you all the best!


Yo I don't have strong opinions here. Just do whatever keeps you healthy. I'll support ya either way. Eventually AH will end so starting to flirt around with a new story is probably a good idea. Anyway don't care too much about the haters! Stay safe, God bless!


Tbh i dont like the chapter reduction of AH of course, but i still greatly enjoy it and look forward to every day a new chapter comes up. And i do really lime your new work. Personally i think good books are not primarily made by the story idea, but by the way you write and implement. So if branching out improves your writing quality and gives me another story to boot, im a happy camper! So do what you think is best and i have got a hunch i am going to like it either way 👍🏻


(I'm not proofreading this on that tiny text box I'm given on mobile, so if this is an autocorrect mess of another world, just ignore it.) If I at all came of as belittling your effort and consistency on the last note, I apologise, it was one of those things I was kinda worried about it. If anything, you are asking the only two or three indie writers I know of that can even be called consist, it's precisely a continuous sense of surprise and joy that someone writing a good story has actually held it for this long while making it convenient for me read and even support their work. No amazon nonsense here, no. On that regard, it is BECAUSE of that consistency, not despite of, that when something like this pops up that there is the fear of you having burned out. I found you on rrl and I'm sure you can agree that's a pattern not entirely uncommon, just with far fewer chaptere on the work they leave behind. As long as AH continuous to be good, I'll be supporting you, and if it eventually comes to a reasonable conclusion, we'll see how invested I am in kreves at that point, it strikes me as the kind of story that has tremendous potential but is inherently slow to capitalise on that potential, that's not a bad thing btw, just saying I have high hopes. (no pressure). I put it down 1.5 chapters in thinking it's going to need more than 5 chapters to show that it can deliver on whet it looks like it might be, right? And my head was immediately filled with vague outlines of souls-esque fights and progression, halfway wondering how well that would even do in writing rather then a game. I initially hesitated to actually put words to said expectations, but bit I trust you enough as a writer to not let out affect you and still deliver on a solid reading experience even if I'm wrong. So here goes. To me this seems like almost the complete opposite of AH, Ilea is incredibly powerful compared to her peers and can easily solo monsters that even large groups of other powerful humans would nope the hell away from, that's cool, I like a strong mc. Now, as I'm sure most people that have ever liked at a souls game will tell you, that's never the vibe you get, even if your are one of the people that are just silly good at souls, or consider them easy, even though you are murdering a lot of things, you never feel like a powerhouse, every single fight o in those games are easily losable of you let up, it's a constant exercise on being at the top of your mental game to beat enemies that brutalise you on moments of you let them. My all of them are necessarily difficult, but even if you have a boss nailed from the start, it's rare that it can do nothing to you if you slip up, so you never feel powerful, but everything feels within reach, in a way that you only have to reach out and grab it. If you do stumble upon someone though, you try, and try, and try, until you succeede. You didn't medbrakt get stronger in the time it took you to go from getting your ass handed to you, to you handing theirs right back, with varying levels of flair, you just got better, and smarter. Will that's basically what I'm expecting, whether that's what you have in mind, or something else entirely, well have to see, either way I'm fully confident that whatever your plan is, you can take take it there in the best, or close to the best way or can be, spawn a thousand rrl copy cats that give up after 20 chapters and week all hate you for eternity.

Julien Fellegara

Man, fuck you seriusly. It's well writen so far so it's just a mater or taste. You are not the judge of the good taste. Your mother don't learn.you to say:" i don't like" instead of "it's bad."??? How can you clash the work of a author you patreon?

Julien Fellegara

I totaly agree. It's totaly possible to write a good book even about a god. There is so much thing ilea has to do and will have to do. Yes she is OP, yes she rarely find a good fight. But it's fun to see her kill army and until then she allways find the next drake to fight.


Now, after writing my previous post I have a little observation I just felt like sharing. A lot of rrl writers make a lot of promises, a few of them keep said promises. I even know a couple made a big deal about hating when etikette go on an indefinite hiatus, to then go on an indefinite hiatus, an to remember one even changing account after dropping a story due to something like that. Either way, how about you? You have never, to my knowledge made any promises, you said this yourself right now, which is the men reason I realised, you have just delivered, delivered and delivered, for nearing 600 chapters now. The one time there was a hitch on your schedule, you have us a concrete time frame and even kept up releasing chapters albeit at a reduced rate, which, interestingly enough, was still much much faster than the vast majority of other writers simply die to your staggering release schedule. How you manage to release quality writing so fast is frankly beyond me. Usually we have a tradeoff between quality and schedule, here? Nah dude, have both. Respect. (and no pressure :D) Granted petty of it is naturally due to how your I livelihood literally depends on it and that most other writers can't possibly dedicate so much of their time to writing their story. Some even have so little belief in their own writing that they refuse to monetise it. Anyway. Honestly, I think more writers should experiment with monetising their 20 chapterd and then just sneak on this one massive cliffhanger while sneakily advertising their patreon (fucking chapter 300). All jokes aside though, that's what was required to get me here, and at this point I'm delighted to support your work. You solidly delivered then, and you have solidly delivered since.


I think, and might be oh so wrong, that most Patreon fall in my category : support one day and never think back. 2 chapters, 7, none for a while ? I don't care. As long as you are open, honest and devoted, i'll be gratefull, supporting and supportive. I buy crap litrpg for more all the time, Patreon gives me the joy to support quality in a field that is severly lacking in that domain (not so humble opinion of a binge reader). Love from a gratefull belgian constantly commuting wageslave !


Thanks for the chapters. Any idea how I can comfortably read them on my phone? The letters are so small and pdf Apps dont help with that :/


My inner reader says "Noooo, more chapters, all the chapters!", that being said you write one of my favorite stories and I'll continue to support it regardless of the exact amount of chapters you release each week. I also appreciate the consistent release schedule and your efforts to keep us up to date on it, it's nice to know what to expect.


I got the same problem. I think I will probably just read them on RR when they are out or read them on pc when I can make the time.


No I agree with you completely. Something like Overlord works incredibly well. The problem here is that AH is a progression focused story and while there can be a lot of other conflicts and ideas, it wasn't what the themes were about. The shift to other conflicts that would make a godlike character work may not be the best for the story. But as I said, it's a long way off and I'm sure I can think of thinks that make sense.

John Phipps

I like the idea of the beginning, the middle and the end. Be true to yourself and your motivation. If you think the story has reached the end then just end it. Feel free to branch out or whatever keeps your creative energy flowing.


I'm not sure about publishing. There is a lot of rewriting necessary for the early parts. I definitely consider it often but the actual work required for the benefits it creates is not feasible for me at the moment. And yes, the mc of leaves is definitely not a badass. At least not yet.


You just buy AH for 5$. The other thing might be a bonus for that tier or the 2$ one at some point. Its existence doesn't increase the price of AH. Even if I just post 3 AH chapters and literally nothing else, it would still be 5$


Thanks for updating. I was one of the doubters and i'm sorry for lacking faith. The money really isnt an issue imo. I doubt there's anyone with less spending money than me in your patreon and 5$ for my favorite story is not a problem. I saw the issue as you feeling 'trapped' rather than 'constrained' as you described now. Im looking forward to you adding another set of writing wings and turning into an archauthor. Sorry for being a doubter =P


Hey thanks for the comment. It's always nice to see someone admit to have changed their opinion on something. You're cool.


Nice post, and clear! Ty. I'm glad the 2nd story/writing exercise/change has helped a bit with clearing your head. Managing ones own headspace can become tricky, and the writer/reader relationship is kinda strange as you noted (very diff from 9-5 life). And, ofc, GL and have fun! :)

Hayden Pech

I enjoy your writing. Knowing that “tomorrow” I have AH chapter(s) makes me look forward to Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. If I only get one chapter a day for each of those days, I’m happy! I joined when that was exactly what you were writing and I wanted Mooore! Hahaha Not just more of AH, more of your writing! New stories are great 👍. Thank you for writing and letting me read your works.


some editorial suggestions, discard freely: lied down on the bed - lay or laid was no surprised - surprise vary to become overconfident - wary his rationale reminded him - his rational thoughts (or side or self or whatever) reminded him convince him of taking a break - convince him to take a break ? groups of undead patrolling the area as he stepped - patrolled (tense mismatch) You used deem a lot. It's a relatively uncommon word, and using it this often seems a little strange, like you lack good alternatives (like thought, guessed, suppose, hope, feared etc)


Completely understand—and my preference would be for AH to end at some point. The endings I like best for these kinds of stories are after the conclusion of some major world ending threat. There's a sense of real accomplishment and finality, and then a few epilogue chapters to wrap up a few viewpoints and the hero rides off into the sunset. It leaves the world open if you want to explore it with another character down the road and/or have Ilea make a guest appearance/be a distant legend from the past. I find it tiresome when it's continual power creep with no end in sight and no real overarching purpose. Or when the stakes for the current arc are set up to be so high (end of the world), and at the conclusion the MC just gets sucked into another "end of the world", and it's hard to buy into it. Just my two cents from reading lots of fantasy. But I support whatever you decide to do, and look forward to reading whatever you write next!


I think you’ve done a great job with this book, and I think branching off into a new novel is a great idea. IMO you don’t owe us anything as patrons, im just glad that you have been such a prolific writer for so long. That being said, I don’t like novels where the MC cannot die, and his death and rebirth in leaves just stepped onto my pet peeves. I think you lose all suspense if the character can’t die, and every problem becomes easily surmountable with time. Additionally without a lack of pain sense like ilea I’m convinced a person would go a little mad if they had to fight to the death against monsters repeatedly after revival. Anyways, I love the main novel, and I hope to read more interesting novels from you in the future, I think there are a lot of angles you could take with a new book and still include the new item systems and other new world mechanics as you wish. ( you could try the apocalyptic angle rather than portal to a new word, or you could have an alien civilization approach earth and write a sci fi) ultimately good luck, I’ll give the new book a chance, but I think you should consider making a poll of 3-4 new book ideas to see which are most popular


I haven’t read chapters 6-10 yet. Not certain I will based on 1-5 and my thoughts on them. I’m curious what about Leaves made you want to stick with it? You said it’s been at only a few chapters for a while now and that you had written some other things but none of those really made you want to continue them. Why is Leaves the one you are deciding to continue? Is it because the MC and world are so different from AH? Or do you have a vision of it’s future that just can’t let go?


Azarinth healer was the first story I signed up as a patron for, and you have consistently brightened my day, three times a week, with your story. This, for more than a year, and even when you did your civil service. Keep up the good work, and enjoy writing your new story too 😊


I just want to say that I love that you post these announcements with your regular AH release, as I have dropped Patreon of other authors who ... shall we say tease with a patreon update only for it to be a meme or a joke or somebullshit. you are by far one of the easiest authors to support, you actually post on a super consistent schedule (and often!) and that is super super rare. Thank you for the transparency


At least you didn't go full fuck litrpg like 2 other of my top 5 favorite lit rpg authors(Exterminatus, Dimitry Rus). Im extremly excited for the current happenings and the upcomming taleen explorations. I loved the early Taleen grinding and also liked the elfs. As for you "evolving" from an exploration style to developing story arcs, im not to sold on that being better. It feels unnatural, factory produced and im not realy sure if intricate structured story arcs are better for the lighthearted, slice of life grindfest Azarinth Healer is/was/hopefully will be. I personally love the simple exploration style chapters most.


What about the Side stories. I came to like it.




Hey G, the epub version of Leaves has ALL of the text underlined. It makes it very challenging to read. Please fix ♥️


The lesser amout of chapters is not what concerns me, but the threat of a faster pacing and the sacrifices it bares with it. Dude, correct me if I'm wrong, but by reading you I'm getting the feel that you are starting another one because there are things and risk you would like to take and you are too scared to take them here. Fuck the readers man, if you wanna do something, do it, if you wanna spend 10 chapters on a pov that has nothing to do with the main story and is merely world building, do it, if you wanna kill the most favortited characters for the sake of a plot device, do it, fuck us man, this is your story.


I still have a bit of an issue with this decision, which I haven't seen mentioned yet: I love AH and I don't mind supporting the project with the same pledge even if its release rate goes down to 3 chapters a week. Those 5$ are still a good deal. But, so far, I do NOT like Leaves, and I do not want to support that project at this moment in time. And it irritates me to no end that it appears as if these two stories are going to remain packaged together as an indivisible deal. All I want is a chance to opt out of the new story. I don't want to get email notifications for it, I don't want to keep seeing it every time I come back to read AH, simply put I want nothing to do with it.


I quite like Leaves. Just sad he doesn´t try to figure out the available skillslot thing in his status, even if he fails. Also it is anoying to have to read it as a pdf and have no comment section. Also pls no sorcerer build. Especially no summons that tank


Not a huge fan of leaves but some of that has to do with the fact I almost never enjoy stories with male Mc due to personal reasons. I’m sad to see you slow down on AH but rather you not burn out.


No changes planned there. Just didn't have the best time in the past weeks so didn't manage to write anything.


It's an issue that arises with certain epub readers. I'm not sure how to fix it other than using another app.


AH is one of my favorite works so I’m happy it’ll be continuing. Honestly her continuing to kill weirder and weirder or bigger and bigger things would be fine. I also like the exploration and dungeons. I’m also looking forward to more chapters of the new thing. The tone is interesting and it seems like it’ll be pretty good.


A little late to post a reply but here it is. First, I’m here to support you and the quality of your work. If you need to cut down on your chapters go for it. I agree with the others that progression has slowed down, but I think it makes sense with where the story is and how strong Ilea is. So, I recommend bulk releases rather than single chapter releases. 3 chapters are prob the minimum amount needed to feel progression. Second, I really enjoyed Leaves. Character progression is believable. I like the souls feel. And like it was mentioned, the pace is faster due to it being the start of the story. However, I don’t think 1 chapter per week will be enough to make real progress. In conclusion, 5 chapters of Ilea and 5 of Leaves per week. :) if only you were (more) super human... I would like for you to go 4/2 (or a realistic 3/2 that I would still enjoy) . I understand, however, that maintaining the quality is a priority, so ultimately go with what you feel is best for you. I know you’ll keep us in mind as well.

K Hilliard

I'd argue that Ilea being too OP doesn't mean her story must come to a conclusion. You know who else was way too OP? Superman. Not all obstacles can be overcome by pure power alone. There's plenty room for conflict in areas where she's not willing to use her overwhelming power. Just be sure there's something for her to fight every now and then, the next drake, so her journey doesn't grow stale. That being said, if you need to spend time writing other projects to flex your creative muscles, you do you. But maybe don't plan out the conclusion of AH until you've found a story you like writing that resonates with your current readers. That would seem like a poor decision, monetarily.

K Hilliard

Having finally read chapters 1-10 of Leaves, I can say I like what there is so far. Looking forward to whenever he reaches the lower levels and starts finding the bodies he'd been dumping out of windows...or whatever abomination they turned into, or fed. Isn't burning the corpses Undead Basics 101? Honestly, the best thing an author on RR can deliver is reliability. Reliably release reliably decent chapters with a reliably engaging story, a formula you've been fulfilling rather reliably, I do believe. Changing up the release schedule might rock the boat a bit, but things will calm down once readers grow accustomed to the new normal.


I really enjoyed these first 10 chapters, and I can day I'm excited for more. I love this take of just being plopped down in an undead infested castle with no context. With whatever your endeavors may bring, I'm happy to be paying you that 10 bucks a month, as it's alwats a pleasure to be taken by your words.


After reading the first 5 chapters, it reminds me of Zork :) With no one to interact with, it is, find a knife, pick up the knife.... you get the idea. But hey, back in the day, I liked Zork and I like the new story as well. How do we progress in the survival game works.