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Author's note: Hey all. New chapters up. More hopefully on Tuesday. I'm dealing with some personal stuff atm. It shouldn't affect releases but if I don't upload, that's why. Also don't worry about me not taking breaks, writing helps.

Thanks for reading.

Author's note: Hello there. New chapters up and more hopefully on Thursday.

After that I'll be on vacation until the end of August. I don't really know myself how much I'll work and how well I can upload with the uncertain internet. Keep your expectations low.

Apologies for being vague. I just don't want to promise things I won't be able to keep.

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Chapter Index: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37813894

Chapter 540 Puzzling

“They still didn’t break through?” Meadow asked.

“No, no they haven’t. I have no clue what they’re doing. Felicia said they were arguing about siege engines and risk assessments,” Ilea said.

She tried to pet the wolf again, her arm freezing fully before it broke off.

“Come on,” she said, squinting her eyes at the Elemental.

Meadow had enlarged its hall to accommodate the large creature, its space magic chasing off the many spirits that had followed the Elemental to the city. Not that many had survived for longer than a few seconds in the Elemental’s presence.

Ilea was really annoyed that she had missed its arrival, instead having had tea with Felicia. Which admittedly wasn’t bad either but the former would have still won out.

Her arm reformed as she pouted, trying to solve the current puzzle.

A large chunk of ice nearly slammed into her face, manifesting so quickly she had barely even noticed it.

“Zaiked would have killed every last one of those Generals before storming the city herself,” Meadow said.

“Don’t act like either of you understand military tactics used in Elos. Think of it as if Zaiked had to storm your very chamber,” Ilea said.

“She tried. And failed,” Meadow said.

“See, that’s why it’s taking so long. Not that I really care. The longer it takes, the longer we have here without too much attention,” she said.

“Sixteen more days Ilea, and not a minute longer,” Meadow said.

Her time in Erendar was coming to an end but it hadn’t been spent idly.

‘ding’ ‘You have defeated [Spirit of Death – lvl 328]
‘ding’ ‘You have defeated [Spirit of Death – lvl 572]

‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 394 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Azarinth Sentinel has reached lvl 396 – Five stat points awarded’

‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 393 – Five stat points awarded’
‘ding’ ‘Kin of Ash has reached lvl 395 – Five stat points awarded’

‘ding’ ‘The Faen Valkyrie has reached lvl 239 – One stat point awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Faen Valkyrie has reached lvl 240 – One stat point awarded – One Core skill point awarded’
‘ding’ ‘The Faen Valkyrie has reached lvl 244 – One stat point awarded’

Ilea assumed the experience she was getting from the Death Spirits was only due to the higher level at this point. Only the Astral spirits remained dangerous to an extent.

‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Huntress reaches 3rd lvl 13’
‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Huntress reaches 3rd lvl 14’
‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Huntress reaches 3rd lvl 15’

Meadow’s training worked wonders but the lack of danger made it just a little more efficient than using it during her battles. A little annoying when one considered the little use the skill had during actual fights.

‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Reversal reaches 3rd lvl 27’

‘ding’ ‘Storm of Cinders reaches 3rd lvl 27’

‘ding’ ‘Eyes of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 27’

‘ding’ ‘Phaseshift reaches 2nd lvl 18’
‘ding’ ‘Phaseshift reaches 2nd lvl 19’
‘ding’ ‘Phaseshift reaches 2nd lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Flare of Creation reaches 3rd lvl 6’

‘ding’ ‘Displacement reaches 3rd lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘Space Shift reaches 3rd lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Body of the Valkyrie reaches 3rd lvl 4’

Ilea refrained from getting Phaseshift to the third tier. It was an option but she just wasn’t sure. Rushing it wouldn’t help either with Space Awareness still in the second tier. She mostly just ignored it for now, focusing on whatever else she could work on.

‘ding’ ‘Deviant of Humanity reaches 2nd lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Gourmet reaches lvl 5’

‘ding’ ‘Monster Hunter reaches 3rd lvl 7’

‘ding’ ‘Oxygen Repository reaches lvl 19’
‘ding’ ‘Oxygen Repository reaches lvl 20’

So close… just a little more choking, she thought as she scrolled through.

It had become clear that she would have to advance either her Astral Magic Resistance or her Mana Drain Resistance. Ilea had two points available and one had to remain for emergencies. She agonized over which one to choose for quite some time, obviously wasting training time with all the damage she took anyway.

Ilea initially wanted to wait until she actually faced the Daughters to see which damage type proved more dangerous. Now that her goal of hunting Astral Spirits proved harder and harder to achieve, she had to make a decision. In the end it was Mana Drain Resistance, because while both their Astral and drain attacks were potent, only the latter also healed the creatures.

‘ding’ ‘Mana Drain Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Mana Drain Resistance – 3rd lvl 1
Rare foes will have the ability to drain your mana. Either for their own use or simply to weaken you. Having encountered one such being, you have learned of its destructive effect. This skill will help you reduce the effect any mana draining abilities will have on you.
2nd stage: Your mana is bound to you, making it harder for anybody to drain it from you. In addition the mana removed from you damages the enemy, should they desire to use it for themselves. The damaging effect increases with every point of mana lost.
3rd stage: Mana formed within you is intrinsic to your very essence. Any being that dares to steal what does not belong to them shall find themselves poisoned by your arcane power. Enemies take damage over time for each point of your mana in their pool.

The effects sadly weren’t enough to overwhelm the creatures but they at least pushed her in the right direction.

‘ding’ ‘Mana Drain Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 2’

‘ding’ ‘Space Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 5’

‘ding’ ‘Wood Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 15’
‘ding’ ‘Wood Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 20’

The stat points she had gradually invested into Vitality, Endurance, and Dexterity, in the end spending ten points to enhance each stat.

“I’m surprised the General hasn’t asked me for help, in exchange for something,” Meadow said.

Ilea looked away from her status. “Too proud. And he hates all you represent.”

“And that is?” it asked.

“Proof that humanity is fucking weak,” she said. “I just want to pet her, can you ask her again?”

“She says you are free to try,” Meadow said.

The wolf looked her way, resting on her icy paws.

Ilea grabbed her removed frozen arm and shook it towards the creature. “Just wait until I have a third tier resistance!”

“I doubt it would make a major difference,” Meadow said.

Ilea didn’t listen, displacing various floating objects and projectiles as she silently flew through the hall filled with magic.

She felt dozens of pulses, the wisps here moving as if separated from the normal fabric of space. A lot was going on. The Elemental’s arrival hadn’t helped much with that.

Michael’s brain had nearly exploded when Meadow informed him of the creature’s coming. He pushed for an extension but finally agreed to keep the date the same when he realized the Elemental couldn’t nor wouldn’t talk to him.

It had started interacting with Ilea once it realized her body was damn near indestructible, mostly freezing her or sending projectiles to either be malicious or help in her training. Ilea wasn’t quite sure yet which.

She displaced herself again and stopped moving. Something peculiar stood out to her amidst the hundreds of floating pieces.


Ilea moved her hand towards the floating stone.

She stopped in the last moment, right before touching it.

Phaseshift activated as she focused on the weird phenomenon. She extended her hand and grabbed not the stone but what lay beyond.

Despite the active spell, she found her hand coming back with an object grasped between her fingers. It was a piece of ice that she could neither feel, smell, nor see. Not with her eyes at least. But she knew it was there.

Phaseshift deactivated, her body manifesting and with it the piece of ice she had known to be there.

It instantly exploded and froze half her body.

The Elemental twitched its ears slightly, its tail moving over the black grass.

Asshole, she thought with a smile, the heat within her quickly taking care of the ice as the damaged section healed.

“What was that?” she asked.

“A surprise gift, to celebrate your success,” Meadow said in a dry tone.

“Aha,” Ilea said.

“You should be able to level your skill now, Ilea. What you just did should be impossible with a mere second tier ability,” Meadow said.

“Really?” Ilea asked with a bright smile. She checked and indeed found it possible to advance Space Awareness to the third tier. “YES!”

Meadow laughed. “Took you long enough. I was getting worried you had some kind of space retardation.”

“Sure, sure,” Ilea said offhandedly and pushed Space Awareness to the third tier.

‘ding’ ‘Space Awareness reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Passive – Space Awareness – 3rd lvl 1
You become more aware of the density and shifts in the fabric of Space itself.
2nd stage: Further understanding of the spacial fabric allows you to manipulate its forces with greater ease and higher intensity. You learn to perceive even the tiniest ripples in space. In the case of active fissures, you find yourself able to peer into the other side.
3rd stage: You have peered through the fabric of space itself and have learned to unravel its intricate structure. You gain the ability to perceive and differentiate magical frameworks and how to manipulate them within your space without failure.
Category: Body Enhancement – Perception Aura

“I have no clue what this means. Meadow, please explain,” she said and read the information to the creature.

“A good addition to your abilities. Definitely,” Meadow said.

The wolf formed a flower made of ice.

“She thinks the same. Very powerful indeed,” Meadow said.

“Now there’s two of them…,” Ilea whispered in her mind, squinting at both of the creatures.

“Speaking of which, does the Elemental want to come to Elos too? Not sure if I could manage that but it’s an option I suppose,” she said, tilting her head a little sideways.

“Did you already forget about your new skill?” Meadow asked.

“Oh, right, so what does it do?” Ilea said.

“Better to demonstrate,” Meadow said.

A wooden root broke out of the ground and slowly moved towards Ilea.

It slowed in front of her chest and touched her.

“What’s that supp-” Ilea asked, interrupted by the Meadow.

“Don’t talk. Perceive,” it said.

Ilea did just that, focusing once more onto the space around her, the root, her body. My body. The root.

Is this…, she thought and grabbed the root, trying to confirm her assessment.

She smiled brightly, looking at the tree with joy. “You knew this all along!”

“For your thick skull to finally grasp the solution, you needed more than frustration. I thought it wise to withhold this knowledge from you. While it wasn’t certain, I expected it,” Meadow said.

Ilea shook her head. She knew the creature was right.

Frameworks, she thought about the description. To her it felt more like different flows.

She kept touching the root, a root that represented Meadow itself, permeated by its magic and power.

Ilea displaced herself, focusing on her own flow only.

She appeared at her target destination, the root remaining where it had been a moment earlier.

“Fuck yeah!” she called out and jumped. “Do the full prison,” she said with a wicked smile.

“I shall oblige,” Meadow said, forming a wooden prison around her with spiked ends cutting into her armor.

Ilea had to focus a little harder this time, the different flows not as easy to separate than the simple touch of one root. She still managed it quickly, displacing herself out of the prison as if it hadn’t been there.

The damage to her armor repaired itself as she spread her arms and twirled. “I’ve finally reached my goal.”

“And what is that?” Meadow asked.

“Complete immortality!” she shouted with a pose.

The Meadow laughed in its usual magic way. “It is a major step towards that goal. However just in case you really believe that, I have to remind you that you are very much mortal. Just like me and the Elemental.”

“I don’t really think either of you can be killed either,” Ilea said. “Also I don’t care. Let me enjoy this. More roots,” she said and tested various ideas.

Blink worked just as well as Displacement did.

“As to your earlier question. The Elemental informs you that this is her home and she very much likes her mountains. The cold it is spreading should even last long into the years past the current eclipse.

“I should inform you that she likes to take century long naps. The desolate landscape of Erendar supports her lifestyle more than your realm ever could,” Meadow explained.

“Even if it means it won’t see us ever again?” Ilea asked. “I’d think we’ve gotten pretty close.”

She displaced herself close to the wolf’s head, trying to pet it again.

Ilea blinked back to where she had started, her form falling to the ground with a thud. It really wasn’t very pleasant to have one’s body frozen entirely.

Heart of cinder came to the rescue yet again.

“She’s intrigued as to your heat spell that seems to prevent long term freezing. Most fire spells she has seen could not counteract her ice so easily,” Meadow said.

“It’s ashen magic,” Ilea said. “Forms the heat within my core.”

“Your resistance, healing, and general resilience are the main factors here. She simply hasn’t met something both so weak and yet so durable in her existence. No high level Awakened have crossed her path. Not of a species that starts at such a low level at birth. That would explain her reaction,” Meadow said.

“You two really like to be insulting,” Ilea said and used Phaseshift.

Oh yes… oh… yes yes yes, she thought and watched her ethereal hands. Please.

Ilea blinked and then displaced herself. Phaseshift deactivated and she was back to normal.

“It wooorks!” she called out.

“That is quite impressive. You really are a natural,” Meadow said.

“Didn’t you say literally the opposite for weeks now?” Ilea asked.

“Your understanding itself is lacking. A more practical approach was necessary and you’ve succeeded through that. Your lack of thought coupled with your intuition and your trust in your spells make you quite adept at using them. But not at understanding or explaining the theory behind the magic.

“I doubt you’ll ever push the frontiers of spacial runes or theory but when it comes to using the abilities that evolve through your Class, you’ll exceed,” Meadow explained.

“I don’t see the point in pushing my magic theory further as long as I’m progressing as fast as I am. My approach is obviously working,” Ilea said.

“For now, yes. It is a shame. The foundation you could forge through research and study would surely bring you further. Perhaps something you’ll remedy once your life has spanned for as many centuries as mine,” Meadow said.

“I’m not exactly looking to revolutionize magic. I can help others do just that but it’s not me,” Ilea said. “But yeah, if I live to a century or even longer, I’m sure I’ll try out different things.”

“On a more important note… I can teleport during Phaseshift,” she said and tried it out again just to confirm.

Displacement worked on objects around her too while the spell was active.

Meaning I can even move projectiles while it’s going on, she thought and smiled. The spell just became twice as good. Though it almost seemed like an overkill at this point. Now that she could escape grapples with her teleportation anyway, Phaseshift mostly just added some defense.

Still pretty good. And who’s to say nothing can interrupt my teleportation. I can do it, so others should be able to as well.

“The doubled resilience is pretty nuts though… with teleportation I could have tanked Zaiked’s attacks much more easily,” she murmured.

“Are you still unsure?” Meadow asked.

“No. No I think it’s worth it. Other options still exist but I think with teleportation available to me during its usage, it beats out the competition,” she said and pushed Phaseshift to the third tier.

Active – Phaseshift – 3rd lvl 1
Expending a large amount of mana, you can temporarily unbind your body from the physical and pass through barriers. You may let spells and physical objects pass through you unhindered. Be aware that certain types of magic will retain some or all of their impact.
2nd stage: Resilience bonuses from skills are doubled when entering Phaseshift.
3rd stage: You have bent space to your will. To avoid death and to cause it. You gain a deeper understanding of the Flame of Creation. Abilities sacrificing health may be used during Phaseshift with all effects activating once your body returns to its normal form. The duration of any resulting effects equals that of the preceding Phaseshift.
Category: Space Magic

Ilea read through the new tier and nodded to herself. Basically a safe space to stack Flare of Creation before it’s unleashed?

She tried it out, activating the third tier health sacrifice at its current six hundred health per second. The flames didn’t form around her but her health was still reduced. Can’t do more than six hundred per second in here either. Wait a minute. It said Abilities sacrificing health?

Ilea used her third tier Azarinth Awakening, putting a whopping five thousand health into the skill. Nothing happened as her third tier healing pushed her health back to the max. She repeated it four times.

Four seconds had passed and Phaseshift’s upkeep was steadily growing. She deactivated it, another second of the skill passing as the space slightly shifted. She appeared once more, a bright white flame flaring out on her body coupled with intense blue light from her azarinth runes she uncovered by moving her armor.

Holy shit.

She actually felt the change.

The difference her third tier aura added was barely noticeable at this point, partially because of the diminishing returns of her various inflated stats but mostly because she already had incredible bonuses active at all times. Another few hundred points in whatever she boosted hardly made a difference.

Ilea didn’t know if it was just the amount of health she sacrificed or the duration it was applied to. I can just dump my whole health pool into the skill while Phaseshift protects me against enemy attacks.

She was pretty sure her Awakening wouldn’t flare up this much if she tried the same normally.

So she did and confirmed that while she could regulate the strength of her third tier Awakening boost, there was an upper limit. Phaseshift however ignored that entirely, providing the bonuses for however much health she had invested during its active time.





Thanks for the chapter. I hope you'll be able to post during your vacation, otherwise MY vacation will lose some appeal :)


Holy crap. We get even more insane burst damage finally. Plus some seriously broken tanking skills. Her defense and offence have both at least doubled this chapter.


thanks for the heads up, and the skill is a GameChanger


If you go on vacation you should go all in without needing to think about work. Enjoy your time and we will hear from you in September. At least that's my opinion :) Sure I would like to read more chapters but I would like even more for you to enjoy your time off.


Thanks for the chapters.


Thanks for the chapters! Damn, that upgrade for Space Awareness huge.

Marcel Ortlepp

I do Not realy get it. sorry. Bevor her third Tier Phase Shift she could Not use Health saccrifice at the same time. Now she can use it. so far I get it. But what is different when she uses These while in phaseshift? Why does it seem to be stronger?

Tony Gilbert King

Thanx for the nice chapters and enjoy your vacation


It would be nice if you did not end on a cliffhanger within the Erendar act, but vacation is a vacation. :) Enjoy!


My understanding is she stacks all the skills up and then they release at once after leaving phase shift. So usually she's like a sparkler where she's steadily powering through, but now she's like a fire cracker where the fuse is phase shift and when she leaves ~boom. The skills can be cast but not unleashed in phase shift, I think.


How viable is a skill stealing stats permanently? Like 0.1% max health per minute, for a max of 1%? (per enemy)


Astral spirits, here we come! I bet it'll grant another achievement. :D

Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter. Hope you have a good vacation. Don't let anyone cough near you.


For a skill she almost skipped for Lull of Battle, Space Awareness is a serious MVP. And Phaseshift balanced out with some offensive potential. Combined with the 3rd tier mana resistance and we should see an Astral Spirit kill soon.


Oh yeah, its all coming together

Michael scott

Ilea didn't raise astral resistance to the 3rd tier. We have seen her raise a few to the 3rd tier automatically without using a point to do so. I.e. pain resistance when she chanalled the mana through herself. I think she got sand resistance to the 3rd tier automatically when she fought the sand elemental. Maybe she will get astral resistance to the 3rd tier when she fights and manages to kill an astral spirit for the first time. I'm also hoping for some achievement reward.


Nah, her Sand Magic Resistance is still at 2-20, though she does have the option to spend a 3rd tier point on it.


Mmmh, she should be able to stack Heart of Cinders too.


Awesome - Wouldnt her ice resistance be available to reach 3rd tier as well by now if she keeps freezing to near death and losing limbs?


The only way permanent stat can be reasonably implemented is if there is a hard limit on number of instances. Can imagine that some Hunter class would have the ability to get extra health equal to 10% of one creature they solo killed.


I don't think that one is technically. sacrificing health. Also, not sure if phaseshift disabled it in the first place.


Trying to pet an ice elemental probably did it. She just doesn't have the spare general skill points.

Tim Deral

Nice chapter! But I missed the “not bad” from the tree at the end !

Torbjørn Nilsen

"theory but when it comes to using the abilities that evolve through your Class, you’ll exceed." - comma after but and excel instead of exceed? Love these chapters with meadow and frost floof.


The real game changer i would say it s that she can now blink or displace herself when the enemy is keeping her in place, the explanation is easy to understand too:D


How does that work? Go around punching people in the throat?


She gave back the tear without learning Ice magic noooooooooooooo! Now she can't add ice to her drinks to show off at parties!?!?!


Ok phaseshift is good now (houra space awareness) but i still think Force in the long run with bonus space awareness and other is more versatile and powerfull. Phaseshift give her nice option but their are pretty limited, and without fear of grab now phaseshift lost more utility Force is similar to creation and manipulation combo double skill of one element other class have (creator of element like they say, "all time its holy shit you are a creator and not just a lamba manipulator without creation aspect element skill so you dont have "cripple" power/utility/option in this aspect of magic") And they all say it and we know with the infos you lost a lot of power/utility if you only have only one of the skill (creation or manipulation of a element, they work in tandem and synergise and you get pretty cripple by half in the option/power if you only get one) Force is creation of a "force/energie" active of space magic and space awareness (and other skill) is the other (manipulation of existing force/energie, so its more passive approach) So i think its pretty bad in the long run she cut half of her grown/option/power in space magic, she have a lot of skill who can "manipulate" space but dont have a skill who can "create" a "force" of space So with later evolution/grown she cut the path of "active" creation/manipulation of the aspect (force/energie) of space magic She gonna regret it later she cut half of the path/power/option of space magic Too bad if she dont change this later she dont have double creator/manipulator of two different magic system (Ash and Space) I hope my writing was good ennof for explain my point on her skillset (for force) on the "creator/manipulator" skill combo the world system building of the different aspect (element) of magic the author have writed before So what do you think? Boys (Personnaly i hope the author rethink this decision he make for the skill choosed, for what i understand of the world building he write off before and my interpretation of it, it suck for later grown she can have and its less interesting for me to loose all this possibilty/option/utility of the aspect of space magic in later possibility of action/logic of the story. Soo if the author still want to keep phasesifht i think he need to give her this "creation" of force/energie Active of space magic with some twist on one of the skill (maybe with evolution with core skill point or with evolution) Because for me its doesnt make sense for her choice with the infos and reflexion she have on the magic system the author build in this story. Still love you Harthane but i hope you take my point and respond or clarify it in your reflexion for the writing of your amazing storie :PPP


I wish this chapter had ended on ilea taking out an entire building with one attack

Dominic French

To tell you the truth I think eventually she will unlock the limitations on her third class and it will be considered a full class probably before she reaches a fourth class. So I think eventually she also have some more choices of skills for that class and more skill slots


It also unlocked teleportation while Phaseshifted, which is huge and removes a lot of the downsides of that skill.

Han Pol

should allow her to use it against the astral spirits.

Han Pol

So Ilea is now basically a boss with different phases ?


Wonder how this new ability would work against Pirate's water sphere. Last time Ilea was trapped when sparring she had to burn it partially with Heart of Cinder


Thank you!


There’s some interesting deeper implications from the class skills Illea unlocked here. We had one previous mention of Illea thinking that skills adapted to her combat style - Illea mentioned that with her Ash skills that work with resistances, specifically the one that helps her level them by being able to turn them off. Here we have two skill changes that both help with the two areas Illea has been noticeably worried about recently - escaping while grappled, and burst damage. That seems unlikely to be a coincidence, especially since a skill that was completely defensive suddenly gained an offensive burst aspect. It’s also notable that with all three of the skills mentioned, the “Illea Really Needs This” aspect came in the 3rd tier.


Enjoy your vacation you definitely deserve it! On a side note I'm wondering why the attributes don't have a qualitative change like wisdom had when passing 1k.


Lol yeah access to a new element doesn't come around very often. Kind of a bummer...


Have a good vacation, but keep your expectations low on us having low expectations.


enjoy your vacation, G.


On rereading the leveling seems a little weird. Her Azarinth and Ash classes got 3 levels each, but Faen only gained 5 despite a massive level difference. Maybe because Faen has less skills, so isn't contributing as much?


Ahhh, even in third teir the pushback to phaseshift is amazing. At least she can move now (with the help of other skills) so they can shut up about that. Rip the potential of 3rd tier phaseshift. May you rest in piece in the back of the authors mind, for he had other plans.


Or it is a beyond normal thing. It seems to give half and perhaps it also only takes in half. When split three ways, this means it would get 1/6th of the XP.


well from my understanding, it doesn't matter if she's being touched anymore. Well as long as she can understand what's touching her.


Thank you for the chapters! I hope you have a good vacation :) Take some time off and have some well deserved R&R. We can wait a few weeks, so go and enjoy yourself!


Did I miss it or did we not get any warning about downtime before upping for August?


you did miss it, I think it was about 2-6 weeks ago he first mentioned it.


Question for Author / sharp eyed readers? Did the plan change: I thought the goal was for the door between realms to be closed - illea to stay along with Meadow and the Gold Mage then when things get too rough - she teleports out with the Gold Mages notes AND Meadow (potentially gold mage as well - though that's still a question mark).


The way this chapter is written - its starting to feel like at 16 days - they're all leaving ....which is confusing