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Author's note February 25th: Hey all. New chapters up and more probably on Thursday.

Have a nice day and let me know what you think :). I'm aware that the pace has slowed down again and that there have been a lot of expository chapters lately. I hope to get the new arc up and running in the next few chapters!

Reminder that it's a webnovel and there are sections of chapters that simply don't pack as much action as others. There's always the option to opt out for a month or two to accumulate chapters if it annoys you too much :).

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Chapter 442 Performance

Nathan walked towards the main hall, careful not to attract any unnecessary attention.

They were supposed to check the notice board at least once at noon and once after dinner, just in case something came up.

For two weeks already he had participated in the strewn together lessons this organization provided. The teachers certainly had charisma and power to boot but the topics they were talking about seemed somewhat random.

“Hey Nathan!” a loud voice resounded to his right.

“Luke,” Nathan said as he turned and nodded to the man.

That was an awkward nod if I’ve ever seen one. He’s a bloody farmer and what? Five, six years younger than you? Get your shit together.

It didn’t help that the man was around twice his size, his clothes barely containing the muscles below.

[Farmer – lvl 28]

“Did you see?” Luke asked as he approached, touching his shoulder.

“We just finished our combat lesson. I didn’t have time yet to check, what is it?” he asked.

Luke grinned and took several steps back. “Classes are canceled this afternoon. We are to gather in the lowest training hall.”

That was indeed some news. “What do you think?”

“What else would it be. Lilith! The dark shadow, clad in ash with wings to darken the suns themselves! She will grace our presence!” Luke exclaimed in a mocking tone.

Some of the other students looked up from their meals or books, some smiling while others seemed annoyed.

“Or they’re going to sacrifice us in some ritual,” Nathan suggested in a whisper.

“Didn’t you work for her before? Show some trust at least. I’m pretty sure this isn’t a scam,” Luke said.

“I worked in a store owned by her, as did many who joined. Doesn’t mean I ever met her. Nor that she is trustworthy. She is rich, that much is sure,” Nathan said and checked the noticeboard.

They had all gotten high quality clothes, good beds and the food was otherworldly. Sometimes that was.

“This is directly from Trian. Sounds good,” Nathan said after reading through the short notice.

Luke stepped up to him and whispered, “Some say he’s a blood mage, you know?”

“And what’s that supposed to mean? Not every blood mage is automatically a monster,” he replied and stepped towards one of the empty tables in the hall.

It was obvious that this place had been furnished rather recently. That should also explain why the food came at different times and how the teachers talked about a variety of subjects in single lessons.

He would have left already if this wasn’t the only place in Ravenhall that offered training in healing. Lilith’s name being attached had certainly helped convince him to join in the first place.

“All I hear from you two is fucking complaining. You get your own room, a bed, clothes and good food. What more could you ever want in life,” Celeste said as she joined the two with a plate piled up high with meat, potatoes and bread, all drenched in gravy.

“Don’t you think it’s weird though? Every store, inn and restaurant associated with the name Lilith is well run and generally of good quality. We’re not learning about a Class at all. Nobody is even a healer here,” Nathan said.

The woman shrugged and started eating, replying with a full mouth. “As I said, food, beds and all. Plus, the training is amazing. I’m pretty sure Sidney is a Shadow.”

“How would you know? Just because we’re in Ravenhall doesn’t mean every other high level warrior you see is a Shadow,” Luke said.

“Just a feeling. I’ve lived on the streets here long enough to be able to tell,” she said.

“I wanted to ask you before…,” Nathan started, looking around as the words got stuck in his throat.

“Spit it out rich boy,” she said in between bites, barely looking at him.

“Is it true, the demon summoning?” he finally asked.

“Maybe you shouldn’t-” Luke said.

He was interrupted by Celeste holding up a piece of bone. “Why? It happened. Nearly everyone died. I hid for weeks in the underground. Good thing the demons had a shit nose and eyes. The rats were a worse threat.”

“They say if a demon kills you, your corpse stands up again and becomes one of them,” Nathan said.

The stories that had reached his village had been horrifying. And fascinating.

“I didn’t see that. But there were a lot of them… more than I saw at the beginning. And there were no corpses. Could just be they ate everyone,” Celeste explained as she bit into a juicy chicken leg.

“Do you three mind if I sit here?” a new voice joined them, a woman with striking blue eyes, long black hair in a single braid falling down her back. She wore simple but high quality clothes.

Nathan felt the hair on his neck stand up but he didn’t exactly know why.

[Healer – lvl ??]

Ah, she’s a high level too.

“Finally, a fucking healer,” Celeste said with a grin. “You’re a new teacher? Nice to meet you. Celeste,” she said and offered her greasy hand.

The woman smiled and sat down, grabbing the hand as she placed down a plate even more stacked than Celeste’s.

“I’m a substitute teacher or something,” the woman said and started eating. “Nice to meet you all,” she said after swallowing.

Celeste eyed her plate but soon focused onto her own again.

“I don’t think it’s true,” Luke said.

“What?” Nathan asked.

“That people rise again after a demon kills them,” he clarified.

“I’ve seen it happen,” the woman spoke, surprising the three.

“Really?” Nathan asked. “How could they be defeated then?”

“The demon was only level fifty after it rose. Still dangerous but it was killed by a brave warrior right after,” she said.

Celeste snorted.

“Great. Just what I expected,” the girl said.

Nathan could have sworn he saw a smile twitch on the healer’s mouth.

“Will you teach us your Class?” Luke asked.

“No. It’s a rare one. I doubt any of you could learn it. The pay is good though so I agreed. I’ll show you some healing magic at the very least,” the woman said.

She doesn’t look much older than me. Still feels like she’s ancient.

“Do you know what the assembly is about?” Nathan asked her.

“Assembly?” the healer asked.

“It’s probably about the new healer they managed to hire,” Celeste said and nodded her way. “In half an hour or so. Lowest level of this castle.”

“Not exactly a castle, is it?” Luke asked.

“I believe it was a joke,” Nathan said.

The healer leaned forward and smiled. “Tell me, what do you think of this place? I’m not sure if I want to get stuck here, even with the pay.”

“It’s… new. It’s supposedly owned by Lilith,” Luke said. “The food is good, the classes are interesting and I’ve learned more about fighting than I did in my eighteen years.”

“You’re a fucking farmer, Luke. Of course you don’t know shit about fighting,” Celeste said with a chuckle.

“Who’s Lilith?” the healer asked.

“You’re not from around here then?” Luke said with a smile. “She’s the greatest there ever was! Providing employment to thousands. She’s the richest and most beautiful woman in existence, her ashen wings are legendary. I’m pretty sure she’s a Shadow too. Never met her though. A mystery really.” His voice indicated he was joking.

Nathan looked at the healer before his eyes opened wide. He watched her glance at him, her eyes ice. Something in his brain told him to run but all he could do was sit there, anything he would have wanted to say got stuck.

It’s her!

A random healer suddenly appearing before an assembly? The first of its kind? It has to be.

Stay calm, he thought and found her attention was back on Luke.

The man was babbling about the legend that was Lilith.

“… wings powerful and righteous, she landed to defend the weak!” he sang, getting boos from the people sitting somewhat close. His voice really wasn’t the best.

“Do you have a singing skill?” the woman asked.

“Not yet. I won’t let them discourage me!” Luke exclaimed.

She laughed. “Don’t. I’ve seen miracles happen. Yours might just come true.”

Nathan had a hard time breathing. Right until she touched his shoulder. Something warm flowed into him, his mind calming down immediately.

“Are you alright? You looked a little pale,” she said.

“He has his moments. The scars should tell you enough,” Celeste said.

“Don’t,” Luke hissed.

The girl rolled her eyes and continued eating in silence.

“It’s alright. You calmed down, right?” the healer said.

Nathan nodded. It felt wrong. He touched his neck, could feel the skin, burnt and disfigured. “I’m… fine,” he said.

“Well, that was interesting. Let’s hope we meet her at the assembly. Sounds like a terrifically unreal person,” she said and got up. “Fifteen minutes?”

“Yes, ma’am. Just take the stairs and go down all the way. Can’t miss it,” Luke said.

Nathan glanced at her once more. Her movements seemed different to him now. Lethal. Like the monsters he had seen in the woods. Like the soldiers.

“How the fuck?” Celeste exclaimed, looking at the empty late next to hers.

“You got beaten,” Luke said with a laugh. He patted Nathan on his back and smiled. “You okay?”

Nathan nodded. Should I tell them? No. She’ll reveal it herself. Why talk to us first? She wanted to know about the rumors?

“We should go too, finish your plate Celeste,” Luke said and got up.

The girl rolled her eyes and stood up too, taking her plate with her. “Sorry, Nathan,” she said as she walked past.

At least she apologizes. Not the reason I freaked out however.

He followed the two in silence, glancing at the others as they fell in from the various floors.

One class looked properly battered, showing bruises from the heavy steel armor they had to wear during combat lessons. At least they had armor, otherwise the teachers would rip them apart.

Aki stepped into the broad stairwell on the fifth floor down, glancing over the students with his shining green eyes.

Many looked away, not about to challenge the being.

Nathan looked back. It fascinated him. A machine, capable of thought and as deadly as the strongest warriors he had ever seen. Nobody knew what it was or how it could exist. One of the rules was not to talk about it to outsiders. He was pretty sure Aki would actually like to face some challengers form the city.

Maybe a Shadow or two would be interested in fighting him.

They soon reached the bottom floor, much of the stairwell here not quite finished yet. Stone rubble covered the ground. It felt more like a cave than part of a building, let alone the headquarters of a healing order.

Not order, organization, he reminded himself. Trian made it clear that they shouldn’t be associated with the known healing orders. Good thing too, Nathan thought.

He was there as well. All the teachers were, including the new healer. Maybe it isn’t her? he thought, watching her greet the others. Their expressions were a mixture of confusion and understanding. Lyza was the only one that didn’t seem to care at all. Nothing new there.

People were talking amongst each other, whispering about what this was all about.

“What do you think, Nathan?” Luke asked, standing next to him.

“Not sure,” was all he said.

He watched the healer talk to Trian before the man nodded. She vanished and appeared in front of the murmuring students. Some heads turned to her but most people didn’t even notice.

“Greetings everyone,” she said, her voice barely reaching the second row of people.

Her head tilted to the side.

Nathan watched her, their eyes meeting as he saw a grin form on her lips.

He gulped.

A whistle resounded through the large stone hall, clear and with a high pitch.

‘ding’ ‘You have heard the call of a powerful healer. You are paralyzed for five seconds.’


He couldn’t move an inch. The murmuring had died down in an instant, everybody frozen in place. The healer was still looking at him, her eyes soon moving over the large group of assembled people.

“Now that I have your attention. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Medic Sentinels. My name is Ilea, or otherwise known as Lilith,” she spoke.

I knew it!

The five seconds had passed and he could move again, taking a deep breath as he looked around at the confused group of people. Nobody dared make a sound.

“Fuck,” Luke said in a whisper.

Lilith looked at him and smiled. “I apologize for showing up so late. Now… in the coming weeks, I’ll take over your afternoon lessons. If I’m available.”

She walked a little closer and sat down on the ground. “Come on, don’t be scared of me. Form a half circle and sit down.”

Don’t be scared? Are you kidding me?

“Really?” someone behind him whispered.

“Yes, really,” Lilith said and looked straight at him.

She heard that?

“What you heard before is as skill called Monster Hunter. I got it from fighting creatures well beyond my level. Time and time again,” she explained.

Nathan gulped. “You’re a healer,” he said, looking straight at her.

She smiled. “Yes. Yes I am. Now come everyone, sit down with me. Today, I’ll show you what healers can do.”

Nathan couldn’t help but smile, pushing past some of the stunned people before he sat down somewhat close to the woman. It took all his guts but he didn’t come here to fool around. This was his chance at power and he wouldn’t waste it.

The others slowly followed suit, sitting down in a half circle as the woman had instructed.

She sat with her knees close to her chest, hugging them in a casual way.

“Why are you here?” she asked after a while.

“Free food,” someone said.

Nobody chuckled, except Lilith herself.

“We are supposed to become healers,” someone else said.

“Combat healers,” Luke said.

Now some people did chuckle.

“Combat healers… it’s the description we have. I like Medic as well,” Lilith said with a smile. “You still came here of course, even though you think it a laughable notion?” she looked at the few people who had chuckled.

“Healers are weak,” Celeste spoke, her voice serious.

“They’re supposed to stay behind walls, take care of the injured and sick,” someone else said.

“I heard healers get killed if they’re not part of the guard or an order.”

“I want to become a healer,” Luke said. “I don’t care if it’s a weak class but I want to be able to help people, protect them.”

“My father died in my arms and I couldn’t do anything,” a man said.

Nathan knew him. Ford. Didn’t speak much and his level was too high for him to see. A mage, like himself.

“If we are with an organization, we won’t have to fear the orders,” Hadley said, a level thirty eight alchemist.

Nathan had thought her shy before but now she was speaking up.

“Why didn’t you join an order then? Or the guard? The imperial military?” Lilith asked.

“Fuck the empire,” someone said.

A murmur went through the group.

“The Sentinels are here to support adventurers, we should help fight monsters, not people,” Luke said.

“Few healers are out there, protecting and healing the most powerful humans. The Orders don’t care about adventurers and neither do the cities, as long as their walls are secure,” someone said.

That’s Lorelei, he thought. She was one of the oldest here, probably close to thirty. A warrior and nearly as packed with muscle as Luke was.

“Precisely,” Ilea said. “Now I won’t lie to you all. I got the healing class that I have on accident. It requires physical contact to heal and is thus not the best to support a team,” she stood up and smiled.

“Those of you who think healers are weak or ineffective in combat are wrong. I’m a Shadow. I’ve been to the north. I have seen and fought creatures that people write stories about. And I’ve learned quite a bit in my journey.”

“We need healers. Independent and ready to support Adventurers and Shadows in their missions. How is humanity supposed to grow and prevail if our strongest keep dying while our healers keep armies alive that fight against other humans?” she asked.

“Now, I can tell that many of you have doubts. Why wouldn’t you? You should very much think for yourself. So instead, we’ll try a little demonstration. Just to show you a small bit of what is possible. If you put in the work, the pain and sweat that is required. Healing magic is the most powerful thing we have at our disposal.”

A single tendril of ash came to life behind her, some people shifting where they sat.

“Ash. It is the element of my second Class. Now many Classes have the ability to heighten resilience, defense, speed. Many provide powerful spells and ways to destroy. What is unique about us healers…,” she said, holding out her arm as the ash suddenly lashed out.

Faster than Nathan could perceive. A sickening noise resounded when it pierced flesh.

Some people looked away. Not as many as Nathan would have expected. We are not that different, are we?

“This is my arm,” Ilea said, holding the severed limb with her remaining one. “You might notice my lack of concern. There are skills that reduce pain. The main one is a general skill called Pain Tolerance. If a skill reaches level twenty and levels once again, it advances to the second tier. The benefit of Pain Tolerance in the second tier is the complete removal of pain. Should I choose to do so.”

“I won’t force any of you to acquire this skill but the benefits are extraordinary,” she said and waved at the group with her severed arm.

“This is quite a problem, isn’t it?” she said. “I was injured. My arm taken. I can’t hold my weapon, I can’t concentrate on my spell because of the pain. I will bleed out soon. If I survive, the wound might infect. If I can’t find a capable healer in a couple days, I have lost my arm forever.”

“Watch,” she said, looking at the wound close to her shoulder, tissue reforming in an insane speed. Bone, muscle and skin, right until her hand closed once more into a fist.

“I still ruined one of my shirts but you get the idea,” Lilith said and threw the severed arm behind herself.

Nathan couldn’t keep the grin from his face. His heart was drumming in his chest as he forced himself to look, watching the blood slowly flow down the perfectly reformed arm.



I'm really excited to see what will be in the Medic Sentinel class (because for sure that's what it'll be)


I cant wait for her finding the golden lilie and fight the healing orders. Good Chapter:)

Sebastian Prue

I really like these slow chapters, she's spent so much time fighting and surrounded by creatures of insane power that these chapters where she's talking to a level 28 farmer boy really helps put everything in perspective. Without them the story would have gotten boring really fast because it would be a numbers game where she gains a few numbers and then she goes and fight something with a higher number than the chapter before. This way we actually see how powerful she really is


I agree. People were complaining about the Descent largely become a monster of the week adventure then complaining when the action slowed down. I'm personally looking forward towards a bit of interaction with normal people, a bit of intrigue, and school building.


Well, that’s how you get disciples not just students. Meh, it’s probably fine.


oh :( I where hoping she where going to cut of her own head and heal it back again :)


Wow, I really liked the POV of someone looking at Ilea! Also, I have really been enjoying all of these slow chapters, so just keep up the good work!


Its nice to see the world from an other pov for once 😁


I think that she plans to keep that a secret. Also, you want to impress the students, not scare and scar them!


Oh come on, 'the call of a powerful healer'? At least make it 'mighty being', really, the 'powerful healer' part is such a 'wtf?!?' moment... and the call part makes me think of animals and their mating calls ('and that was the mating call of a powerful healer searching for its partner' - spoken in a british accented male voice on a documentary on animal planet :P ) Anyway thanks for the chapters.


..... now I have to wait 2 days again ( 0, - 0, )


She’s going to abuse monster hunter and I love it


You gotta remember what the Fae said, the messages are how your mana reacts to you. So it's gonna be based on the people's perceptions just like how Ilea's messages are continually getting more snarky. They only see her as a healer, so that's what message they'll receive


Good stuff. Ah... that was great when she used monster hunter. I looks like Trian did a good job of selecting people that had the same general mindset as Ilea. I kinda hope she spars with Aki in front of them since they still think healers are all weak.


if she said something like 'Do you wish to gain immortality? Then join me' and cut her own head off, picked it up and held it in front of herself while she laughed manically, she'd have herself a cult.


Oh my God, I have once again fallen in love with the story. That is more than I had hoped for. Flexing time ^^ I agree with the rest, calmer chapters are nothing wrong and important for the story. They also make the reader relax a bit, therefore making the next increase in pace noticable again. You can only increase the tension till a certain degree without inventing stupid "chalenges" that will only make the story feel meaningless (Star Wars went that route, I mean every time a biger Death Star... seriously???) So every now and than you need to release most of the imidiate tension until the reader has calmed down. I personaly wouldnt mind a whole arc about the healing organisation. Even better would be a few arcs in the human planes with a big part being the progression of the healing organisation without focusing on it all the time. I think you should do your thing though. Until now I have enjoyed every chapter without exception so I am sure you will do just the thing even I do not know I have craved for :D


Nice chapter, and the shift in POV was great


Love the chapter! My prayers were answered :D


That chapter was great and how she presents this. And the casual display of losing an arm was great and just shows them what they could do!


I start to wonder about how healing orders structure their leadership. I mean... they'll need enforcers who seem not to be healers at all, if even healing order healers are seen as weak in combat. How do the elders stay in power, if they don't have enough power themselfs?


I still don't get why she's even starting this order. Isn't the whole point of this story that she ISN'T trying to be a hero/save humanity/improve the world or whatever? Please just be a good little Ilea and run around beating monsters to death. Leave humanity to people that actually understand things like politics (Eve was awesome). It honestly sometimes feels like the only reason she interacts with humans is that she can show off. Be a 'hunter', not a 'sentinel'!


Thanks for the chapters! Looking forward to the healing orders conflict, what healer class her organisation will unlock and the requirements and skills.


Starting to wonder if class description affects how people behave. She started caring more about how humanity is faring after becoming Azarinth sentinel or maybe I am reading too much into it.


the pace is fine don't worry about changing the speed :)


Whoa, I just realized that this is basically a Xianxia (tropes, tropes, tropes ...), just with 'kill to get stronger' instead of 'cultivate to get stronger'.


I think it's been stated or at least implied that they are insanely rich from charging for their healing services and can hire mercs


Great chapter! Thank you!


Naaah. There is little to no resources hunting, pills, bizzare ceremonies, etc to perform to get stronger. Just be good at killing things. Only lately has the story been a tad bit grindy with the levelling but she is one of the strongest humans, if not the strongest period, right now too.

Thomas dupre

Pace is fine right now don't worry. Those who complain are a loud minority.


Might be just me, but this was my favourite chapter of them all. This is precisely what I love about this story, the interactions with the world. I was a bit bored by the Descent, we all know in the end she perseveres and prevails, this is where the real magic is at. Again just my opinion, but some of us love this pacing more so don't rush it please !

Adam Roundfield

They say the Azarinth classes are so powerful because of the extreme unlock requirement, the changes the blue elixer makes to the body along with a 35% death rate. Depending on how it is measured one could argue that having pain tolerance in the second tier, along with x number of additional resistance skills (with all the improvements they make to the body and the chances of death happening while acquiring them) is a far more extreme unlock requirement...


first time posting :D this story has gone from good to great and then beyond over the years and i could not be happier to have found it. I love the character and the world you've built and this chapter is a perfect illustration of how llea has developed and the world arround her has grown. Please never stop writing!


This would be a bad time to start a long arc with a slow pace, since the chapter release rate is going to be cut in half or worse starting next month. I think slowing the pace down now until the end of the month is good, but the next arc should pick up the pace again or next month will seem ridiculously slow.


Maybe I'm cheap, but I could read dozens of chapters from different pov's. Them struggling, or just watching something, as Ilea comes by and does badassery. One of my favorites is where she cleans a town of demons with some shadows and we see it from the perspective of that imperial scout.


Ilea interacting with normal people, or having their POV while she interacts with/around them are some of my favorite chapters!


I like this chapter but I'm pretty much the opposite most of the time. One or two every thirty or forty chapters is nice for the perspective but their are so many other web novels that are constantly jumping between side character povs. One of Azirinth Healers biggest draws for me is how Ilea centric it is. Not bogged down by trying to change the world or constantly explaining her world viewbor random pics


I love when you put from another person's point of view you make it soo easy please never stop weighting i love your story


I think most people would choose a 100% chance of torture over a 35% chance of death any day.

Han Pol

I wonder if it makes a difference, if she does it like this with just a harmless call to get the attention, or if she roars for effect in real combat.


Literally. When you get the POV of someone new, you know someone is about to be badass.


Please keep showing Ilea from the low level adventurer perspective! We don't get enough outside perspective of how awesome Ilea is.

Chad Hagner

I'm ready for Ilea to train up her medics! You know as soon as they become powerful she's gonna turn into momma bear and fuck up anyone that messes with them! Bwahahhahahahhaha

Tim Deral


Bobby B.


Bobby B.

I’m thinking; class advancements like Apprentice Sentinel Lv. 1-99 Medic Sentinel Lv. 100-199 Exultant Sentinel Lv. 200-299 Veteran Sentinel Lv. 300-399 (Speculation) Undying Sentinel Lv. 400+


Thanks for the chapters. Excellent as always

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Wait, so what's the math on how long people are paralyzed for?

Rip Woodham

Honestly, I want to see more of Instructor Ilea than anything else at this point. Even 350. I usually like for her to be alone but for monsters in some dark place, but I deeply enjoy this and it's a nice change of pace for now. 350 will come in good time. Let Ilea stay for a while. Teach, show, tell, learn, grow, and protect.

Tim Deral

She attac But she also protecc😛😂


I just want the students to ask her questions and her tell them “o yeah I learned that while I had my arm down a Wyverns throat”


And weirdly specific advice, like don't go skinny dipping in dwarven acid until you have corrosion resist 4+

Tyler B

She should have trian cut off her head. That'd be pretty hilarious.


Some writing advice I read once was that if you want your character to appear to be a badass then write scenes from the perspective of others. And wow! This chapter delivered. To Ilea that was nothing but to all these random's and (presumably low levelled people) it's incredible and you get to see that what she is really is quite incredible (I still have the advice saved somewhere if you're interested). Keep up the good work!

Thaabit Rivertree

Executor 1 a person who executes, carries out, or performs some duty, job, assignment, artistic work, etc. 2(Law.) a person named in a decedent's will to carry out the provisions of that will. I don't think this is the word you meant. Maybe you meant executioner? Executor is usually used in a legal sense, for carrying out wills and disbursement of assets.

David Brims

Hard to tell. There wasn't a readily apparent correlation between the 5 second stun time and the ability level (2nd tier level 2 I think).

L Pedersen

I thought it made sense to use executor. They would be carrying out the will of the organization, executing their mandate if you will. I think it makes more sense for an organization of healers to have executors than executioners =/


Not sure he is able to. Cutting someones head is dann hard Irl. Doing it vs Ilea even with all defenses activated probably is not possible for a 220 mage

Alan McBrayer

It has to do with their resilience and veteran skill level. Also I believe Ilea is capable of controlling how powerful her growls are.