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Author's note: Hey all :). New chapters and more hopefully on Thursday.

Let me know what you think.

Author's note June 2nd: Hello there everybody. Finally done with civic duty and holy shit. I thought for sure the number of patrons would go down but it damn near doubled.

Thank you so much for the support during that time :). I'm happy that I could manage three chapters a week at least.

For now I'll increase to 5. Two on Tuesday and Saturday, one on Thursday. As always I'll let you know if anything comes up or if release days differ.

I already had time for a bunch of fixes that came up during the last three months. Following a short list (I'll update the chapters in the coming hours but most are quite minor):

*Chapter numbers at the start:

427 shows avatar at 3rd 1 instead of actual lvl – fixed to show 3rd 16

445 – Pain turned off but it should let her focus – She disabled her perception of pain entirely, the added focus just making it all worse. It just felt disgusting, as if her innards were convulsing, decaying and spurting growths at the same time.

457 avatar of ash to 22 instead of 21 – fixed (next level at 464 correct)

464 – add level in lightning res – Lightning res to 3rd lvl 5

470 – Varren isn’t Viper – remove 469 last sentence maybe. And mentions of meeting Varren before. - 469 removed “And that one… hmm, seems like his presence here wasn’t a coincidence.” 470 removed greeting (he mentions he knows her already)

470 – Mention of her precognition overwhelming his reach and finesse changed to “Her wings and high speed overwhelmed his reach entirely.” - Her technique is better than his, even though he is very good.

474 one category missing for healing skill. - Category: Body Enhancement added to Medic Resolve skill.

475 Changed Ashen Sentinel flavor text section “Lilith herself aspired to” to “Lilith herself has reached”

475 should be 2 months skip or change the 4-5 trips from Lorelai’s mention. - Time skip change to a little over two months instead of one. “It had been only a little over two months but Lorelai...”

475 Felicia talking about trap disarm tool – added line: “Lilith, demon of ash… of course. That sweet food lover? She would be nowhere if we hadn’t used her as a trap disarm tool back in Dawntree. She glanced around to make sure her friend wasn’t here, unsure if Ilea’s mind reading powers could detect sarcasm.”

480 skill ups from fight are not reflected in sheet – Added skill ups to sheet in 480

481 2 third tier levels res missing, it’s 1716 – 481 changed to 1716

481 – burst of creation category – Burst of Creation now is Category: Fire – Space Magic

482 – Added lvl 1 bonuses (0.5% / 0.1% etc.) to new skills. Example 50% cooldown Space Shift is 50.5% instead.

484 Wisdom was higher than 910 as well, 930 form Faen Valkyrie Class bonus (+20 Wis) – Also removed line about Int because that math was all wrong.

Now I'll let you read :). Thanks for still being here and for reading!

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Chapter Index: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37813894

Chapter 490 Client

“There is no way they can come here now,” she murmured to herself, sure that there wasn’t some secret teleportation gate around.

Probably just defended their cavern against the intruder, which is me.

She was intrigued by the new Praetorian variants.

I wonder if there were some in Iz too. Probably, by the sheer size of that place. But no arrows were fired on me there. Was I just lucky?

The size of that one was so fucking massive, you could put a hundred of those Izacan caverns in there. That definitely helped.

Where were they going?

She had seen a constant flow of machines moving towards the tunnel at the very back of the cavern. Ilea was reasonably sure that more machines had appeared within close by teleportation circles too, though she hadn’t confirmed, with the fast moving attacks constantly hitting her.

Levels, yes.

‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Sphere reaches 3rd lvl 26’

‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Perception reaches 3rd lvl 25’

‘ding’ ‘Ash and Ember Unity reaches 3rd lvl 28’

‘ding’ ‘Displacement reaches 2nd lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Displacement reaches 2nd lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Space Shift reaches lvl 17’
‘ding’ ‘Space Shift reaches lvl 19’

‘ding’ ‘Body of the Valkyrie reaches lvl 8’
‘ding’ ‘Body of the Valkyrie reaches lvl 18’

‘ding’ ‘Space Awareness reaches lvl 6’

‘ding’ ‘Veteran reaches 3rd lvl 6’

Maybe a converging point for their armies? Close to the Elven territories? Or somewhere entirely different, I don’t exactly have a lot to go on, she wondered, happy about the skills at least.

That Executioner would have cut right through me… Void on a blade? What even is that?

She shuddered at the thought, the image of the fast moving Praetorian moving through the air towards her.

And yet, still just three marks… I can take it, she thought and smiled. If only there wasn’t an army to back it up.

‘ding’ ‘Fear Resistance reaches lvl 11’

She rolled her eyes at the notification and turned around, ready to leave this place behind. Izacan was an entirely different beast, one she had neither the power nor the wish to face right now. Not until her third class had reached the power of her main ones, not until she had talked to her Elven friends about these new variants.

Ilea checked through the dungeon one more time, quickly flying past the buildings and tunnels, making sure she hadn’t missed anything obvious. No more Guardians showed up, nor did she find any more corpses.

One reason for her delay was the slight fear that the Praetorians could somehow follow her here. She would prefer to face them within the confines of this dungeon than have them confront her up in the city.

She glanced at one of the inns in the root, remembering the enjoyable night she had spent there. Some other time maybe, she thought and returned to the Guild.

“You mean to tell me that all these jobs are taken care of?” the attendant asked, apparently undecided between being impressed, curious, and skeptical.

It wasn’t the one who she had met the last time.

She summoned her green badge, both confirming that she had the power and dimensional storage to support her claims.

The young man sighed. “Very well. But it’s on you if we call for the clients and you can’t show results.”

“I’ll wait here. Call them here now,” she said and stepped aside, leaving the clerk with a stack of job descriptions. She approved when she saw him ask for help, two more people quickly joining him to arrange things.

It was early afternoon, judging by the suns. Ilea wasn’t sure if a single day or two had passed. Maybe even three. It really had been quite enjoyable to go and clean out the dungeon that had defeated her.

Ilea felt different about all the places in the north, many of them offering too much of a challenge for now. She didn’t consider them losses. In part because they hadn’t claimed her allies’ lives, nor did most of them come close to claim hers.

The Descent was the closest one but she hardly thought of it as a single dungeon. More an accumulation of twenty individual ones. Nor did she like the idea of killing most of the remaining residents. Least of all the Trakorov, Deep Mirage, or lightning Elemental.

The Ascended most definitely was a loss. But she would repay that one in kind. She needed time to grow, to evolve. To both learn and level.

She ordered a few mugs of ale and a pitcher, choosing one of the tables near a wall before relaxing in one of the chairs.

This is quite good, she thought, taking a sip.

The guild hall was somewhat busy, many of the tables occupied by one party or the other. A few lone healers and mages sat around too, with various levels of gear, confidence, and power.

Ilea wondered what their stories were. She could guess at one of them. A healer wearing a tattered robe, something cut out near the chest and right shoulder. A quick maneuver it seemed.

The woman looked young, her eyes darting around the room as she assessed the various groups. So far nobody had approached her.

Nobody came to me either…, she thought and watched the girl, her eyes pausing for a second when they met Ilea’s.

She scrambled up a moment later, walking briskly towards the exit.

“You forgot your staff,” Ilea said, now standing next to the table the girl had been sitting at. She had failed to displace the thing due to its magical nature.

She twirled it around, looking at the woman who now waited with a hesitant look in her eyes.

Ilea could feel her distress. She also noted that nobody seemed to care. Only a few had even looked up after Ilea had spoken out.

“Come, sit with me,” she said and walked back to her own table, leaning the staff against the wall.

I wonder how easily the Ascended could take me apart by now. My third tier resistances should make a difference. As should the additional teleport ability. The rest is probably still kind of useless. Could I displace myself out of its grip? she continued her train of thought from before, taking another sip as she stared at the steady flame of a nearby oil lamp.

The chair opposite her creaked when the girl sat down, her eyes boring into the table at the noise she had caused.

“Don’t like the attention?” Ilea asked, displacing a mug of ale in front of her.

The healer looked at the mug and blinked, glancing around as if she had missed the person who put it there.

“Drink, might help,” Ilea said, taking a sip herself.

[Healer – lvl 72]

Probably high level enough to make alcohol ineffective.

“Are you hungry?” she asked.

The girl gingerly took a sip of the ale, coughing before taking another one. She looked at Ilea and nodded.

The hood covered most of her face but now that she looked up, Ilea could see her a little better. The woman would be around her age, judging by the low level, that assumption was likely true. Her hair was brown, weaved into a single braid that hung down past her shoulder. It looked hastily done.

She had dark brown skin, her green eyes downright striking due to the contrast. She was smaller than Ilea, both in size and height.

“What do you want to eat?” she asked.

“Can’t decide?” Ilea added a few seconds later. “Don’t worry.”

She quickly went to the bar and ordered. “One menu please.”

The barkeeper nodded. “We have quite a few different things, what do you fancy?”

“No, you don’t understand. One menu. One of each of the things that you serve,” Ilea said.

“But you’re just two people,” he said and glanced at the healer and back to Ilea.

Ilea nodded, looking thoughtfully towards the ceiling. “You’re right. And more are coming. Two then.”

He chuckled. “Two it is. Can I ask you to pay upfront, I don’t know you.”

Ilea summoned a piece of gold and placed it down on the counter. “Is that enough?”

“More than enough,” he said.

“Keep the rest,” she said and walked back.

Ilea heard him murmur to himself as he stepped towards the kitchen in the back. “Fucking rich people.”

She sat back down with a sigh, happy to feel that the girl wasn’t quite as stressed out as before. Her mug was empty.

“I’m Ember,” she said after a while of silence, Ilea back to staring at the oil lamp.

“Ilea, nice to meet you,” she said, smiling at the name.

“What is it you want from me?” the girl said.

Ilea looked at her before taking a sip of ale. “You looked like you needed some food and ale.”

“Th… thank you,” the girl said and paused, seeming to consider. “Were… were you part of the order too?”

“What order?” Ilea asked.

“The… the Corinth order… before the city was taken,” she said in a whisper, glancing around again.

Ilea laughed, causing quite a bit of irritation in the woman. “Whispering doesn’t exactly help. At least four people just heard you,” she said and lifted her mug at one of them, a roguish looking man.

He lifted his and grinned, winking at her.

“The Corinth Order… one of the main healing orders right? Wasn’t… yeah, she was part of it. And her too. Bunch of assholes. They’re pretty big in Dawntree, right?” she asked.

The woman blinked a few times before answering. “Were… we… they were. Not anymore.”

“I see,” Ilea said. “Pissed off the plebs, have you?”

“I couldn’t see it… I thought we were doing good, helping the poor, healing those who required it,” the girl said, getting more agitated with each word.

“We were blind… indoctrinated and used. To think they taught us political maneuvering…,” she punched the table and giggled to herself.

“You don’t seem particularly happy with them,” Ilea said.

“Particularly happy?!” Ember said and spit to the ground. She suddenly looked embarrassed, brushing over it with her shoe.

“I only met a few. One I believe tried to poison me… the other one. Well, let’s just say she had a bit of an annoying superiority complex,” Ilea said.

“Not all of us were like that. I was chosen simply because I had a talent for healing and a keen mind. That’s what they told me at least. I didn’t know they leveraged healing for political influence and gold,” Ember said.

“Hmm… well you’re out now. Any plans for the future?” Ilea asked.

“The Corinth order isn’t gone. They’ve just been removed from Dawntree. And they won’t stand by that. I’m sure they will try to come back and weasel themselves back into whatever group is ruling this city by then. And if they catch me outside, I’m dead. Or back in the order,” she looked up and smiled. “I’m not sure which is worse.”

Ilea smiled. “I could offer an alternative. If you don’t want to remain here,” Ilea said and glanced to the entrance of the guild, the first of her clients currently looking around the room.

Blond hair reaching down to her back and blue eyes.

She had changed quite a bit.

Ilea waved at her, finding the girl frozen in place.

“Ilea!” Jaime called out when he entered behind Alice. “What a wonderful sight!” he quite literally dragged Alice behind himself and towards the table.

“Good to see you, Jaime. I thought you wanted to get out? Don’t tell me this whole revolution was your doing,” Ilea said and gestured them to sit down.

Alice was wearing a formal dress that would still allow battle.

[Healer – lvl 115]

[Mage – lvl 141]

“It was a lucky coincidence. Nothing more and nothing less,” the man said and sat down.

Alice was still standing.

“I can feel your sphere… well done, Alice,” Ilea said with a smile.

Jaime looked back at the girl and cleared his throat. “What did you want to say?”

Alice looked at him, grinding her teeth before giving up.

She bowed and spoke in a subdued tone. “Thank you, Ilea. For giving me a chance when I deserved none. For sharing your power with me… allowing me to fight on my own.”

“You’re acting,” Jaime said with a sigh. “Sit down.”

The girl sat down.

“She’s learning. Albeit slowly. What brings you to Dawntree?” Jaime asked.

“I finished the two jobs you posted. Retrieving corpses and information on the expedition. You know, the one I joined in the Taleen dungeon. I hadn’t thought you would care,” Ilea said.

Jaime laughed out loud. “You’re the one who took those assignments? Of course you are. The esteemed Forkspear family was involved. Alice lacked the funds and influence for such a large scale operation. Hence, your then quite dangerous adventure.”

“Manipulation. Are you still as naive as you were back then?” Alice asked, this time in a different tone.

Ilea chuckled, ready to displace the woman up into the ceiling fan, if there was one. The girl however spoke first.

“I would have killed me, if I had been you,” she said with a sigh. “Why didn’t you?” the question seemed genuine.

“I’m not you,” Ilea said. “It did feel pretty shitty. Especially after I rescued you. Twice basically. Three times now, seeing your level,” she said, finding that she had little emotions left for the girl. Because of her she went into the Taleen Dungeon and found a quick way to power.

Alice seemed like a lost girl stumbling in the dark, compared to Edwin. Maybe she gave her too little credit. Or maybe it was because the girl seemed entirely insignificant, sitting opposite her now.

Alice nodded. “Jaime always tells me I have to change my ways. I regret that I lost you as an ally, and through my inability to spot a friend… I lost that too,” she downed a mug of ale. “I’ll pay for that of course, the ale I mean. I was allowed a seat in the new government. And the Forkspear mansion was given to me.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ilea said.

“If you want to fight me, we could do so down in the Root. I can hold my own now, even against the likes of you,” she said.

Ilea couldn’t help but snicker, nearly choking on her ale.

She placed the mug down and looked at Alice. “I might take you up on that offer. Girl.”

Alice gulped, glancing towards Jaime.

“The expedition was sent to their doom, just like you were. The former was better prepared, that much is true but in the end a Taleen dungeon is highly dangerous. They were sent by the Forkspears and while Alice has much to learn, she has agreed to try and right the wrongs her family had caused. Both to their own and to others,” he said.

Still loyal to her. Their dynamics have changed though. They’re much closer. He’s not as reserved and she isn’t as controlled.

“You’re a good man, Jaime,” Ilea said. “Which is why I won’t take her up on that offer.”

“You should,” he said. “I give you my full approval. There’s even a guild training room we could rent.”

Ilea quirked up an eyebrow and smiled. Does he want me to kill her?

He leaned in towards her. “She’s quite durable.”

A lesson then. Can’t you do that yourself old man?

“Not as convincingly,” Jaime said and leaned back, his posture straightening to that of a trained butler before he took a sip of ale, as if to taste the strange liquid.

“I ordered food already,” Ilea said. “How long until you’re done?” she spoke out towards the barkeeper.

“With that order?! An hour at least! Damn adventurers,” he said, grumbling the last bit before he joined the two stressed out cooks again.

“Okay, let’s see what you learned then, Azarinth Healer,” Ilea said and stood up, brushing off her clothes and leather armor.

“What… is. Ehm, your offer?” Ember said, more to herself really as she glanced around, a little confused.

Alice looked at the girl with pity, lightly touching her shoulder as she walked past her.

“You can come and watch if you want to,” Ilea said and blinked to one of the clerks. She rented the aforementioned training room and informed them that the clients could wait at her table, should more of them arrive in the mean time.

“We have to wait for the food anyway. We can talk about it more later,” she said as the group entered the rather spacious training room underground.

Stone walls and a floor covered in hard sand.

“I assume you’ve found your Class to be quite good. Got a second one already?” Ilea asked.

“It is! The sphere is incredible and Destruction can damage even higher leveled monsters and people. I coupled it with my enchanter class, using runes to trap or slow down people before I attack,” Alice explained, quite agitated. She was already in a stance, prepared for battle.

Azarinth Fighting, Ilea noted. “What about the healing part, no mention of that?”

Alice grinned. “It’s good to trade blows but I haven’t had to rely on it too much.”

Oh you poor girl.

“You can prepare your runes and enchantments, I’ll wait,” Ilea said.

Alice shook her head. “I’m ready. This is a fair duel. And I’m prepared to take a beating.”

Ilea looked at Jaime, his eyes averted as he focused on not showing his smile.

“Okay,” Ilea said and walked towards the girl. “How is your Veteran skill coming along?”

“My Veteran skill?” Alice asked.

“Yes,” Ilea said, infusing her voice.

Everyone in the room was frozen in place, their eyes darting around as they read the message they must have received.

Ilea casually walked in front of Alice, getting her face close to the woman. “How about your Pain Tolerance?”

She touched her with one arm, assessing her health and her strength. Her ash lashed out, cutting through her arm with ease.

The removed limb fell to the ground with a wet sound, just when the effect of monster hunter stopped.

Ilea knew that Alice was fine. A little injured perhaps.

The girl stumbled back and grit her teeth, tears forming in her eyes as her breathing quickened. And then she vanished.


Ilea turned and caught her fist, blood dripping from the closing wound on her shoulder.

She’s healing it.

Her hand closed, breaking every bone in Alice’s remaining hand before she let go.

I’m being mean. Would I do this to one of my Sentinels? No. No I wouldn’t. But then again, this isn’t one of my Sentinels.

She grabbed Alice by her neck and lifted her up, feeling that Jaime was getting a little nervous too by now.

“Don’t worry, Jaime. I’m just playing a little,” she said and added her own healing to the mix, the three people watching in amazement as Alice’s arm reformed with increasing speed.

Ilea twirled and threw her into the nearby wall.

Alice blinked and appeared close again, pushed right back by Force, her body slamming into the stone.

A good decision to offer the Bluemoon Grass and books after all. This feels quite, cathartic.



Woo two back to back bonus ^^ Thanks again, and displacement ftw. Guess Alice had it coming...


Just wondering, would it be more popular for schedule to change into Mon to Fri instead? For me it's great thing to look for when I get out of my work 🙂 and on weekends I tend to have other plans and end up reading late at night or next day


...well, this is definitely not how I expected Alice to be when reuniting with Ilea. At all. I wonder how much more sense it would make with the side stories since I believe there's a couple Alice ones far more recent than the old-old-*old* one shortly after her and Jamie bounce from Dawntree in the winter. And also horribly, horribly ungrateful @_@

Dominic French

Do you think the lv 80 healer girl is a spy?

Dominic French

She just what she say she is


I wonder if this will level up IIea teaching skill or mabye something for her Azarinth class, Teaching another Azarinth healer has to do something good for the class.


Thank you!


This is a wonderful sip of catharsis. Thx for the chap!

Bunny Waffles

There is something nice about seeing the over confident break themselves upon Ilea. I kinda hope we get to see some of her perspective of this. I do love seeing people realize just how fucked they might be when she uses Monster Hunter to stun them .


"It's so cute that you that you had a chance of even breaking my skin." - Ilea, probably

Cyryl Chołodowski

Yep. Azarinth Healers make for very good punching bags.


Hahahah this was amusing.

Michael C

Why is Alice still such a bitch? Lol

Michael C

Alice doesn't deserve the class

Chase Clawson

Oof, poor Alice :( I guess she hadn't grown as much as I had hoped she would. I hope Ilea doesn't get too cruel with her, but a bit of rough handling might help that arrogance go down

Terry Stevens

Its hard to erase an entire life of thinking one way, and replacing it with another. Try it. Start thinking like a republican or democrat, or like a communist or a facist. It takes time to change, and an impetus to keep on changing.


"I can hold my own now, even against the likes of you." You poor poor girl. I laughed so hard at that part.


The demonstration is like one of those mobile games where you attack a dummy with different things till coins pop up on the screen.

Torbjørn Nilsen

I snorted a lot of noodles up into my nose. Then nearly chocked to death. Fucking hell. Hillarious.


Gets Azarinth healer and ignores the healing part. Thats what makes the class op. Its a body enhancer class that can selfheal better than a personal healer could. But Alice is like: "Im way to skilled to get hit. Also i might have the best class to level pain tolerance but im not a pleb. I have the intrusion, blink and sphere. Im so strong."


Great chapter, now I'm pumped for Thursday!


Haha yes! The best reunion! If Ilea spent a week with Alice it would change her world. Damn snobby brat.

Adam Roundfield

The beatings will continue until morality improves.

Adam Roundfield

Assert dominance, think them all at the same time and let the cognitive dissonance flow through you, embrace Cthulhu.


Ok so I'm not sure if anyone has said this about the Iz Taleen dungeon before and I'm trying to remember right. Aside from it being huge and swarming with machines there was also a giant golden globe wasn't there? For a while I've been assuming that it is or in part is the third missing sun from this planet that disappeared thousands of years ago. It would make sense for that to be the source of unlimited power that the machines utilize or are created from. I think there was a mention of their mysterious power source before from the elves I think? Does someone remember more? Now that we are somewhat getting back to those dungeons I can't wait to find out more about them.

Silk Soda

nice advertising for Ember to join

Jack Trowell

To be fair, if she used the rest of the class abilities against similar level ennemies she might not have required too much healing, it's just that not everyone is like Ilea fighting ennemies well above their level requiring them to use to the extreme their abilities


I don't see all the Alice hate, yeah she's bitchy, but we've seen worst. The whole betrayal thing is mostly her family and upbringing. It also sounds like her butler is working on that. Eh, idk maybe I just feel there's hope for her yet.


About 475: much better like that, I thought Felicia was secretly arrogant and narcissistic for a second.


Well im not thinking good on alice, seriously she give her the class and the book its a really bad move for 100 years later to give to such a bitch this power, why she dont keep it for later (if she keep it before now in some years when the bluegrass repop she can help the sentinel and the book have information on arcane healing which is the cornetstone to the op aza heal) Seriously retake the book infos on arcane heal aza for sentinel research she doesnt deserve it and later in coming generation its gonna be a problem And the last sentence "A good decision to offer the Bluemoon Grass and books after all." Im confused i vaguely remenber she didnt give the book (that why she was not pretty pissed of for the traitor alice without the book the class cant evolve or get max capacity well or lack some skill) can someone confirm if she really give the book or not? (pretty retard if she really give it like i say in this comment)


She got the class, but is unlikely to get the good evolutions.


I think this showcases one of the problems I have with this story (lately, at least): almost every character that gets developed at all ends up being swept up into Ilea's circle of friends. What happened to the characters that are given personality, but don't become an integral part of the plot? People like the lightning waitress? They make the world seem so much more alive, rather than everybody either being a friend of Ilea, or irrelevant. We need some good characters that remain strangers. Also, I think it's a little strange how attached she is to the Medic Sentinels. If I remember correctly, she said something a few chapters ago about her desire to avenge the death of any of the Sentinels, regardless of the difficulty. Seriously, she's training them to be WARRIORS (and healers), I think it should be evident that some of them are going to die. As it stands, it feels more like she's starting an order of knights (with no specific purpose for existing), than a free organization of battle healers. All of this leads into my theory that her classes ALREADY impact her personality; previously, she was a hunter/warrior, and her personality reflected it. She spent months at a time with no outside contact, just fighting the knights at tremor, and enjoying herself. After she became a Sentinel, she seems to be far more ATTACHED to everything. It's also reflected in her Sentinel Huntress skill: it used to be one of her more useful skills (allowing her to find prey), but now she considers it mostly useless, except as a way for her vast network of friends to contact her in case they need protecting. She is closer to a protector/guardian to a hunter/warrior.


great chapter, tyvm.


Or maybe its the contrary her class evolve in the same direction to her character (soul) And she get revenge for sentinel IF its a fucking order or organisation targeting them not some random monster


yeah I can't stand her tbh. The one side story I read didn't make her any more likable. Whiny, entitled, arrogant, manipulative, and persistently idiotic. W/o Jamie "she ded." pdq I suspect.


I didn't think she gave actual books. I thought they were more like notes and sketches of the forms just so she could unlock the class but not have all the info. I was kind of confused when it said books as well. Maybe I'm remembering wrong?


That is a major question. Highly convenient that she shows up....and just looks like a lost puppy in an Adventurer hall? Kind of weird....esp since we know people have been employed to look for high level healers coming into the city


We're back baybee!


Lol I like how she's glad she gave Alice a strong class just so she can handle being smacked around a bit for trying to fuck Ilea over.


I think the info you just said was just about it, there are theories that the giant glowing globe in Iz could be the third sun, but only theories I think. There was mention in that diary they found about the power source I think, but it was left pretty vague.

Hayden Pech

Woot! Joined a couple months ago to expect 3 chapters a week to be the norm... man have I never been happier to be wrong!


This also gives her access to Corinth Order classes and training methods. If Corinth learns of this, conflict is almost assured. This story line has been developing for some time and may take a big step forward in the next chapter.


I don't remember Alice's storyline well enough, it's quiet literally been years since I last read it. Either way, humbling a fellow healer is kind of fun to watch. Getting 2nd pain tolerance seems absolutely essential if you have a healing class


idk. Even now she's all "Jamie sez I should change" not "I understand I've been a horrible human being". She's everything that's wrong w/ the Corinth, as neatly summarized by the rather adorable new girl.

Michael scott

Thanks for the chapters. Something that I haven't seen talked about yet is the 3rd tier in blast resistance. While game changer is a little much. This is a huge increase in durability. I'm glad she got a 3rd tier resistance that was a little different. Can't wait for some low level meat head to try to pick her up. LoL.


It's nice to see the update rate go up again, but I'd much prefer to have it on five separate days, than on three with two doubles. That way I have something to look forward on most days, and that just feels nicer than two days with larger updates.


I feel Alice has been squandering her potential. Azarinth healer and enchanter seems like it would be very powerful.


Ilea being so violent to a young helpless girl makes it more plausible that the spy and forgivness storyline ends up happening. Her violent impression of Ilea reinforces what her order told her about Ilea. Without that first impression she would probably just confess and it makes us not hate the character as much, since she has a reason to believe that Ilea is evil. It would likely go like this. She betrays Ilea but Ilea forgives her. Then she realizes that Ilea is a good person. Kind of what happened to Whitebeard. Her betrayal would give the corinth some chance to put up a fight.


I think the # patrons (and amt) reflects that it's damn good story, you work really hard (the wordcount/week is huge), and the prose is steadily improving. The pace & volume of updates is a big factor, at least to me; I'm a *lot* less emotionally invested in several reasonably decent stories that only publish tiny additions infrequently and/or irregularly.


100% agree. The only other Patreon i have is Defiance of the Fall. There are some books that are better but i don't patreon them since their updates are slow. I don't care about keeping up to date on the slower novels and just read them in bulk.


Thanks for the chapters! I'm glad you get to really pick up writing again.


Why .... The Clif hanger I been looking forward to this for so long why..😭😭😭😭


Right? She can teleport objects and she can teleport magic, but not magic objects lol

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Can't wait to see how this goes.


Well at least Ilea realizes she's being mean. Hoping for a satisfying conclusion to the whole Alice thing, haha.


I am reading a lot of people saying that Alice is squandering the class.but I disagree with that on the basis that Alice is not Ilea the battle obsessed outworlder who treats everything as a challenge and some outworlder game knowledge


In retrospect I think giving the class to Alice is brilliant. It really highlights how much Ilea had to hustle. Sure she might have had a head start and a better starting class but with class evolutions that shouldn't matter as much. Giving the class to someone who spends most of their time in human affairs (and someone Ilea could beat up) provides a nice contrast.


I only just became a pateon member yesterday. The wait for more chapters was too much for me. There's nothing that has given me more join than reading you story. It never ceased to excite me and whenever i read a chapter, it makes me happy for some reason and always wanting more. Thank you!


It would feel quite cathartic for us too if it weren't for that cliff! *grumble grumble* Anyway, thanks for the chapter(s <- yay, more than 1)


Was really looking forward to her reunion with Alice tho I wasn't expecting Alice to try so hard challenging her. Was hoping Ilea would casually mention her leveling once the fight started


I think she is way to arrogant for how intensly she has been traing.


Pain tol is needed for tanking, which Ilea and the sentinels do. It's not critical for back row healers. W/o giving away plot, in a side story her character and prefs were shown to be very diff from Ilea, despite having nominally the same starting class.


I can't really remember the beef between them. I remember that Ilea gave her the class more out of pity than liking, but that's all. So I don't know how dark this will go, as there are many lessons that Ilea could teach with bringing back from the brink of death.


I mean, if she hated someone enough, Ilea could practically go all Pinhead from Hellraiser on them.

Jah Army

Rastafari liveth and ruleth.


Hey, new patron here. This post in particular would be far more helpful if it was pinned to the top. I had to scroll down and just looked for chapter 479, and only discovered this because I have already read through everything between that and 489. At this point, it's too late for this index to actually make any difference for me at all, but it would have been greatly appreciated about 6 hours ago.


Ahh Alice is back. I barely remember her, but it's nice for Ilea to blow off some steam.